Home Forums Chat Forum Why is Israel allowed to hold nuclear weapons Illegally and Iran cannot develop

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  • Why is Israel allowed to hold nuclear weapons Illegally and Iran cannot develop
  • kaesae
    Free Member

    Nuclear technology, even though it is legally entitled to do so?

    Obviously Iran is not entitled to develop weapons technology! but power plants are allowed.



    Seems strange that a state such as Israel with it’s record of human right abuses and other questionable behaviour is allowed to hold these weapons that it is not by international law entitled too and nothing happens.

    But when Iran develops it’s nuclear programme which it is legally entitled to do, so much is made of it in the media?

    The sanctions that have been placed on the Iranian people are simply wrong, there is no justification for these moves and hopefully one day we will come to understand. The more we treat these peoples in foreign countries unfairly, the more the will hate us and look to avoid dealing with us.

    The west cannot bomb it’s way out of this recession and perhaps it is time that we held those that are responsible for causing the recession accountable, rather than demanding that other countries join us in our doomed way of life!

    Free Member

    Israel refuses to confirm or deny it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as “nuclear opacity.” This has made it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to definitively describe its true nuclear policy, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and actions of other governments.[6]
    In 2006, in his book The Culture of War, Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University, wrote that since former United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates admitted that Israel had nuclear weapons, any talk of Israel’s nuclear weapons in Israel can lead to “arrest, trial, and imprisonment.” Thus Israeli commentators talk about “doomsday weapons” and the “Samson Option.”


    “We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: ‘Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.’ I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.[22]
    Ron Rosenbaum writes in his 2012 book How the End Begins: The Road to a Nuclear World War III that in the “aftermath of a second Holocaust” Israel’s surviving Dolphin-class nuclear missile submarines would retaliate not only against Israel’s attackers, but “bring down the pillars of the world (attack Moscow and European capitals for instance)” as well as the “holy places of Islam.” He writes that “abandonment of proportionality is the essence” of the Samson Option.[23]

    Free Member

    Who says Isreal’s holdings of nuclear arms is illegal ? There is no such thing as international law

    Free Member

    Anyone else been watching doomsday preppers….

    Full Member

    What has this got to do with cycling?

    Free Member

    What has this got to do with cycling?

    About as much as half of the sh173 that gets spouted on here.

    Free Member

    cycling…..we’re talking about the end of the world and you want to talk cycling I believe bikeradar does cycling…. 🙂

    Free Member

    It’s the Chat forum……

    Free Member

    Some very scary stuff from Israel 😯

    Free Member

    The sanctions that have been placed on the Iranian people are simply wrong, there is no justification for these moves and hopefully one day we will come to understand. The more we treat these peoples in foreign countries unfairly, the more the will hate us and look to avoid dealing with us.


    Free Member

    Israel can do what it likes because if you say otherwise you are anti Semitic and we can’t have that now can we.

    The UN / International community needs to grow some balls and take Israel to task.

    A lot of what they do to the Palestinians is no better than what the nazis did.

    I have a lot of respect for this man. MP Gerald Kaufman

    Free Member

    Some very scary stuff from Israel

    Full Member

    In answer to the original question, it’s because the US protects Israel and is opposed to Iran’s government.
    It’s not illegal for Iran to develop these weapons, as it’s not a signatory of the relevant treaties. However the US, the most powerful armed nation, does not want them to and thus imposes sanctions.

    Free Member

    IMHO nukes just mean countries cannot attack you they are useless for attacking anyone as there is nothing left to conquer

    Of course the state of Israel – who never signed the non proliferation treaty iirc and was helped by the US, France and the UK- all Security council permanent members and all in violation of the same treaty they are using to beat Iran. We now think we can dictate to Iran about whether they have nukes- in essence we cannot bully them if they have nukes

    Such noble safe places as Pakistan and North Korea have nukes – I see no reason to be scared Iran will nuke us if it has them it just means Israeli [ and western] “foreign policy ” options have been limited.

    IMHO we really should add some moral principle to our dealing with Israel. It has the right to exist but that does not mean it has the right to do as it pleases.
    Why american backs everything it does is lost on me

    Free Member

    Israel is supported politically and financially by the US, its a ‘western’ outpost in a hostile area– a crude but effective analogy.

    It is the big stick in the area, so while they may have reservations about certain things, in public they present a united front with the Israelis.

    Free Member

    It is however a good questions junkyard, why does America continually back and fund Israel?

    There is no logic to it and a lot of Americans are not happy about the fact. So why this closeness to Israel? especially when they cannot be counted on not to go ape shit?

    I read about the American protester Rachel Corrie and her death the other day and I have to say it’s quite a gruesome way to die. The Israeli government are saying that it was an accident, but how do you not see someone with a bright jacket who is shouting on a loud speaker?

    Full Member

    Yeah, the Middle East would be a much safer place if that great enlightened democracy that is Iran had The Bomb and Isreal didn’t! 🙄

    Free Member

    The best way to buy membership to the axis of evil is to stop trading your oil in dollars.

    Free Member

    It is however a good questions junkyard, why does America continually back and fund Israel?

    Because quite a few Americans are Jewish, because all Israel’s neighbours have tried to wipe them off the face of the earth in the past 50 years, and because no-one else will.

    It is hypocritical that Israel has nukes, but they’re in far safer hands than they would be in the hands of the mullahs – Israel is a democracy.

    Free Member

    PPrreessss tthhheee bbbbuuuutttooonnnn … 😈

    Free Member

    The best way to get your country invaded and your people brutalized is to announce you will no longer trade your oil in dollars.

    For example Saddam Hussein said he would only trade in Euros and Muammar Gaddafi had intentions of supporting an African Denar, not hard to understand why the western powers and their puppet governments got stuck into them!

    Free Member

    Who has the largest holdings of US dollars? China. Who opposed both the invasion of Iraq and the intervention in Libya? China.

    Sometimes it really isn’t about the oil.

    Free Member

    it was a bit more than a currency issue !!

    Free Member

    The Middle East would be a much safer place if that great enlightened democracy that is Iran had The Bomb and Israel didn’t!

    Israel has illegally occupied how many of its neighbours now, is partioning its country and continuing illegal settlements in violation of peace lines and the 1967 pre emptive war,annex of jerousalem – lets be honest we would be hear all day writing its wrongs and breaches of international law – FWIW USA has done the most vetos of an UN security council member and iirc 90% were on Israel. What little has been passed ,largely, has been ignored by Israel

    Iran on the other hand had a war with Iraq when it invaded them

    Cannot fault your logic

    Free Member

    I thought that it was Iraq supported by the west that invaded Iran?

    Free Member

    Israel has illegally occupied how many of its neighbours now

    Well, technically its neighbours invaded first, Israel fought back, and kept the bits it captured.

    Free Member

    so it occupies them then like I said

    Kasae that is what i said , punctuation may have helped though.

    Free Member

    Yes, a bit like how we occupied Germany for decades after WWII. The idea is to prevent them trying to invade again.

    Free Member

    Junkyard I was thinking that what you said could be taken a couple of ways, but too my knowledge Iran hasn’t attacked any other countries for a long time.

    Also their leader appears to be humble and a very devout individual.

    Free Member

    bencooper, the Israeli people were the minority in that region, the Palestinians were the majority. The Palestinian peoples did not invest in weapons, they used their money to construct homes and schools and other social structures.

    The Israelis on the other hand invested in weapons and a strong militia, the Israelis then removed the Palestinian peoples by force and kept all of their possession. The took their homes and personal belonging as well as everything else they owned, like common muggers would.

    Basically they robbed them of everything they had and justified it by saying it was their land god had given it to them.

    So were there more Israelis than Palestinians?

    Free Member

    Also their leader appears to be humble and a very devout individual.

    Oh, yes, he’s a real cutie-pie.

    No-one should have nukes. But at the top of the list of those who shouldn’t have nukes are regimes which aren’t democratic, who sponsor terrorists overseas, and who have stated numerous times that they’d like to wipe one of their neighbours off the map. Now who does that description best fit – Iran or Israel?

    Free Member

    bencooper, the Israeli people were the minority in that region, the Palestinians were the majority. The Palestinian peoples did not invest in weapons, they used their money to construct homes and schools and other social structures.

    Oh, good grief.

    Free Member

    Are you talking about the democratically elected leader of Iran *cough* or the mad Mullahs who pull the strings behind him?

    Free Member

    But at the top of the list of those who shouldn’t have nukes are regimes which aren’t democratic, who sponsor terrorists overseas

    As opposed to democracies that sponsor terrorists overseas?

    Free Member

    Iran [b]subject[/b] on the other hand had a war with Iraq[b]object[/b] when it invaded[b]verb[/b] them

    Kaesae. I’m sure he actually meant Iran was forced into a war when it was invaded by Iraq.
    It could have been written more clearly.

    Free Member

    As opposed to democracies that sponsor terrorists overseas?

    As I said, no-one should have ’em.

    Free Member

    Loum me and junkyard have come to an understanding, I know what he’s saying.

    Full Member

    I’m no fan of Israel and the way it has treated non Jews in and around the country, but I think it’s far too easy for us to imagine that we would do any better if were in their shoes; Bloody Sunday etc, remember that?
    There is a certain “right thinking” attitude that I hear constantly (and the BBC does this with its biased reporting from Syria in the niave belief that any sort of stable goverment that was inclusive to all that country’s vast array of different faiths and ethnic groups could possibly emerge out of the chaos if Assad was deposed) that really gets my goat.

    Free Member

    Yup, it’s one of those many situations that just won’t end well however it happens.

    Free Member

    it was their land god had given it to them

    ^^^^This and the holocuast are the reasons the can do anything thy want without reproach and total impunity. Anyone who berates them is aligned with the nazis or Muslim radicals.

    For a people who’ve been so wronged over history, they certainly don’t mind dishing it out without remorse.

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