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  • Will it kick off big time in Londn tomorrow?
  • matt_outandabout
    Free Member

    richc – Member

    Seems sensible to me to bore them into submission by keeping them all in a nice tight knit group

    you are trolling aren’t you? please tell me you are?

    Well, I would be bored after a couple of hours of rainforest polyphonic singing.

    Full Member

    Superb! Are you now comparing today’s protestors to the Jarrow Hunger March? or laterly the Miners? Anyway why are you not out there if you care so much? Who knows you may even find the hairy-pitted/like minded/white lightening drinking crustette of your dreams. Or crusty, (not wanting to discriminate.)

    What is it really about, a protest or fighting the police? Try this in France or Italy and see what happens.

    Full Member

    personally i think all the cashiers should go and find fred the shed and the rest of the board who were so good at their job and offer them to the rioters as a sacrifice

    except im sure the board are well out of the way drinking champers with CFH at some old boys club where they probably still import slaves from the “dark continent”

    Full Member

    Try this in France or Italy and see what happens.
    they do it in france all the time!!

    but i wouldnt try it in italy the police there will beat you to death plant evidence and then get promoted

    Free Member

    Are you now comparing today’s protestors to the Jarrow Hunger March? or laterly the Miners?

    Protesters are protesters are protesters. ALL protesters have the right to protest. It’s part of our rapidly eroding Civil Rights.

    Anyway why are you not out there if you care so much?

    Because I’m very concerned that the heavy-handed police tactics will result in violence, and I’ve had enough of violent situations, tbh. I was hoping to pop over the Canary Wharf, but Farticus says nowt’s happening there.

    Plus, I’ve got some Capitalist Pig just demanding that I produce miracles by 5pm. I tell you, it’s enough to drive one to riot….

    Free Member

    Duckman, spot on

    Free Member

    Fred has started a new glazing company, arf!

    Free Member

    I wonder if all the glass is rose tinted?

    Free Member

    I was down at the Bank of England to check it out, nothing really exciting. A bunch of ninja types all in black did a sort of charge that created some momentary excitement. I took photos on my iphone (you have to call it an iphone – see other thread) and posted them to facebook.

    The best thing was the gay and tranvestite protestors with the “Trannys against Tyranny” banner – respect!

    The climate crusties were trying to pitch tents on tarmac just up the road. I didn’t see any real trouble and we suspected the RBS branch was vulnerable given it is right next to the Bank of England and wasn’t boarded up. Why these losers think stealing from a bank branch and causing damage is in any way helpful I don’t know. Anyway, I bought Pilkington shares ahead of the protests so hopefully that will at least help a bit with their market value.

    I think the police were doing a good job of allowing legitimate protest without being agressive, lots of press and TV around and the police were taking a lot of photos.

    Free Member

    AIG is next apparently

    Oh and everyone wave at the spooks 🙂 page 2 on google linky

    Free Member

    Apparently, many people now want to leave the area, but are being prevented from doin so.

    So they turned up to protest then what? They changed their mind? Wanted a lunch break? Have to pick up the kids from school?

    Do or do not, there is no try.



    Free Member

    I should add, the “thousands” on the streets as reported so far were mainly like me – City workers out for an enjoyable spot of entertainment in the sun over lunch. Take away the spectators and this is not a big protest thus far. I would say the majority of people I saw were just people out for a look and dressed down for the day. My company advised no suits for the day but there were plenty of suits around and plenty of dressed down types – blazers from Ede & Ravenscroft, Calvin Klein chinos and a Gant shirt..

    Free Member

    blazers from Ede & Ravenscroft, Calvin Klein chinos and a Gant shirt..

    Cheeze, can they not be arrested for that???

    Full Member

    blazers from Ede & Ravenscroft, Calvin Klein chinos and a Gant shirt..

    style for miles them guys

    Full Member

    Rudeboy, both the Jarrow Marchers (the original ones) and the Miners were fighting(sometimes) to save their livelihoods and their communities. They both behaved with more dignity than any of the protesters on the beeb, despite having none, or very few, of todays lots opps or chances. I find it insulting that you would lump todays protest in with them. Ask the vast majority of todays lot to explain in detail what they are protesting about and I would be suprised if they knew much about toxic debt etc. That is despite three years re-sitting 1st year Moral Philosophy and Cultural studies at poly.

    Message to Crusties…


    Free Member

    I don’t know, but I suspect that some of the incoherence of today’s lot would be down to the sheer complexity of what they might legitimaely have their knickers in a twist about.

    Just try to think through how you get a coherent protest chant out of “these bastids invested heavily in collateralised debt obligations under inadequate supervision from a toothless and incoherent tripartite regulatory system, relying on ratings agencies compromised assurances that the assets were worth what investors were paying for them despite the fact that they were derived from at times fraudulent mortgage broking and based on wholly false assumptions about the ability of real estate prices to break free from traditional price drivers, and, once all that lot had come crashing down as a result of a wobble in the US real estate market radically increased perception opf counter-party risk in the money-markets created a sudden and near-total contraction of credit leading to knock-on effects in the real economy which are incrweasingly being felt by ordinary people while the government’s response to this is to socialise risk while leaving profit private thereby increasing Birtain’s public debt to unheard-of levels to no very obvious benefit”

    It’s really hard… 😕

    Free Member

    France will give you the same treatment than italy. It doesn’t mean it’s right. And as I said it’s very easy for copper to play cowboy when they have sticks, dogs, tears grenade water canon and are fighting 3 against one.

    Full Member

    And as I said it’s very easy for copper to play cowboy when they have sticks, dogs, tears grenade water canon and are fighting 3 against one.

    Only three? I’d be insulted…

    Full Member

    Juan, that would be three rioters to one cop yes? Certainly that is the footage Sky and Bbc are showing.

    Full Member

    In which case, wouldn’t the sensible protestor remain peaceful and not start saying it with bricks? Faced with opponents armed to the teeth and full of menace I’d be more inclined to curl up, not antagonise them.

    Free Member

    Juan, that would be three rioters to one cop yes? Certainly that is the footage Sky and Bbc are showing.

    Don’t make me laugh
    First water canon and tears grenade. Then cops get in armed and geared up. Then get on rioter (usuly women) and then given him/her a good kicking.

    Free Member

    duckman; I’m not equating the protesters today with any other, on any other demonstrations. I’m merely pointing out that ALL of them have the right to protest. Forget the reasons for demonstrating, for a second; I’m just on about people’s right to protest.

    Seems to have gone relatively peacefully, today. Overshadowed by a bit of mindless hooliganism, and some questionable police tactics. Bit of pushing and shoving, really, not a lot more. I’ve seen things kick off worse, on my estate!

    I would question the point of such a demo, but then, the purpose was to cause ‘disruption’, so it’s certainly achieved that! And at least people will be discussing the issues, as we are, on here….

    Job done, it seems. Not the way I’d do it, but it’s served a purpose.

    Free Member

    Guess the Press to Riotist ratio-

    Free Member

    Can’t the press be charged with incitement as there has been non-stop “coverage” for days…almost a self-fullfilling prophesy 🙁

    Wonder if the guy in pictured above will plead not guilty? 🙂


    LOL@Scruff’s photo.

    Rioting/protesting for the OK/Hello generation. How anarchic.

    Free Member

    I hate to think how long you worked on that to get it to scan so well BD 🙂

    I dont think it’s in any one groups interest to have a combined April 1st outing. Less opportunity for mayhem and no coherency.

    Im quite happy in the knowledge that they will bring about ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE whatsoever. Despite the bleats of the smelly-side of the political fence that we have a “perfect storm”, ripe for an upheaval, it really isnt going to happen.

    Just for you lot I shall transcribe a couple of paragraphs from a book I was reading recently. These passages I think rather emphasise how Plus ça change plus c’est la même chose

    Reading the accounts of the day, and the days after the Panics, you realise that therea are two financial markets. Theres the real-time Walls Street, where the risk takers are anxious and greedy and fearful and devious, and people with the most sensaational psychological disorders that render them unsuited for ordinary social life get rich. Then there;s the other, teoretical after-the-fact Wall Street, in which all these odd human beings, and the chotic events they create, are made to seem more or less rational and easily explanable. Never is this contrast more clear than duing and immediately after a panic. Just before a panic all is well-usually more than well, Then the pani strikes, chaos ensues, and a dramatic upheaval commences. People who were on the top of the financial order plummet to the bottom. People whos opinion was most valued are now ridiculed. Others who were on the sidelines race onto the fields of play. The guy out in the wilderness who ha dbeen saying for the past four years that the good times were an illusion and a sham is wheeled in to take a bow and then hustled off stage, so that everyone else can regroup, and the whole process can start over again.

    And so it does with enough of the details changed that, up close, the new madness looks entirely different from any madness that has ever happened before.”

    He calls it a “madness” (I think, sympathetically), but I think it’s a good madness and developmentally no matter how many steps back that are needed to be taken, the number of subsequent steps forward for global well-being is always greater.

    Panic: The Story of Financial Insanity

    (Sorry about any typos, my touch typing is rubbish)

    Free Member

    I’m pleased to say that all was well in Knightsbridge. The Corner Shop knocked up a very decent steak, cooked rare of course, and a bottle of claret went down a treat. All quiet on Jermyn Street too. Which was nice.

    Free Member

    I had a nice kebab! Dropped me **** can of lager, though. Boo.

    Free Member

    why has one of the press photographers got a climbing helmet on?

    Free Member

    Ever been in a riot? Stuff gets chucked about. Maybe that’s why the police have helmets on….?

    A couple of tographers have got helmets on. Sensible, I’d say.

    Free Member

    what riot? the press riot?

    Free Member

    Well, if there’s the chance of things kicking off, and stuff getting thrown about, police truncheons flying in, then wearing a helmet woud seem quite prudent.

    Full Member

    duckman – Member
    Rudeboy, both the Jarrow Marchers (the original ones) and the Miners were fighting(sometimes) to save their livelihoods and their communities. They both behaved with more dignity than any of the protesters on the beeb, despite having none, or very few, of todays lots opps or chances. I find it insulting that you would lump todays protest in with them. Ask the vast majority of todays lot to explain in detail what they are protesting about and I would be suprised if they knew much about toxic debt etc. That is despite three years re-sitting 1st year Moral Philosophy and Cultural studies at poly.

    Message to Crusties…


    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post

    well said duckman, i wanted to say something like this, jut that i am not articulate enough.
    these feckers have **** all to protest about. middle or upper class wanker5 just causing trouble.
    line em up put em in a field and shoot the bastids…….. 😉

    Free Member

    these feckers have **** all to protest about

    That’s you opinion,and you are entitled to that, as they are entitled to exercise their right to protest.

    You can’t just pick and choose, which demonstrations are allowed or not, based on your own particular views. That’s not how it works.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    ton – Member

    duckman – Member
    Rudeboy, both the Jarrow Marchers (the original ones) and the Miners were fighting(sometimes) to save their livelihoods and their communities. They both behaved with more dignity than any of the protesters on the beeb, despite having none, or very few, of todays lots opps or chances. I find it insulting that you would lump todays protest in with them. Ask the vast majority of todays lot to explain in detail what they are protesting about and I would be suprised if they knew much about toxic debt etc. That is despite three years re-sitting 1st year Moral Philosophy and Cultural studies at poly.

    Message to Crusties…


    Posted 1 hour ago # Report-Post

    well said duckman, i wanted to say something like this, jut that i am not articulate enough.
    these feckers have **** all to protest about. middle or upper class wanker5 just causing trouble.
    line em up put em in a field and shoot the bastids……..

    Good post.

    Free Member

    Where does the theory that these people are “middle and upper class ****” come from? Some? Many? may be, but just looking at the photos I am just not convinced these guys spend their spare time hanging around on the Kings Road sipping chai lattes and planning how to renovate their second homes in Tuscany. A significant number of the people in the pictures look thoroughly rough and rather scary.

    If people are just out for a ruck I can’t see that their class background is of the slightest interest either way. It’s stupid, destructive and pointless (although no doubt rather good fun).

    If they are protesting genuine concerns then I am unsure why you think people who are not directly affected are not allowed to join those who are. I do not give a flying rat’s ass about anyone’s right to hunt foxes with dogs. I turned out for the Countryside alliance march to support a cause which is clearly right even though it does not impinge on me personally. In days of yore, the wealthy and enfranchised coming out to join chartist demos would have seemed rather progressive. William Wilberforce et al were in no great danger of being enslaved, etc etc.

    What you are I suspect objecting to is that today’s protests are rather nebulous. No-one is clear what they are about, and there seem to be a huge number of different agendas wrapped up in, broadly, “you lot have stuffed it all up and we are all going to suffer”. As many of us on here share that sentiment, we are just rather picky about who gets to be included in the “them” that we blame, I can’t really see that anyone is disallowed from joining in.


    Free Member

    Now that’s a good post.

    Unlike some of the selfish, ignorant prejudicial bile spouted by some ostriches here….

    Full Member

    A great day for t055ers of all persuasions I’d say. Yob riot police get to crack a few heads. Crusty **** get to shout a lot without contributing anything worthwhile to anyone. Anarchists get really dangerous and smash some glass. Bankers keep on doing what they do best, as nothing has the power or inclination to stop them. The press get served up paydirt. The great and good have a bit of a chin wag over a luxury buffet. Internet experts have a blue ribband thread to argue over all day.


    Free Member

    [chuckles] How did trailmonkey get so cynical? 😉

    EDIT: Golly. Two Hundred!

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