I shall decompose or oxidise depending how I am disposed of.
You can always donate your remain to science for scientific research you know. That is the logical scientific way … Keep the cost down too etc because your family members do not have to bear the cost of getting a plot for you. Burial is not cheap nowadays. Ya, you need not worry about how the living feel anymore coz you are gone … carbon. If I were your family member I will sell off your remains for profit to apply absolute logic … 😈 However, if you still feel for the living while dying then that is not logical to the point of absurd in the mind of science so sadness should not play a part. Carbon is the ultimate.
Yes? 😯
I love the idea that one day parts of me could be a star or floating in space…
Floating in space? You wish. How do you get beyond the earth atmosphere eh? Rocket? No way someone will fund your remains to be deposited in space … I rather they recycle your remains by feeding to endanger vultures in the Himalaya alps … 😆