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  • what's the most stupid/idiotic thing you've done whilst intoxicated?
  • muppetWrangler
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    Tried to pick a fight with four US Marines over a girl. Well, two actually wanted to fight the other two were holding them back, no amount of goading would cause them to let go, impressive restraint! On the same night I got hit by a moped and fell asleep leaning face first against a tree. Happy Days!

    Run naked through the welsh countryside, doing a steeple chase event over dry stone walls and streams, then got locked out of the hut for about twenty minutes ’till we could get someone to let us in. It was February.

    Took a horse from a bit of scrubland and brought it back to my mates house, kept it in the garden overnight then took it back again once sober.

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    I once woke up on a building site in Germany. At the time I was completely under the impression it was a similar looking building site in Dundee. Not sure how I got there and didn’t really have any money. It’s very strange when you walk into the street and findng out you’re Abroad, but can’t be much more specific than that. I’m sure a ferry was involved, I remember an epic street party and a fight (in both cases the people involved were speaking Foreign and the time I couldn’t speak Foreign and it’s all a bit vague so I’m not sure if it was the same dialect of Foreign), but unusually, no bruises on me. Had to get a job to get money to get home, not so very easy when you’re 17, have no trades or skills and don’t speak the language.

    Fortunately, there are no skills involved in shoveling horsesht fora couple of weeks.

    Free Member

    ..and you should try trying to explain to people that you need a pee and where are the toilets when you’ve just slept on a building site with no idea where you are and very little confidence in who you are

    passport – is that me? naaaaaahhhh, he looks like he knows how use a comb and a razor

    Full Member

    Mine is horrible and I am deeply ashamed.

    Back in my clubbing days and after both a Friday and Saturday night out, we attended an all nighter in Warrington on the Suday night. Must have been getting on for 48hrs with no sleep, we decided that ketamine laced E’s would be just the ticket.

    I have no recollection of the night, only emerging dazed from the club and trying to find the van, during this search, we took a couple more (I think they were called Flatliners). We found the van and set off back to Blackpool. Me and my mate were equally wasted, we gave a lift to another mate,we we had met outside the club and was relatively ok. I have no further recollection of the trip home other than reversing the wreckage of the van out of a bus stop 200 yards from my girlfriends house. Wrote the van off.

    On later asking the lad we took home what had happened, he said that during that journey from Warrington to Blackpool, he had made his peace with the world and was ready for death, which he was convinced would have come, such was my wasted state.

    That unhappy trip instantly ended my role a chauffer for weekend activities. I could have killed hundreds. Proper shook me up and signalled the start of me cleaning myself up and ultimately stopping going out to raves and clubs. Never been near a vehicle intoxicated since.

    Deeply ashamed.

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    Woke up by the side of a lake with a sailing boat (presumably ‘borrowed’ earlier from the sailing club on the other side of said lake) moored next to us. None of us have any recollection of sailing it across a lake, but we clearly did. None of us had ever sailed before. Amazingly, nobody drowned

    Oh to be young and stupid

    Full Member

    Lap of the TT course, sat facing backward on the pillion of Kwak 750 Turbo, alternately laughing, screaming and crying with fear.

    Climbed on stage and dived into the crowd at a Ramones gig .

    Helped a bloke break into the Spa in Crumpsall one night after stopping to ask him why he was on the roof.

    A mate of mine climbed Snowdon on millenium night, pissed as a fart intending to let off a load of fireworks, only to realise on the summit that she’d left her lighter behind.

    Free Member

    Blimey I’ve never lived!! 🙁

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    OK, I’ve thought of one…

    When staying at my Dad’s in Italy at around 19, me and him went out for a few drinks with some of his business associates. Got a little drunk and he decided that rather than walk back from the bar we’d drive back, after an hour or so driving around Milan we found a parking space and walked the rest of the way back to his apartment.

    I was woken up in the morning by my Dad asking me if I could remember where we’d put the car. A few days later we found it further away from his apartment than the bar, and poorly parked next to a 24hr street bar.

    I can only assume we found a place to put it and then had some more drinks before walking to his apartment.

    But remember, drink driving is bad.

    Free Member

    Climbing up the outside of a two storey house in London, trying to get in through the upstairs window, losing my grip, falling 20 ft or so, narrowly missing the spiked iron railings, bouncing off a large bush in the garden and through a plate glass bay window, landing squarely in the middle of the carpet, covered in branches and broken glass at 3 am. Not one scratch on me. Wasn’t even my house.

    Running skyclad down a large Cumbrian hill at midnight, only losing my balance and falling into a large patch or gorse. Took two weeks to get all the thorns out.

    Making home made fireworks and accidentally blowing the guttering off the roof.

    Lots more fights, broken glass, blood, a few tears, sticky fingers and hazy memories. Life as a responsible adult now seems very dull in comparison.

    Full Member

    Not me, but a mate from Uni. Was on holiday on a boat with his GF and her family, sailing round the Virgin Islands. Went ashore for a night out to see a reggae band at a local pub. Witnesses say he was very inebriated. ‘Borrowed’ a little boat with an outboard to get back to the yacht, moored about a half mile offshore. He was never seen again. Turns out the boat had a faulty engine and was waiting to be repaired.


    Me, I’ve never done much while drunk aside from snog some howlers and puke in some rather public places, but I’m still alive, and for that I’m very grateful.

    Free Member

    Thought of another one…

    Me and a few friends at uni (Farmer Dave, Dangerous Dave and Mike) walking home drunk and noticed a light on and music coming out of a window in a house at about 4am.

    We decided to gatecrash the party and began climbing through the window.

    I stood on the bed and woke the guy in it (who had fallen asleep while listening to music presumably)…he was a little surprised and demanded to know who we were.

    We staggered off laughing as him and his housemates ‘saw us off’.

    This was after being rejected from gatecrashing another party further down the street…apparently they didn’t know anyone called Steve who we assured them said we were invited.

    Free Member

    BigButSlimmerBloke – if true, that really is legendary.. not even knowing what country you’re in!

    Free Member

    Most embarrassing involves a lady and a room of (sleeping) friends.
    Probably most dangerous involved trying to work out if I could jump off my motorbike, have a slash, and then jump back on the still upright bike before it fell. Needless to say there was a huge fail. As momentum was lost the bike keeled over trapping my left foot on the floor. Lifting it was somewhat problematic but achieved in the end. Seconds after righting the bike and moving to the edge of the road a car came screaming round the bend and right over the spot I had been lying seconds earlier!
    Thrown down some nightclub steps and through the window of a waiting taxi.
    And many, many more which I can’t remember.

    Free Member

    The most recent, buying bizare stuff on ebay!

    Full Member

    Set fire to my hair (went up quicker than I thought it would).

    Tried to jump out of a moving car and hit the ground running (harder than I expected).

    Both when under 18.

    Free Member

    Far too many examples I could list, but an early one was getting in the back of a Police car thinking it was a taxi, aged 17 and very drunk.

    Full Member

    Set fire to my hair

    Chapaking. Yip. Done that one too, when falling down a ditch at Glastonbury carrying a huge flare

    Oh god, I’ve just remembered another one. We decided to turn all the furniture in my mates hotel room upside down (like you do) while we were on a skiing holiday in Austria. We gained access to his room by Jumping from one balcony to another all the way along the hotel, four stories up. All while absolutely leathered.

    Both when under 18 too. I’m amazed I lived to see 20

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    the missus

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    I saw some French white trash types in a campsite once doing their hair early evening in the toilet block – smoking, and using copious amounts of hairspray.

    Not long after there was a lot of screaming, running about and slapping of head.

    Free Member

    In my student days, once woke up after a night out to find a complete set of temporary traffic lights in the living room of our second floor flat. Now that has got to be one better than the standard traffic cone/ road sign beer trophy. No idea how they got there.

    The following week the university had a traffic cone/sign ammensty so when we rocked up with the a complete set of temporary traffic lights they looked less than impressed.

    Free Member

    was taking a young lady back to my flat after meeting her in a nightclub, she went to shop to get cigarettes, I had a moment of clarity and remembered that I lived with my girlfriend so i did what any man would do and legged it

    we did end up going out for a while a few months later, not sure how i explained it away………

    Free Member

    Were the lights working? Did you nick the genny too?

    Free Member

    The original Big Bike Bash was actually the Singletrack southern festival and was held in my back garden.

    that started after 8 big Leffe and about 6 little duval with me posting an invite to a free weekend party in my back garden with free beer and food

    Turned out okay though

    Free Member

    your mama..
    we would need to build a whole new internet to catalogue it all..

    one of the more entertaining that I can recall off-hand.. was losing all my clothes barring a pair of ancient threadbare briefs before getting painted head to toe in a veritable riot of dayglo paint.. and then much to my surprise.. being invited onto the second stage at reading festival to dance for the duration of the headline act’s set as a sort of Bez style mascot..

    or perhaps eating a quarter of skunk then trainhopping around the country without a penny in my pocket until I eventually arrived in Brighton.. where I gave away all my worldly posessions (wallet.. driving licence.. shoes and coat..) to some french students before spending the weekend bumming around the beach smoking crack and drinking white lightening.. only to end up early on sunday afternoon back at the communal squat of some fundamentalist musical vegan religious sect where I broke their mixing desk and tried to steal a guitar.. I nearly got stabbed later that same evening by a group of homeless that were holding some sort of wake for a recently deceased friend.. after gatecrashing their street party and helping myself to the special brew and bucky..

    oh the joys.. 🙄

    Free Member

    I have a few I could list but my Brother wins the prize. The story goes…

    A few years ago he was at a party hosted by his best mate, he ate handfuls of mushrooms amongst other things and all was going well until my bro really started to lose the plot. He told me he thought he was one of the Sims and that his mates could just reset him if they needed to so he proceeded to go on the rampage. After an hour or so of dancing like an idiot, removing his clothes and making lewd suggestions to men and women alike, he squatted down in the crowded living room and took a shit, right in the middle of the carpet. Then he fell in it. Then he wriggled about in it, wearing only a single sock.

    The hosts demanded he cleared up but he was on another planet so they cleared it up, kicked him out and went to bed. BUT, he felt he had to apologise so he kicked their front door down, fought his way past his mate and crawled into bed with said mates missus. He was still not clean, apparently they had to replace the sheets and mattress, but he crawled in anyway and when she went nuts at him he demanded a blowjob. Eventually he was hauled into the street, barricaded out, his mates called my mum who found him dancing in the middle of a roundabout wearing only at shirt and covered in his own mess at 4 in the morning.

    After this he actually left the country for 6 months and was eventually forgiven on his return, though I think the mates GF will never really trust him again.

    He is a bad man my brother, but he knows how to party.

    Free Member

    wonder how many “what goes on on tour, stays on tour” stories are being held back 😆

    Free Member

    your brother sounds good.. I’m not mentioning any personal poo stories.. though they would merit a chapter..
    or mushroom stories..
    or lost plot stories.. 😳

    Full Member

    Torminalls – your brother is truly awesome and I’m still laughing uncontrollably a few minutes after reading that.

    He does indeed know how to party.

    Free Member

    It is very rare I have ever seen him exhibit genuine shame at his antics (and there have been many) but this was one of those times.

    Weirdly, my mum was strangely amused but we definitely managed to harden her up over the years.

    Free Member

    Two of my mates were arguing shouting at each other in the street, I was shouting at them to calm down but they wouldn’t listen. I saw a house brick on the floor and decided to throw it though a car window in order to get their attention. Chucked it and by some freakish miracle it just bounced right back off the window. So surreal that everyone stopped shouting in amazement and we went on our way.

    Free Member

    Practicing kung-fu on vending macahines gets you free fanta. This is a good thing. Fleeing the scene via a window, through a muddy flower bed and traipsing foot prints all the way back to your flat is a bad thing. It makes the free fanta end up costing you several hundred pounds.

    Free Member

    Chatted to a couple of policemen while on it.

    Luckily they didn’t search me, or I’d be going away for a while under “possession with intent to supply”.

    Looking back, it makes everything else I’ve done under the influence of everything else pale into insignificance.

    Full Member

    still laughing.

    the poo was the icing on the cake, so to speak

    Free Member

    Loving that poo in the room story!

    Full Member

    Torminalis – that’s absolutely outstanding. How do you cope? Living in the shadow of such greatness 😀

    Free Member

    torm has his own stories, ones that his brother is probably writing up over on a forum somewhere 😆

    Free Member

    How do you cope? Living in the shadow of such greatness

    Not sure really, he is the youngest and definitely the wildest of the three of us. I reassure myself that I trained him well.

    Free Member

    Got confused where the toilet was once and tried to wee sat down on the bed. Body was having none of it though an I couldn’t go so just fell asleep sat up on the edge of the bed with pants off an a boob hanging out

    Free Member

    I think it’s a clever use of ‘my brother’.

    I’ve got a mate who…

    Free Member

    fell asleep sat up on the edge of the bed with pants off an a boob hanging out

    first one that made me genuinely laugh out loud. :mrgreen:

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