the best thing about the slip-not matting is it comes in 3′ x 3′ interlocking squares and can be trimmed using a stanley knife and metal edge to custom fit your layout.
in the photo below I’ve trimmed the edges to fit around the cabinets which were already mounted to the floor. the yellow edging strip is also trimmable to suit.
if flooring gets damaged you can remove a 3 x 3 section and cheaply replaced; the floor in the image above is 20 months old and has a proper battering (you can see the paint peeling on the workstand bases) but not had to replace any tiles yet. I wash the floor twice a week with detergent / bleach to get it “clean”
we always have spare tiles just in case, which also allowed me to do a smaller mat for our workshop reception, it was originally built with hard plastic tile flooring which was ruined after 16 months of trading and required regular steam cleaning