I remember being at Mildenhall airshow a good few years back and heard the tail end of a friendly discussion between an A-10 pilot and a Harrier pilot about which of the two planes was best.
They were mentioning the usual facts (A-10 can fly with one engine missing, one tail thingy missing, half of one wing missing etc, Harrier can do the whole V/STOL thing, hide under road bridges etc). Anyway, the argument got round to the Harrier’s VIFF trick, to which the A-10 pilot said: “Yes, I can fly backwards. I just have to keep firing the Gatling”.
Apparently the recoil stalls it at 3 seconds and the plane can go backwards at about 5 seconds.
I heard that and immediately wanted one. Then I got told that you have to be really short to fit in one and that annoyed me. It’s still really cool though and Gulf War 1 must have been great fun for the plane.
Oh yes… I thought I would post up a piccy of the Russian answer to both the Harrier and the Warthog. Gentlemen, I give you the Frogfoot…