Being annoyed by Rob Warner telling a drinking story from ‘back in the day’ is a bit like being annoyed with lions for not being vegetarian. You really should know better.
fair comment…. :-)…… I did not care for the antics then nor now, I think it made a mockery then of the money thrown at extreme sports plus how little rob warner cared
Same as the silly stories of what retired rugby players used to get up to before the onslaught of professionalism.
fair comment and been there as a rugby player some things stay on tour but as a story it is pretty poor to show
if that story is told about two young lads from a council estate it would be a complete different representation
I appreciate that modern day riders work really hard etc but done are just full….step forward the likes of Gee, Gwin and co. Some look like they actually enjoy it….Stevie, Ratboy and a few others
people should enjoy the level of sport they get to but also respect themselves and others none of which warner and peaty did in that story
for me shows Peaty in a poor light even though I have always felt he was a good fellow and see Ratboys comments in STW article on all the help Peaty showed.