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  • When was the last time you properly lost your rag
  • Tom-B
    Free Member

    I told an old woman to f-off sometime last year in a supermarket car park. Not my finest moment-i’m usually very polite and avoid confrontation whenever possible 😳

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    bikebouy – Member
    I’m happy to blow off a few times a year

    Few times a day for me….. 🙄

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    bikebouy – Member
    I know I’m preaching to the converted ( :lol:) but there are many books available out there about this very subject, very few recommend holding frustration inward.. the inevitable implosion is usually the only outcome, most (if not all) recommend blowing off steam on occasion.

    This needs more explanation, thats what I do, which results in (as I understand it) a meltdown which other people fail to comprehend.

    The people who experienced this will be watching but hey here goes;

    SITS this year – I believed I had agreed (after some convincing by others was done) to be in the “pro” team. I spent a fair while explaining I didn’t want to ride around in mud and rain as that – and camping in the same conditions, is a very miserable experience for me.

    So, we all know what happened this year eh? I didn’t want to ride, and got stern looks, words and some even harsher words. I believe unjustly becuase I had made clear my issue.

    However, upon reflection I do believe had I communicated this differently “we” would have all been happier”.

    a) I talked constantly to other members of the team to seek any verification and justification for not riding rather than making a personal decision.

    rather than

    b) Stating firmly I’m not riding, you all heard what I said, perhaps I’ll make it up with a couple of dry-er laps in the morning oif the conditions improve letting others rest, goodnight.

    I seem to have some issue with “not a thick” skin, and not being able to say no these days. :-/

    Free Member

    Last time I lost it was in 2008 with the plumber from the firm that did my loft extension. He was clearly hung over from either drink or drugs and had flooded the floor below a number of times, then he said he’d connected a waste pipe to the fresh water supply. he hadn’t but I lost it big time, shouting in his face. All the builders were smirking and trying to hold back giggles… I chucked him out and refused to pay him or the other plumber they sent round to fix his mess.

    I lost it in a major way with a boy at school once who used to throw sticks at me as I walked home from school. he had to be taken away in an ambulance.

    Free Member

    I work with my brother and my dad, it can get very heated in the workshop on occasion. Shouting matches then one of us walks off before it gets serious, we tend to see the signs that the argument is getting out of hand and leave it be for a while. Never hit my dad (we’ve both come close), brayed my brother a couple of times n hes brayed me back. But thats family so its all well and good, you say sorry (profusely sometimes,) and carry on with the job. Just don’t do it on site.
    I don’t lose it with mates, i seethe when i’ve left the situation which probbly isn’t healthy.
    I more than often get mad at inanimate objects and have been kown to throw the odd hammer or spanner around. Booted a morrisons self service till once, right in the screen. Thats probably the best one.

    Free Member

    A few weeks ago – in a car wash queue. there was no-one queueing so I put my car in the queue and went to buy a token. Then an elderly woman came in ranting and raving about someone blocking the queue and she couldn’t get her car in to use the token she’d just bought.

    I calmly and rationally explained why i’d done it and offered to move so she could have first go but she called me selfish and could i just now hurry up as she was busy and didn’t have time to waste on tossers like me. So i again offered to move out of the way and she again gave me a load of verbal. By now the red mist was coming, but I was also enjoying having the high ground of being nothing but reasonable and polite while she was getting angrier and more abusive.

    So i finished paying for my token and then went round to the car wash and moved my car out of the way at which point she refused to take the head of the queue! So i flat refused to go first and made her as she was in such a hurry. She lost it majorly, some extremely unsavoury language (bear in mind I’m still politeness personified, but like Krakatoa inside) but eventually backed down. And as she drove into the car wash gave me the w**ker gesture. Which was so close to the final straw, but by now the shutters were closing and the spray starting otherwise I’d have ripped her mirrors off and shoved them up her wrinkly old arse.

    As it was I had the length of a car wash cycle to plan my revenge. As the shutters opened again, i was waiting at the front. I wondered if she would make to run me over actually but she didn’t. So i went over to the window, and very pleasantly asked her if she was aware that she had a brake light out and she’d better get that fixed before an on-duty policeman saw it or she could get a fine and penalty points. Delivered authoritatively enough to make her wonder if she’d spent the last 10 minutes abusing an off-duty copper, but without actually making anything like a claim to being one (which i’m not)

    She mumbled something about sorry and thanks and drove off.

    Free Member

    Apart from the fact that my hand has now been in plaster for 3 weeks (1 to go) as i smashed my knuckle to bits on his face.

    I believe that those who know more about brawling in the street than I, recommend that punches to the face are considered somewhat amateurish for this very reason – other areas of the body offer a better interaction of hard and soft favouring the puncher rather than the punchee.

    Last had a proper fight at school. Sworn at the odd motorist now and again when they’ve done something really stupid that’s endangered my life.

    Free Member

    Having thought about the original question, I honestly can’t remember. Perhaps back in school, aged 14/15??

    Free Member

    I believe that those who know more about brawling in the street than I, recommend that punches to the face are considered somewhat amateurish for this very reason – other areas of the body offer a better interaction of hard and soft favouring the puncher rather than the punchee.

    Is it ever permissable to go for the nuts? On the basis that the first task in a street fight has to be removing the likelihood of him punching you back, seems like a sensible tactic. Followed by running away, very fast.

    Free Member

    Is it ever permissable to go for the nuts?

    I’ve often wondered how a gorilla would react to a kick in the sweet meats, just in case i’m in the wild and get attacked, or fall into the gorilla compound at a zoo.

    Free Member

    Is it ever permissable to go for the nuts?

    depends whether you are fighting for pride or survival.

    A good hard kick in the balls or the kneecap, followed by one in the stomach does for most people

    Full Member

    Gorillas have tiny testicles: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/1374995?uid=3738032&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=21101476917891

    you’d have to get a lucky shot in whilst 400lb of enraged ape was trying to separate your arms from your torso.

    Free Member

    Very good friend in a very bad mood whilst out on the bikes. He was blatently lying about something and I simply pointed it out. He got overly agressive and was in my face (which I put up with). Then he started prodding my chest (which I also put up with). Then he said ‘You’re lucky you’re an old man’ I flipped and beat the crap out of him..

    This nearly happens every time we went out riding with my best mates, is that a bad sign lol?

    Seriously though, I know what you mean. “Oh man I was so much faster than you over the gap after that big berm. You looked kind of slow” “Say what?”

    Many scuffles were had, but none of us ever punched anyone else. Although I came close nearly every ride, but on the way home were all best mates again lol.

    depends whether you are fighting for pride or survival.

    Pride – no. Survival – hell yes. If someone bigger than me was strangling me I’d have absolutely no problem repeatedly kicking him in the balls. Who would?

    Full Member

    Is it ever permissable to go for the nuts?

    Is it ever not?

    Throats are very effective too, I hear.

    I calmly and rationally explained why i’d done it and offered to move so she could have first go but she called me selfish and could i just now hurry up as she was busy and didn’t have time to waste on tossers like me.

    I think some people just like to be martyrs. I know a few people like this.

    Mate of mine once lent another mate some money. A few days later, Mate #1 says to #2, “hey, do you want me to go and get that cash for you now?” #2 replies, “no worry, whenever, I’m in no rush.”

    Later that same night, in the pub with #2, he makes a big song and dance about how #1 “still hasn’t given me back the money he owes me.” Arse.

    Free Member

    Later that same night, in the pub with #2, he makes a big song and dance about how #1 “still hasn’t given me back the money he owes me.” Arse.

    Some people are too polite to say straight up “Yes gimme my money back you plonk.” But repaying it as soon as you can afford to is the right thing to do.

    That annoys me.

    Free Member

    Booted a morrisons self service till once, right in the screen.

    Actual LOL. Very impressive.

    Kicking someone in the nuts? Actually taught at most martial arts places I know. We have one TKD instructor, 6’7″, 18st 8th Dan and 3 times world heavy weight champion. he’s good, really, really good. He’s quite happy to admit that he’d simply knock someone’s balls into their stomachs, then stamp on them to ensure they pop back out before running away. If it’s good enough for him…

    Full Member

    for the second time in a week, what transapp says.

    Fighting isn’t like it is on the telly.

    Full Member

    Apart from swearing at the odd driver I have never ever lost my rag or got angry

    Free Member

    On hindsight i wish i’d just carried on my way but after being pushed over my hand was kind of forced….

    Did you not bring that on yourself by shouting at them?

    Free Member

    i have never once lost my cool.
    violence solves nothing and is utterly disgraceful behavior.

    Full Member

    Did you not bring that on yourself by shouting at them?

    Sounded like the driver cut him up quite badly.

    Do you just ignore it when someone nearly takes you out?

    Free Member

    The only time i’ve really lost it was seeing the girl who’d broke up with me a week before, being very ‘friendly’ with another bloke. If my best mate hadn’t been there to drag me away it might have got ugly 🙁

    Free Member

    Re: a kick in the balls – I was kind of thinking the kind of scuffles that some of you seem to get into with riding mates. Something in me thinks that kicking a mate in the nuts over a who’s the fastest rider disagreement would be OTT (whereas a bitch slapping contest is fair game, if you must)

    Clearly in the case of confronting a mugger or burglar, they’d deserve a swift bit of toe/plum justice.

    Although in reality I’d probably wee myself a bit and hand over my wallet. I can mentally torment a car washing granny, but in real life I’m probably a bit of a coward*

    * although i did once step in and break up a ‘fight’ between a girl and a bloke having a domestic in the taxi rank after a night out. But they both told me to **** off, so I don’t think that counts.

    Free Member

    in terms of kicking someone in the nuts, if someone is trying to hurt me, i dont care what i have to do to stop them. Anything goes. I haven’t even thrown a punch at someone for about 10 years though.

    Free Member

    About a year ago, punched a guy in the face. Won’t go into the details because it’s petty and I’m ashamed of it, I’m generally pretty good at avoiding conflict though. People who are clearly lying to my face wind me up though. As do those that continue to argue after they’ve been proven wrong.

    Free Member

    There are some dark characters in this thread.

    Free Member

    As do those that continue to argue after they’ve been proven wrong.

    The arrival of the internet can’t have done your blood pressure any good?

    Free Member

    I tend to ignore them once I realise that’s what’s going on, much easier on the interweb than in person. Actually have quite low blood pressure, maybe that helps.

    Full Member

    About 10yrs ago

    HAd to leave one work site to get to another 30 miles away and had to be there under an hour. Easy.

    My car was totally blocked in against 2 walls and another car by a fire extinguisher service van parked totally outside any marked paces.

    I phoned his head office who couldn’t contact him either though he supposedly had a mobile. Went to the site security office (private car park) and they couldn’t give a shit. No means of contacting they guy though they said “he always does that” and no interest in helping me move his van. He could been in one of 2 buildings quarter of a mile apart and both with about 8 floors, so I had to go & find him. On my way to the second building, very nearly already late for a meeting with about 20 colleagues waiting for me I got caught in a massive downpour and thunderstorm (obviously no coat on).

    Found the guy on the 4th or so floor and asked him to move his van quickly as I needed to get away. Didn’t even look at me, just carried on twiddling with a valve (it wasn’t on a pressurised cylinder so no “danger”) and said “ten minutes”

    I told him if he wasn’t on his feet in 10 seconds I’d drag him down the stairs by his **** heels. He got up & walked really slowly down the stairs and to the car park then as he got in to move his van and closed the door he made some smartarsed comment about “wasn’t so hard, was it ?” and I properly flipped. Pulled his door open and pulled him out and I’d have merrily battered him if one of the security blokes hadn’t tuned up.

    Did wonder if I was going to have a bit of HR bother over that one but came to nothing other than I got a load of shit for missing the original meeting.

    After discussing (without specifics) with my boss I did change my working schedule so I no longer work split days across sites but if the same situation occurred I’m not sure I could avoid doing it again

    Pathetic 🙄

    Full Member

    Bloke overtook me once and his mirror actual went UNDER my elbow, proper shit me up.
    Anyway, he stop in traffic about 1/2 a mile down the road so I pull up next to him and calmly explain how close he was (honestly….i was surprisingly nice considering) and he just shrugs and says “its okay…I.didn’t hit you”, I really start to go medieval at him (read the side of his car), he quickly came round and apologised and I very quickly realised how mental I looked and did the same. All very strange.

    The other time my foot slipped of my pedal in front of a car (slight uphill and slow traffic) and I went down hard, got up to see the bloke laughing at me do I threw my bike at his car…bounced of his bonnet and did a fair bit of damage, I did the honourable thing and got the **** outta dodge.

    Free Member

    Can’t actually remember the last time, so either I don’t really get that angry or I control it well.

    Free Member

    Hmm, theres been a few red mist incidents on the bike over the years.
    Narrow single track lane, car practically force mate in front into the verge and tries to do the same to me. It was at that point I realised that the latest shape mondeos actually have quite fragile wingmirrors.

    Another time had been out for a ride with my brother in law, going back along my road (parked car on both sides, one lane for both directions) and a car is behind me. Theres no way for him to pass as there isnt room, no matter was nearly home, driver toots his horn for me to get out of his way, I slammed on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road and give it WTF ra ra ra and he says I should move out of his way as Im in his way. Cue big FU from me followed by BIG sticky gob right in the middle of his bonnet. He goes loopy, BIL tell me to leave it etc etc.

    In the car once, some clown forces his way past parked cars, clipping and breaking my wing mirror. Cue emergency stop from me then chasing him down the road very quickly in reverse, him stopping, me climbing out of my car, punching his mirror, “now we’re equal, tosser” and driving off.

    There’s nothing there for me to be proud of. 😳

    Free Member

    for the second time in a week, what transapp says.

    I’ve got an admirer – how sweet! :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    I’m too scared to let rip. Always take the high ground and try to be polite in angry situations as it winds people up more.
    Had a nose to nose in Legoland carpark once. Thought the guy was going to drop me in front of his entire family as I didn’t pull forward in a queue by 50cm. Fortunately making him look stupid in front of hundreds of people sat in the same queue was enough for him to eventually back down. Shame it took another hour to get out of the carpark and all the time he was behind me and he could see me laughing.

    Free Member

    I was surprised at how calm I felt actually. Cold actually, felt like I had ice water in my head. Felt very rational at the time and quite sick about 2 hours afterwards.

    I get that too. The worse the situation, the colder, clearer-thinking and more emotionless I get. It all comes out later; sometimes much later. It’s a survival thing I think. As is red-mist. These are normal human emotions brought on by stress. They need managing, but don’t deny them.

    The problem is when it comes out at an inappropriate time. I’m so unused to anger that I was caught out at work: a small work-related trigger causing raging from the untimely death of my wife two months earlier. Hands were shaking and I wanted hurl things and would have punched anyone who spoke to me. I quickly left but made the mistake of driving straight home. I wanted to ram every car off the road and was going at ludicrous speeds. I stopped a few times and got home in one piece. Not terribly responsible driving a car in that state 🙁

    The punchbag in garage got beaten until my hands were raw (I didn’t bother with gloves) and anger turned to tears. It hasn’t happened again, but it might. So it goes.

    Free Member

    As do those that continue to argue after they’ve been proven wrong.

    and you don’t have teenage boys either. 😀

    Free Member

    i usually only loose it with inanimate objects. especially printers, but i did completely loose my temper with a young copper the other day. he was pulling out right by a zebra crossing i was halfway across and a car went through at 35mph+ (i had two dogs on leads and the car missed me and them by inches) I looked at him in shock because he hadnt reacted and he said “that’s a big dog what breed is he?” which to be fair is what everyone says when they see harry. i went off on a proper mental rant for a good 5 mins about observational skills being essential for the job etc etc. he just sat there and took it. i think i was lucky he was young and on his own, lucky not to fall down the police steps that evening i think

    Free Member

    Loose my rag..? I have what can only be described as strops.. the odd door slam, bit of a raised voice. Wouldnt like to really loose it someone would get very hurt.
    Punch bag in the garage helps as dose riding in the peak and learning a few little grrrr’s are better than an explosive roar!

    Free Member

    Well as I’m currently trying to give up the fags again I shall regale you with what happened one of the other times I was trying to give up.

    One morning I was joining the M1 as usual, & it was a bit slow (as usual) & I was trying to keep a steady pace in the inside lane, so when things sped up a little I was looking ahead at what was happening a little further up the road & trying not to just speed up, brake, repeat. Well the lorry behind didn’t like steady progress & started to tailgate me, for a while I put up with it then got bored & started to brake him obviously knowing it would take him a while to get up to speed again. This went on for a while until he had enough & went for an overtake into lane 2 whilst missing my rear bumper by a distance I deemed unsafe, so the red mist descended, I sped up & pulled across lanes 1 & 2 & braked him to a standstill, jumped out of the car & had a full blown discussion with him in the middle of the motorway.

    On reflection it was not one of my best decisions, but felt proper good at the time 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m generally not at all confrontational and it takes a helluva lot to get me to react to any kind of provocation. The last time that I got pretty mad was actually as myself. Day before flying to the alps this summer, left work and drove the 100miles to oxford to my mate’s where we were going from to heathrow the next morning. I’d been there less time than it takes for the kettle to boil and I realised i’d forgotten my passport. Had rather a massive rage at myself for being such an idiot. Got straight back in the van and drove home. Few hours kip and then drove back again, still annoyed at myself. Thankfully a week in morzine made me forget all about it. I don’t think i’ve been angry since.

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