Home Forums Bike Forum What's the steepest trail you know you should be able to climb but can't?

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  • What's the steepest trail you know you should be able to climb but can't?
  • ontor
    Free Member

    The climb from the bridge too far up to water usually catches me out, and the last water-bar on the climb out of dingly-dell is a beast, by that stage you’re hanging and have to really heave yourself up and over.

    Full Member

    Snowdon. Llanberis path. Just after the last but one station after the path goes under the bridge. The combination of the gradient and loose surface make this 50m stretch impossible for me. It’s the only thing that stops me from riding up in one go

    Free Member

    The climb that links the bottom of Barry Knows Best and Pirch (TL then TR at bottom ie NOT thru P’lake)

    Free Member

    Going back up skelghyll woods from Ambleside

    Full Member

    Coopers Wood climb from Pilgrim’s Way/Exedown to the top of Wrotham Hill/A20. Never seen anyone actually clean it mainly due to the chalk/flints/ruts and the way it kicks up toward the top.

    Even the local crosser-t*****rs struggle if it’s remotely damp.

    Free Member

    Every part of this bastid.

    Free Member

    Theres one near me which is a but fiddly, mostly because its narrow and tends to have a rut in the middle which has steepish sides and loose stones in the rut, so its easier (!) to ride on the sides. Plus it gets a bit steppy due to horseriders hammering it in the winter and there are lots of overhanging brambles to avoid. However it turns a corner, steepens and the rut deepens, to your already hammered legs are burning up and you have to keep a dead straight line to avoid pedal strikes, whilst trying to maintain traction.
    Never cleared it, but I believe its possible with fresh legs (I tend to meet it at the end of a ride normally).

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