I’m paying less than I was with BT (well, my shop is paying for it) , our wireless printer now connects straight away and I even downloaded a whole radio show to listen to while Jeremy vine is on.
What’s not to like?
Yeah, sorry. My post wasn’t supposed to be aimed at you….although reading it back, I didn’t word it very well.
It just seems a social thing now to post broadband speeds, as if it’s all a competition….Facebook was awash with it when 4G came out with people wanting to show that they had upgraded to 4G & oooh look, I’m getting 75Mbs on my phone, so I can burn through my 500Mb data limit in about 6 seconds……
While it’s nice to have a fast connection, once you hit a certain speed anything above that must just be useless headroom….? Maybe?! 😀