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  • The Coronavirus Discussion Thread.
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    Why didn’t they return the bottles?

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Anyway, on a serious note,

    Who said I’m not being serious? Wonder if a Dustin Hoffman type figure is currently flying round China in a stolen helicopter? Also looking forward to the panic buying. It’s going to be like the 2000 fuel crisis on steroids. Boris Johnson has no doubt got Cummings writing a Churchillian speech ready to be delivered from the COBRA bunker.

    Free Member

    Sars was also a coronavirus, more lethal but less contagious, this bad boy has already infected more than sars did but killed significantly less; thus far….

    Sars 8098 infects, 774 death
    Corona >8000 infects, 170 deaths

    Free Member

    Sars was also a coronavirus, more lethal but less contagious, this bad boy has already infected more than sars did but killed significantly less; thus far….

    Sars 8098 infects, 774 death
    Corona >8000 infects, 170 deaths

    Without being too morbid, of the 8000 currently infected how many will die? Maybe it’s less-lethal, or maybe there’s hundreds of people on hospital wards right now who’ll succumb to it in the days ahead.

    I can’t help but think I’m rooting for the virus.

    Free Member

    You’ll change your tune Pjay when it’s your own kids and parents dying or in intensive care, as opposed to Chinese people.

    Central London was a lot quieter today, noticeably less tourists – not a single coach load of Chinese tourists – and the first westerners I’ve ever seen wearing facemasks.

    Free Member

    On an aside I’m getting lots of emails through now telling me of delays with various products from various suppliers.

    You’ll likely see a lot of knock on from this even if it turns out to be a lot of noise in the grand scheme of illnesses.

    Free Member

    You’ll change your tune Pjay when it’s your own kids and parents dying or in intensive care, as opposed to Chinese people.

    Yeah no doubt.

    I take some comfort from the fact there are few elderly / sick people in my family, we’ve got 3 weeks worth of food (at a push) at home and wife is a Nurse so we’ve all got good hand washing drills etc.

    Free Member

    Uup shipping cancelled Until further notice for an item from China for me.

    Free Member

    good hand washing drills etc.

    It’s airborne vector isn’t it? (very happy to be corrected as at best it’s a vague notion picked up from an inference)

    Free Member

    d wife is a Nurse so we’ve all got good hand washing drills etc.

    Won’t save you – as your wife being a nurse makes her much more at risk – healthcare workers are always disproportionately hit.

    Unless you have a supply of a few hundred disposable clean room suits, several wellies, lots long nitrile or better heavy duty rubber gloves, tape, a powered respirator, and the experience and the room (including a room you can run at negative pressure) to carry out BSL decontamination methods – you stand a good chance of getting it.

    Free Member

    and the first westerners I’ve ever seen wearing facemasks.

    Dont get me started on the facemasks. They’re as useful as a chocolate teapot*

    *trust me im a biologist

    Free Member

    I am as well, the articles I’ve read state they are marginally effective under certain circumstances.

    Free Member

    they are marginally effective under certain circumstances.

    So is pissing into a headwind

    Free Member

    Unless you have a supply of a few hundred disposable clean room suits, several wellies, lots long nitrile or better heavy duty rubber gloves, tape, a powered respirator, and the experience and the room (including a room you can run at negative pressure) to carry out BSL decontamination methods – you stand a good chance of getting it.

    Noted, I’m off to Lidl to see what they’ve got in the middle aisle.

    Full Member

    Dont get me started on the facemasks. They’re as useful as a chocolate teapot

    I thought they had some efficacy in reducing droplet dispersal?

    Full Member

    Isn’t it some sort of zoonotic virus that has crossed from one species to another – I read somewhere it was from some sort of bat soup in the animal market?

    Free Member

    So is pissing into a headwind

    From a public health perspective, marginal gains in terms of individual risk can translate to thousands or tens of thousands of lives being saved.

    Therefore, I would say that encouraging or mandating their use under certain scenarios may have merit – as long as the public are made aware that its for the greater good as opposed to making them impervious to the disease.

    Full Member

    I read somewhere it was from some sort of bat soup in the animal market?

    Must be true then.

    Free Member

    Some sort of bat soup

    Sechuan pepperstrelle?

    Free Member

    Has anyone got a link to a serious artical explaining the effectiveness / ineffectiveness of face masks ? Someone in my office has just bought one !

    Full Member

    My daughter’s best friend from school made the news: she’s out there with her mum and dad. Dad and daughter are Brits and are getting out of there soon – but the mum is a Chinese National so she has to stay.

    Feel really sorry for them – but on the other hand I do wonder what the Chinese make of the whole “What do you mean quarantined? We’re British don’t you know? We’re leaving.” approach. Shouldn’t a quarantine apply to everyone?

    Free Member

    And the Aussies are shoving theirs in their detention centre on Christmas Island.


    **** karma, the shock – I am truly and deeply shocked that a bunch of racist right wing nut bags would do that to their own.


    Full Member

    Shouldn’t a quarantine apply to everyone?

    Thought the plan was to lock all the Brits away for 14 days when they get back, so they’re just quarantined over here rather than over there.  Wonder if that means the crew of the plane will also get the same treatment?

    Free Member


    They’ll be drawing straws at an RAF mess somewhere.

    Free Member

    MAMILS most at risk !

    Full Member

    Unless you have a supply of a few hundred disposable clean room suits, several wellies, lots long nitrile or better heavy duty rubber gloves, tape, a powered respirator, and the experience and the room (including a room you can run at negative pressure) to carry out BSL decontamination methods – you stand a good chance of getting it.

    I’ve got a roll of gorilla tape and 3 pairs of wellies. Thank god I’m under 60 and relatively fit, and if that’s not enough then **** it, at least I won’t have to come and sit in this bloody office any more.

    Free Member

    My daughter’s best friend from school made the news: she’s out there with her mum and dad. Dad and daughter are Brits and are getting out of there soon – but the mum is a Chinese National so she has to stay.
    Feel really sorry for them

    Really all that’s going to happen is that mum makes it home in a few weeks time. Lots of inconvenience for them, but it’s not like China has suddenly become zombie central.

    Free Member

    It certainly would but a virus is probably the thing that will save the planet and it’s ever expanding population

    We already solved population growth, at least in the West. Deaths out number births massively and population is in rapid decline. Well below replacement levels that no society in history has ever recovered from. (And yet a housing shortage, hmm).

    Birth control access, equal rights, education, living standards. They are the solutions. Not culling the vunerable.

    Also ironically the biggest influencer increasing fertility rates has always been natural disasters and wars.

    Full Member

    Really all that’s going to happen is that mum makes it home in a few weeks time.

    They are in the Hubei region and have to travel to Wuhan to catch the plane. I’m sure they will all be fine, but the daughter is only 9. “We’re leaving mummy behind” is a lot to deal with at that age.

    Free Member

    Dont get me started on the facemasks. They’re as useful as a chocolate teapot*

    *trust me im a biologist

    Was your validation study looking at wearing by a non-infected person as a precaution; wearing by a (possibly unaware) infected person to reduce spread or he impact on population behaviour / hygiene just from seeing people wearing them? What was the efficacy (I don’t have a value for teapot utility) – even a 10-20% reduction in infection probability would likely make it worthwhile on a macro scale, even if not worth it for the individual.

    Free Member

    We already solved population growth, at least in the West. Deaths out number births massively and population is in rapid decline.

    Someone forgot to tell the UK: (about 100,000 more births than deaths pa.)


    Free Member

    If it’s acceptable to find it OK to not worry about the deaths of a certain group then can I hope that they weaponise it to affect the chubby feckers out there? Obviously I’d feel bad about the loss of business for the ebike manufacturers.

    Full Member

    What was the efficacy (I don’t have a value for teapot utility)

    Chocolate Teapot scores 0.03 on the scolded testicles scale.

    Full Member

    If it’s acceptable to find it OK to not worry about the deaths of a certain group then can I hope that they weaponise it to affect the chubby feckers out there? Obviously I’d feel bad about the loss of business for the ebike manufacturers.

    First they came for the chubby ebikes, and they said ‘oh all right then, just don’t make a mess’….

    Full Member

    If it’s acceptable to find it OK to not worry about the deaths of a certain group then can I hope that they weaponise it to affect the chubby feckers out there?

    I mean we’re doing alright on that front really, with heart disease, diabetes, and so on. Some do-gooders trying to undo all that work with their diets and Cto5k; but overall, fatties buying loads of taxed items and dying soon after retirement is beneficial to the rest of us.

    Full Member

    Coronavirus has a mortality rate a bit above a normal winter influenza epidemic. It’s highly unfortunate but it’s not going to be as serious as SARS or heaven forbid another Spanish Flu pandemic (1918) estimated to have killed 3-5% of the worlds population.

    Full Member

    The real upside if there is a global pandemic is all those people who manage to take multiple weeks of paid sick leave per year every year will either be killed as they are susceptible to everything; or fired as they are exposed as fakers.

    Free Member

    Can I emphasise I was joking. Some of my best friends are strangers to the salad bar and beat the crap out of me on rides. No ebikes involved either.

    Edit and in Weymouth we’ve been here before.

    Free Member

    Someone forgot to tell the UK: (about 100,000 more births than deaths pa.)

    30% of UK births were from parents not born in the UK. Who to prove my other point still have fertility levels below replacement.

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