CaptainMainwairing is right about the battery. I have had my iPhone on all day listening to music, and the battery indicator hasn’t moved, but now I’m at home tapping this out using my wifi connection I’ll almost be able to watch it going down. There are lots of so-called ‘free’ wifi, but many require you to actually register with them first, and some, like The Cloud are only free with some contracts, like with the iPhone. Glastonbury is supposed to have free wifi in the town centre, but I found it impossible to connect to it last time I was down there even when I could see a signal. If you’re with O2, and have access to The Cloud, then there is free access anywhere there is an O2 shop. If you get an iPhone for example, there are apps that detect local hotspots, and can remember all passwords so will connect automatically anytime that particular network is detected. The problem with many phones is that the screen is a little too small for any extended web browsing. Don’t rush into getting a phone just ‘cos it looks whizzy. I had an XDA Mini, and an N95, and frankly they both blow goats as far as web browsing is concerned. Since getting my iPhone, however, my laptop has barely been out of it’s case, as I use the phone for practically everything, emails, Internet shopping, checking tv listings and local cinema listings, booking gig tickets, checking the weather, even, on occasion as a telephone! Not everyone likes the iPhone, but for me it is by far the most useful electronic devise I’ve ever owned, for it’s sheer versatility.