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  • Will religion ever die out and make the world a better place?
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    I actually think it is more likely that people will rebel against science than it will against religion.

    I’m constantly trying to rebel against the laws of physics. Sadly physics always wins.

    Full Member

    Don’t want to piss on your chips Spin but there was a huge amount of religious and spiritual references in Star Trek…

    Free Member

    Wars are usually about a number of things not just religion however having god on your side can be quite the excuse to do really, really awful things. I hope religion dies, I know it will not.

    Free Member

    Don’t want to piss on your chips Spin but there was a huge amount of religious and spiritual references in Star Trek

    Don’t recall any jews, muslims or christians though.

    Muslamic ray guns maybe…

    Full Member

    I was thinking more of Vulcans…

    Full Member

    Actually that’s one I missed of my post in the guilty pleasures thread. I really love some of the Star Trek output!

    Free Member

    I see no reason to “tolerate” religion. It’s vacuous gibberish, responsible for indoctrinating children into dogma and holds back the human race from facing up to it’s real condition. We’re born, we live, we die. Grow up and deal with it.

    If you don’t like me saying it, that’s your problem. Likewise on behalf of the two great men heirin abused. 😛

    Full Member

    Science doesn’t have all the answers to all the questions.

    As Dara O’Brian said, “science knows it doesn’t have all the answers, otherwise it’d stop.”

    but where do all the calculators go?

    Silicon heaven, clearly.

    This “religion is the cause of all wars” thing is becoming something of an easy excuse for not looking into the true causes of war, which I think are power and greed, amongst other things. It’s almost being used by some atheists to excuse themselves of any responsibility for current unrest in the world.

    Religion doesn’t cause wars.

    It is, however, often a bloody good excuse for one.

    religion has the answer to the one big question, which science does not I.e. what happens after we die.


    Religion claims to have the answer to that question. Big, big difference.

    Free Member

    Religions are artificial constructs to unite people in single cause so whilst religions may disappear country’s and ideologies, Marxism, capitalism etc won’t.
    Unless we can have a no ideology ideology but imagine even that would have its opponents.

    Full Member

    Likewise on behalf of the two great men heirin abused.


    Free Member

    If people find peace and hope in faith, then that’s a good thing. If Catholic priests abuse children, then that’s a bad thing. Organised religion can abuse its power and corrupt innocents, which is surely the epitome of evil. That crap must be eliminated from modern society.

    Free Member

    jamj1974 – Member

    I was thinking more of Vulcans…

    Vulcans are Buddhist with their logical thinking.


    Free Member

    So lets just say there is no religion and there never was any from day dot. In that ideal world would all the shortcomings of mankind not exist. Far from it men would still kill take that which is not theirs and oppress their fellow men. We just have to accept that many people out there are good decent humans but many aren’t and those are the ones you’re gonna hear about cos Mr and Mrs Regular just ain’t interesting enough.

    Full Member

    religion has the answer to the one big question, which science does not I.e. what happens after we die.

    No, it has a made up story.

    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member

    religion has the answer to the one big question, which science does not I.e. what happens after we die.

    No, it has a made up story.

    You are going to turn carbon/dust slowoldman … the clock is ticking. How much time left? Or how long do you think you will survive?


    Full Member

    I shall decompose or oxidise depending how I am disposed of.

    Full Member

    I love the idea that one day parts of me could be a star or floating in space…

    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member

    I shall decompose or oxidise depending how I am disposed of.

    You can always donate your remain to science for scientific research you know. That is the logical scientific way … Keep the cost down too etc because your family members do not have to bear the cost of getting a plot for you. Burial is not cheap nowadays. Ya, you need not worry about how the living feel anymore coz you are gone … carbon. If I were your family member I will sell off your remains for profit to apply absolute logic … 😈 However, if you still feel for the living while dying then that is not logical to the point of absurd in the mind of science so sadness should not play a part. Carbon is the ultimate.

    Yes? 😯

    jamj1974 – Member

    I love the idea that one day parts of me could be a star or floating in space…

    Floating in space? You wish. How do you get beyond the earth atmosphere eh? Rocket? No way someone will fund your remains to be deposited in space … I rather they recycle your remains by feeding to endanger vultures in the Himalaya alps … 😆

    Full Member

    Carbon is the ultimate. Yes?

    I think you’ll find photons are the ultimate.

    I rather they recycle your remains by feeding to endanger vultures in the Himalaya alps

    I quite like the idea of sky burial, but I don’t think it’s allowed in the Peak District.

    Full Member

    Floating in space? You wish. How do you get beyond the earth atmosphere eh? Rocket? No way someone will fund your remains to be deposited in space … I rather they recycle your remains by feeding to endanger vultures in the Himalaya alps …

    I was thinking over the scale of billions of years! Not in a couple of decades! Open pyre for me in the short-term though…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    How does inanimate matter (which is what your brain is) give rise to consciousness, to the human mind? We dont have any real answers, we’ve barely scratched the surface.

    Free Member

    No, it has a made up story.

    Maybe so, but at least it’s a comforting story, which is better than no story at all.

    As I said, I’m not religious at all but I can see why people migrate towards it, especially in times of need.

    Free Member

    geetee1972 – Member

    Some positive religious impact, earlier…

    For balance:

    You should look up what kind of person she actually was then come back lol

    Full Member

    Whether people are religious or not it doesn’t really matter a bit. When it comes down to it there isn’t any better advice or anything more profound than loving your fellow human beings…?

    Free Member

    inanimate matter

    All matter has energy in it… energy means animate

    Free Member

    at least it’s a comforting story, which is better than no story at all.

    IMHO a lie , no matter how comforting it is for the gullible, is not better than the truth.

    Free Member

    How does inanimate matter (which is what your brain is) give rise to consciousness, to the human mind? We dont have any real answers, we’ve barely scratched the surface.

    But science will probably get there in the end. Religion will, however, not.

    Free Member

    IMHO a lie , no matter how comforting it is for the gullible, is not better than the truth.

    Maybe so, but millions of people think differently than you, especially about something that really does no harm**

    ** Note: religion, or the belief in life after death does not cause wars on it’s own. It needs interpretation and twisting by humans to do that.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure they think it is true and it is billions.

    I also think if you are gay, a female, a non believer etc it is pretty easy to explain where it has done real harm both in the past and currently.

    Pretty sure god giving the same land to different people has lead to wars.*

    I seem to remember crusades were a popular pastime as well in days gone by.*

    * we would have wars without religion but we have had also had some wars primarily about religion.

    Free Member

    Its amazing really considering all the humans that have died..that we don’t understand death.

    Free Member

    Its amazing really considering all the humans that have died..that we don’t understand death.

    In what way do we not understand death?

    Free Member

    I also think if you are gay, a female, a non believer etc it is pretty easy to explain where it has done real harm both in the past and currently.

    I was referring to the belief in a afterlife.

    Pretty sure god giving the same land to different people has lead to wars.*

    Again, that is down to people’s interpretation and twisting of the text, not the religion itself.

    If you put all the troubles that have occurred on “religious” grounds, down to the belief systems themselves then, for example, you are saying that all muslims are terrorists and all christians are like the Westboro Baptist Church, which obviously is not the case.

    Free Member

    I was referring to the belief in a afterlife.

    I am not really sure you can isolate it from the rest of the belief system in ascertaining how “nice /useful/comforting ” etc it is.

    Yes to claim that the crusades would not have happened without religion is indeed very much like that non sequitur of muslims and the west bro baptists
    shakes head walks away from thread

    Free Member

    Yes to claim that the crusades would not have happened without religion is indeed very much like that non sequitur of muslims and the west bro baptists
    shakes head walks away from thread

    The Crusades? Again, due to interpretation and twisting to suit. Not everyone who is a Christian has gone on a Crusade. Likewise, not every Muslim has flown a plane into tall buildings.

    Free Member

    In what way do we not understand death?

    when something dies, what is it thats different..if its a person nothing changes, but the thing that made that person a person has gone, what goes? If its energy, it can’t just dissapear, it would have to become another kind of energy, is it soul, personality? Its those things about death that we don’t understand.

    Free Member

    it would have to become another kind of energy,

    Your body is food for worms or food for flames and you mind returns to wherever it was before you were born.

    Whats remains is your legacy.

    Free Member

    I believe the fat ones burn better.

    That me be so, but thats after the moment of death, interesting point though, maybe live humans burn better ..better being they release more heat.

    Free Member

    How does inanimate matter (which is what your brain is) give rise to consciousness, to the human mind? We dont have any real answers, we’ve barely scratched the surface.

    It’s just an internal feedback circuit isn’t it?
    Plumbed back in somewhere near our auditory processing system given the illusion of an inner voice. Presumably if it was plumbed in somewhere else we’d still be making the same decisions, but just wouldn’t be hearing them as an inner voice?

    Free Member

    mind returns to wherever it was before you were born.

    and therein lies all the answers..

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