Yep, I look at the BBC News first thing in the morning, throughout the day, on here and the odd occasional links. It’s mesmirising, but I don’t think it’s doing me any good. Most shocking is the excuses I’ve seen for voting leave.
It seems most of the talk and headlines is all doom and gloom, can someone tell me the real facts for this being a good thing, a good thing to leave the EU? Doesn’t seem to be much in the news about this being good, or am I not looking in the right places. I probably don’t frequent the right type of forums or read the right papers where they’ll be banging on about how this is so good. Even those few at work that have voted out only seem to go on about how ‘change is good’, ‘we’ll see’ or just come to the conclusion that it’s good because it’s what the country decided … 😕