Right i had Hope Pro2 with Mavic 717 rims on my Hummer.Tyres were Cinder 2.1 folders.On the other bike were Hope XCs with F519 rims.Tyres were non folding Cinders of the 2.25 variety.I have now swapped these around.The Pro 2s on a Kona Four Supreme.Which goes really well.BUT with the other combo on the Hummer it feels such a DRAGGGGG!Now before i go to the bother of weighing everything tell me.Would just changing the tyres do the trick?Is there a signicant difference weight wise between the wheels?Thinking of just buying some 2.1 folders as that would obviously be the cheapest option.After that if there is a massive difference wheel wise i may have to look at that but i’m more inclined to think it’s tyres?