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    Full Member

    I’ve got a few nice kitchen knives that I feel I should be looking after a bit better than I currently do. I also fancy having a go at using a whetstone or similar as I like a nice sharp knife. Currently I’ve got one of those sharpening gadgets that you drag the blade through.

    Would a cheap £20 double sided job be a good starting point and are there any brands I should look at or avoid?


    Free Member

    That depends on the grit and what you intend to do …

    £20 double sided is fine if you just want to mess around and to train your sharpening skills.

    Plenty at aximinster

    I would get any of the Japanese stone with the following grits:

    1. 800
    2. 1000
    3. 2000
    4. 4000
    5. 8000
    6. Leather


    Free Member

    If your knives are already sharp then you don’t need a Whetstone, a sharpening steel would be of more use as they are designed to keep an edge rather than to actually sharpen.

    That being said I’ve got something like this


    for sharpening knives although I rarely use it. Whilst I have been tempted to get a leather strop (just because) it really isn’t necessary.

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