Home Forums Chat Forum Why is there a REV Counter in most cars?

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  • Why is there a REV Counter in most cars?
  • deadlydarcy
    Free Member

    I'm not sure I've driven a car without one, but I guess there may be ones out there without one. What are they for…as in what good are they in a 1.6 pretty gutless diesel van like mine? I can understand their use in a high performance motor where you want to change gear at a specific point. Mine has a red zone that if I was approaching being in it, I shouldn't be even be driving the thing anyway…given the engine noise would be ear splitting.

    Am I missing something hugely obvious that will make driving a van a whole lot more fun? Couldn't we have a more useful dial in there?

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    Free Member

    Good point 🙂

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    because when Bachman-Turner Overdrive are playing nice and loud you cant hear the revs. 🙄 duh!

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    If you are my father-in-law then they are for ensuring you never go above 1000rpm because it is "bad for fuel economy".

    Free Member

    My Ford Ka didn't have one and it was really annoying. I used to rely on listening to the engine for when to change up, but you couldn't do that if the radio was on or the window was down so a counter would have been handy.
    And if I feel like being economical, I use the rev counter to keep the revs below 2000rpm everywhere which, again you can't really do by ear.

    *Edit – I am Graham's father in law.

    Free Member

    You can hear fcku all in my van when it's moving anyway. Ok, cool, I'll keep a closer eye on the counter in future.

    Free Member

    Will there be a table of suggested gear changing points in my owner's manual?

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    It makes me feel like a racing driver

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    My work van sounds like it's revving it's bollocks off and it's only at 3500. Then again your got to rev it's bollocks of to make the piece of shit go anywhere.

    Free Member

    My old Micra didn't have a rev counter, it was a bit annoying actually because sometimes I'd forget I'd started it (really quiet at idle) and turn the key again and then it makes that horrible noise!

    Free Member

    i use mine a lot as the speedo has a habit of getting stuck

    Free Member

    my Punto doesn't have one…

    Unfortunately it also has no sound deadening.. so I can't hear the engine.. or the stereo.. or the passenger speaking.. or myself think..

    I just used intuition and experience to change gear but this wasn't much help when my carburettor kept jamming open.. or when my clutch started wearing out.. or for that matter when the head gasket started to fail.. either time.. or when the gearbox wore out.. or… or…. or… or…

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    GrahamS – Member

    If you are my father-in-law then they are for ensuring you never go above 1000rpm because it is "bad for fuel economy".

    i think they teach people this in china – i went in several taxis and minibuses, and not one of them used more than 1500rpm, ever, at all. Even when a lorry was bearing down on us and we had seconds to live, instead of dropping a gear or even two, the driver just put it into 4th and pressed the accelerator (going maybe 15mph). The engine was jumping off it's mounts! According to Brits out there they (the locals) all do it. Really really odd. They think it saves fuel, but patently it does not, and puts massive load on the drivetrain. Think grinding up a hill in big ring v. granny at the same speed – which one do your knees like most?

    Full Member

    It used to give me 5 seconds notice of an impending electrical total existance failure on my old Fiat Bravo.

    Twitchy rev counter = Twitchy bum time

    Full Member

    They think it saves fuel, but patently it does not, and puts massive load on the drivetrain. Think grinding up a hill in big ring v. granny at the same speed – which one do your knees like most?

    I've had the same conversation with my father-in-law (or possibly Fortunateson09) and he remains unconvinced. I'm sure there is a lot to be said for low revs – but I can hear his poor car crying as it valiantly struggles to drag five adults plus a mobility scooter up a hill in fifth at 20 mph. 😯

    Free Member

    It helps you to make good gear changes, and if you're deaf as post, gives you some indication of how the car's revving. That's why old people all manoeuvre at half throttle, engine screaming at 3500 revs, and everyone in the car park hoping to god that the clutch cable fitted by Mr Nagano at Datsun in 1976 is going to hold.

    Free Member

    Our Focus also has a little red arrow that points up when you get over about 6000rpm. I've never had a car with a shift light and it's great! (I have had one on a bike though)
    So you can use all the revs and keep your eyes on the road with a wary eye out for the little red light. 😀

    Full Member

    Change up when you hit the limiter works for me 😳

    Full Member

    And PeterPoddy by the sounds of it. 😀

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    Is it not so you can tell people your diesel turbo generates 170bhp at only 2500rpm?

    Full Member

    Same reason cars come with Alloys?

    Free Member

    Rev counters are ace.

    Free Member

    I remember being amazed at the rev counter on Bill Ivy's 1969 125 Yamaha

    It started at 14,000

    Free Member

    I learned to drive in a car without a rev counter or a limiter, you were never sure how far you could push it in each gear!

    Someone I used to know, her mum never let the revs go above about 1100rpm – seriously, it was 6-700rpm mostly. And she got frustrated with lack of progress so shoved her foot to the boards. Poor bloody car.

    Free Member

    Our 85bhp Jimny has one… 😆

    Have found a rev counter essential in some cars, pointless in others.

    Samuri – you don't bore people with bhp, you bore them with torque figures if you drive a turbodiesel 😉

    Full Member

    Samuri – you don't bore people with bhp, you bore them with torque figures if you drive a turbodiesel

    If you're the proud owner of a car with a three litre V6 TDi, you can do both. One day I might be that lucky.

    Free Member

    I always thought it was like a geiger counter for vicars.

    Free Member

    Will there be a table of suggested gear changing points in my owner's manual?

    I think there is. There is certainly graphs and charts showing maximum power output etc in some I have bothered to look at.

    Free Member

    first car didnt have one …. who knew that a diesel fiesta could do 30 in first gear ….. it didnt have a limiter it just ran out of puff on the pump !

    Free Member

    If you're the proud owner of a car with a three litre V6 TDi, you can do both. One day I might be that lucky.

    V6TDI = Audi = only 240ish bhp 😉

    Free Member

    Mat, I am quite sure everyone on this forum knows how amazing your car is already.

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    Free Member

    Mat, I am quite sure everyone on this forum knows how amazing your car is already.

    Oh and of course you never ever mention your TT… 😆 😉

    Free Member

    Perhaps occasionally, but I don't think I have a chance of taking your crown. 🙂

    (And I have never actually posted a picture of it…)

    Free Member

    That's because you are a keyboard warrior and actually only own a Fiesta…


    Still jealous of your shopping trolley double buggy though – now THAT is cool.

    Free Member

    TT? oooh…I bet you use your rev counter lots. 8)

    Tried some eyes closed driving in the van this morning…to feel the engine telling me when to change up. I felt I was really in tune with the 1.6 diesel. We were as one.

    Our other car simply orders us when to change up or down for the most economical driving 🙂

    Free Member

    Eyes closed driving – ermmmm…

    Free Member

    Not for the uninitiated 🙂

    Free Member

    That's because you are a keyboard warrior and actually only own a Fiesta…

    You never know… 😉

    TT? oooh…I bet you use your rev counter lots.

    I should be so lucky, since the girls came along it just gets used for the very short commute to work and rarely gets over 3k. (Lesson learnt – I won't sign a three year lease the next time).

    And I must admit I have tried eyes closed driving several times. Ohh, and switch the lights off driving at night too. 😆

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