It took me close to 5 hours to do a loop that normally takes me close to 4.
I should say that when I say the bike feels slow, I’m talking on a flat road, so it’s not winter conditions that are the problem. If I get rolling on the flat and then stop pedalling, I feel this sense of grinding to a halt that just feels damn strange.
I think that rules out illness/fatigue related things as well, especially as I’ve been riding my main MTB the past days and felt fine.
The tyres are these:
I don’t expect them to be super-quick, but I have 2.6 Nobby Nic’s on my main MTB running at 15-20psi and I don’t have anywhere near the same sensation of drag on the roads as I do on this (apparently) simple single speed…
Snapped axle, hmm, something like that could make sense, i.e. something that makes the hubs run like crap as soon as they are weight-bearing. I think I’d have noticed if the rear had a problem when I serviced it, but I can check out the front.
Come to think of it, I have one of those Nukeproof 15mm convertor things. I wonder if there is a problem there