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  • Which Blackberry?
  • Amos
    Free Member

    My phone is due an upgrade, which blackberry do people recommend? I’ll be using it for emailing and a bit of web use, ideally with some sort of camera too. I’m with Orange so I’m thinking the Blackberry Bold? Any other ideas? My Mrs has an Iphone but I’m not with o2 and don’t want to change (signal issues) even though I do like the Iphone

    Free Member

    I’ve had the Pearl (also from Orange) for about a fortnight now.
    I think it is great.
    Use it for short emails and quick web trips.
    My Gmail gets ‘pushed’.
    Wouldn’t want to be doing proper emails with it though because it is basically a phone still.
    I walk in the door and it is wifi so my calls are then free. Walk out of range and they’re back on the usual tariff .. I love that feature.

    Free Member

    I’ve recently got my first blackberry, the 8900 Javelin, I think it is brill though I have nothing to compare it to. It does not have 3g but I use the wifi to surf and gprs is not really that slow.
    Push email is great but I am more aware of the amount of spam I get now.
    the gps thingamy is quite a bonus.

    Free Member

    The other bonus of the Pearl is that the little trackball thing is a lot like flicking the bean…

    Free Member

    a lot like flicking the bean

    I think you’re doing it wrong captain…. 🙂

    Full Member

    Cap’n, do you have RSI in your thumb from bean flicking?

    I have the Bold. It’s great for what I do (heavy email, calls and some web), but – and here’s the catch – I don’t pay for it (work provided). Camera is sh*t, though, and it’s not exactly small for slipping into a cycling jersey pocket (better than the old BB’s though).

    Full Member

    Also got the 8900, way better than the Pearl I used to have – that one spent more time in repair than in my pocket, and the 4th time it broke I demanded an updgrade.

    The 8900 Javelin/Curve is brill, but I’ve not tried an iphone.

    Free Member

    I have the 8300 and its great for emails and web but when I upgrade in 4 months I will probably go for the 8900.

    Free Member

    Great thanks for the feed back people

    Free Member

    In the Orange ‘pay monthly’ you can get ‘unlimited browsing and email’ for £4.89 but its actually fair usage of 250mb. you can upgrade to 500mb for an extra £5 a month.

    I am also looking at getting the Bold, but what does 250mb relate to for a months usage?

    Thanks in advance.

    I’ve got a Pearl and a Curve. Prefer the Pearl for the Suretype feature.

    Full Member

    I have a Curve and really like it. The camera is average and not as good as my old Sony phone but the email is handy and means I spend less time on the computer at home.

    I wouldn’t want anything bigger than the Curve so even if the Bold is better it’s a bit too big for me.

    I was tempted by the Pearl but figured if I was going for a Blackberry then I might was well get individual keys rather than the shared keys of the Pearl.

    Free Member

    After the 7100 they lost it as far as i’m concerned. My department runs our blackberry service, no-one ever complained about the 7100’s but they sure do complain about anything after that. For me, as soon as they introduced that nipple it went bad.

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