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  • Women and house rules?
  • WorldClassAccident
    Free Member

    How come women get to choose the ‘Right’ place for things?

    Where are my cycling shorts?
    In the third drawer down
    Why aren’t they in with all my other cycling gear?
    Because the 3rd drawer down is the right place for them?

    Also and possibly related

    How do they find things that I have been searching for hours for?

    Free Member

    … because they have help from the voices in their heads!

    Free Member

    I have to agree to nodding along to the whole butter knife, personal knife, jam spoons things…

    I hate crumbs of toast or remnants of Jam/Pate/Vegemite left in the butter – but I found a much easier way to deal with it….. I just don’t eat butter any more


    Free Member

    Have an affair with someone younger and more attractive.

    Free Member

    jojoA1 – Member

    glenh – Member
    There are some interesting wives out there it seems.
    Mine hardly ever tidys anything up.

    And her bike is in the dining room.

    I think my partner has a log in that I don’t know about, cos that’s me that is… except that my bike is in the kitchen.

    And I thought papadirt had logged in as glenh.

    WorldClassAccident – Member

    How come women get to choose the ‘Right’ place for things?

    Dunno about that one, but I reckon if I’m in charge of tidying then I can make as much mess as I like, where I like. This week I shall mostly be building a new BMX in the kitchen 😀

    Free Member

    Oh nuts, I’ve gone off tinker-belle slightly.


    Free Member

    LOL @ BigDummy

    I’ve got to have at least one “odd thing” otherwise I apparently don’t count as female 😉

    Full Member

    The truth is that they all possess strange magical powers, designed deliberately to humiliate us.

    A typical conversation usually goes:

    “Where are my gloves dear?”
    “They’re in the second drawer down”
    “No they’re not. I’ve looked in there”
    “Are we talking a ‘proper’ look, or a ‘Man-look’?”
    “it was definately a ‘proper’ look,. They’re not there”

    She will then open the drawer and produce them. ITS WITCHCRAFT!!!!!!! WITCHCRAFT I TELL YOU!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    My wife is an expert when it comes down to whether it’s cold or not
    & she is always right & won’t hear it any other way – she even claims that the thermometer on the thermostat is incorrect if it dares to differ from her findings

    Free Member

    Don;t start on the temperature – It is December so it is freezing and we will have the heating on 300c.

    But darling, there is sunshine and butterflies in tha garden

    So what? It is December so it is freezing, now stop walking around in your underpants and put a sweater on

    Free Member

    How do they find things that I have been searching for hours for?

    because you do a mans look.

    Free Member

    My missus insists on having the back door open to ‘air’ the house, then asks me what i’m doing when i turn the heating off at the boiler!

    Full Member

    Actually I’m very good at finding things, much to my wife’s annoyance. She will curse me for telling her exactly where something is without me even looking!
    I think I must have some form of photographic memory for useless stuff like this.

    She also claims I’m much better at tidying up than her! But I suspect this is just a ruse to get me to do it :/

    Free Member

    Ok so it seems that most women can find items that we have lost within seconds of starting to look for them but i can get my own back by repeating word for word what she has just said to me even if i haven’t been listening to her,,,,

    Drives her up the **** wall 😀 😀

    So gents what are you able to do that the other half finds annoying, keep it clean 😉

    Free Member

    bigsi – i do that too. sends her loopy.

    Full Member

    I regularly receive calls at work from Mrs North asking me if I know where her shoes/make-up/coatthe car is. No, I don’t. Are they where she put them? She doesn’t know, because nothing is ever put in the same place twice!

    She’s fundamentally incapable of being tidy. Nowhere has a place, everyhting gradually becomes stren across floors.

    Now, I’m also untidy, but I’m untidy in the same way in the same places, but she’s untidy entirely randomly.

    Mind you, by her own admission, when it comes to stuff like this I’ve got a duff model.

    Free Member

    Just stare really lovingling into her eyes when she is trying to talk to you.

    She : Right, we need some shopping
    You : Uhuh (loving stare)
    She : Let’s go to Tesco then
    You : Uhuh, sigh!
    She : Wipe that dopey look off your face or your not getting it for the rest of the week!

    Free Member

    This week I shall mostly be building a new BMX in the kitchen

    I think I’m in love with Mamadirt! 😳 🙂

    Free Member

    She : Wipe that dopey look off your face or your not getting it for the rest of the week!

    You mean your married & get It more than once a week, now I know your bending the truth 😉

    Free Member

    Mrs Down thinks that just cos she wants to do all ‘her’ chores in the morning that we all have to get up at 6am, despite us all leaving for work/school at 8.20 – 8.25, I have learned to take the dogs for hour long morning walks…

    …now I like to do ‘my’ chores in the evening, but any noise or movement (or stressing around in Mrs down speak)after 8pm is simply unacceptable. I used to live in innocent ignorance that life 20 minutes before leaving the house in the morning existed, ahh happy days.

    shh dont tell anyone especially Mrs Down, but I couldn’t live without my morning walks anymore…

    Full Member


    MrsFlash it is so true……soooo true. I’m not pretending to be tidy, but I can find stuff, cus I’m a woman :-D.

    Free Member

    kinda666 – Member
    My missus insists on having the back door open to ‘air’ the house, then asks me what i’m doing when i turn the heating off at the boiler!

    tick here on that one is mrs antigee airing elsewhere i ask

    Free Member

    I thought I was alone…
    All these comments above have shown me that I have a normal wife, and is not doing the stoopid things she does just to annoy me. 😯

    Free Member

    Rudeboy! Oooooh, young maaaan 😉

    Full Member

    Our shoes are kept underneath the stairs on a rack.
    I know where everything is in the house. if mr. B had his way then they would be all piled up in the centre of the lounge.

    He puts all his cycling gear on the stairs. I t drives me mad.

    Free Member

    clareymorris – Member


    MrsFlash it is so true……soooo true. I’m not pretending to be tidy, but I can find stuff, cus I’m a woman :-D.

    LOL. Not met a woman yet that’s particularly good at finding things. I on the other hand may inhabit a mess, but it’s an organised mess, and I pretty much know where everything is and can find it very quickly! 😉

    Free Member

    The one that gets to me everytime is when I ask for her car keys & the answer “they are in my handbag”

    How does that help? Her handbag can be anywhere.

    Free Member

    “Manlook”. I like that one – I do it all the time.
    “Where’s…” “Over there” before I’ve even finished the sentence!

    I knew I was manlooking for something in the bathroom this morning, no-one around to ask, so I must’ve rotated around that bathroom 4 times before I saw it, right there, next to the sink, where I had started my mansearch.

    WCA, get a dog. Then she’ll give up on the tidiness. Combined with a man and a child, it’s just become a losing battle. Ha!

    Free Member

    my mrs to be fair to her is not bad, rides a bike… understands that new bike bits are more important than food etc however she has a nice R32 that she leaves unlocked all of the time anywhere allnight allday allweek when we are away. this it has to be said does my napper in.
    she returns home from work…
    me: have you locked your car?
    her: ill do it later
    me: 🙄

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