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  • Windows 7 – Anyone using it
  • lowey
    Full Member

    Installed it tonight, and I have to say very impressed. Very slick, installs all the drivers automatically and some real nice features… seems very slick and fast too.

    Anyone else using it ?

    Free Member

    Nope, XP here. Will probably ditch M$ and use Linux when the time comes to change.

    Free Member

    Yes been using it for a while. Seems ok some nice touches, like the new screen capture utility

    Free Member

    I’m waiting for it to be available on new systems and then I’ll buy one with it installed.

    Full Member

    Well you can get the Release Candidate version for free at the moment. 12 month licence to see if you like it.

    Free Member

    Release Candidate version

    In normal English, what does it mean?

    Free Member

    Nah – I’d rather get it pre-installed on a PC that’s been all tested and so on. I cannae be arsed re-building the one I have and it’ll likely be a wee bit underpowered for it (and then I’d have to do another rebuild next year too….)

    Free Member

    The RC version is “pre-prodution”. Think of it as an extended public beta test. However, it’s unlikely there will be any major changes now as the “production” version has been sent to all the PC manufacturers and software houses. The RC version is freely downloadable from Microsoft but will expire next year.

    Free Member

    Yeh been using it for 2 weeks now after the computer pretty much slowed to a halt with Vista. Seems much faster and bug free but that might just be the clean install!

    Full Member

    Yes been using it for a while. Seems ok some nice touches, like the new screen capture utility

    Is that like the screen capture feature I’ve had on my PowerBook for the last six years, and on my iPhone for six months?

    Free Member

    Surely Windows has had screen capture for years and years. Just press the PrtScn button.

    Full Member

    Is that like the screen capture feature I’ve had on my PowerBook for the last six years, and on my iPhone for six months?

    erm… You’ve been able to capture the screen in Windows since at least Windows 95, possibly earlier, by using PrintScreen key on the keyboard. The “new” screen capture just adds a few more options so you’d don’t have to bother installing SnagIt or a similar app.

    I’m still using Vista64 here and pretty happy with it. Not seen any compelling reasons to go to Win7 yet.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    erm… You’ve been able to capture the screen in Windows since at least Windows 95, possibly earlier,

    Windows 3.1 – 1992 IIRC

    Full Member

    Yep, sounds about right. Nice that Apple have finally caught up 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve heard from a friend that Windows 7 will run much better than Vista on lower spec machines. He has it running well on an ancient pentium (4 i think).

    I’m interested in using it on my laptop but nervous that my apps won’t work, any info on compatibility?

    Free Member

    I believe that Windows 7 will also run on Netbooks. Vista is too much and too pricy) for Netbooks which is why they run XP instead

    Free Member

    acjim – Win7 also has an XP compatability mode

    Free Member

    Used to use screen capture on a mac definitely in 95, and pretty certain the early 90s.

    Free Member

    So when will we see Windows 7 installed as std by the major PC manufacturers?

    Free Member

    Been using 7 for a while now in various guises. Very happy with it. Every piece of usb hardware I have, and firewire has been detected and installed and is fully working.

    Odd bits of software doesn’t work but does seem to in XP or Vista compat mode. It just feels nicer than xp64 or vista64. I’ve got is dual boot with v64 on the offchance that something i used doesn’t work, but I’ve not used Vista for months now.

    Free Member

    shaunthesheep – Member

    So when will we see Windows 7 installed as std by the major PC manufacturers?

    Released on 22nd of October they reckon.

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