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  • Whats important in life…….. whats in store for the next decade
  • samuri
    Free Member

    I made loads of plans about what I would do with my life. Obviously none of it came to fruition. It's just life. If you make plans you'll be disappointed, but make 'em anyway. It's fun seeing if they'll turn out or not. The most important thing is to do the best with what you've got and at least give it a go, otherwise you really will be disappointed and that would be a shit place to be.

    Last ten years for me? Could have been better. Both my wifes parents and two of her brothers have died, my father and aunt have died. Got made redundant, got into seriously heavy debt, got back out of it. Worked like a crazy for for many years to sort things out. On the upside I've ridden masses, we own our own house, we're financially confortable now and I've said it before, but my wife and I have both given up smoking in the last couple of years and it was the best thing we've ever done.

    I'm happy.

    edit: if I could change anthing (and surely that is the benchmark for whether you're satisifed with life or not), I'd have more hair and better teeth.

    edit: and a bigger cock.

    Free Member

    i'm starting to lose my hair

    Free Member

    Mix bag the last ten years

    In the first half an hour of the decade a girl colapsed in front of me due to a bad E And I wake up to the worst music on radio 1 the next day.not a good start. Gave up a house in town moved back to mum and dads and then started bikeing again on the right track now,was going to join the RAF decided not to then I meet my now partner ,we did somthing Very silly. my gran passes away , then worked in Newcastle for 11 months which is some thing that I will never do again, inthat time we had a kid and had to buy a house ,worked around Scotland for 2 years have another kid, gets best job ever , My giant vt gets nicked so I buy a intense 5.5 mum gets cancer I get a dog ,finds out daughter is diabetic , mum dies , I have to have opp on Achilles tendon , I get another dog and then I fined out I have now to get an opp on my knee.

    Looking back it's looks bad but I have 2 great kids a lovely partner and my Health and no money , so what instore we will just have to wait and see

    Free Member

    Hopefully next 10 years will pass quietly with no problems.
    Last 10 have seen job get better. 2 kids arrive adnd provide lots of joy as well as equal amounts of stress.
    Got back into road cycling little under 18 month ago.
    Started to get fit again after 10 years off a bike.
    But illness hit and lots of tests seem to point towards MS. Now
    on an endless journey of meds to control the pain. Road bike has been sold as it
    was to painfull, but sod it getting a mountain bike in the new year. Will feel like crap
    after a ride but will mentally feel a lot better for getting out.
    Even the shrink agrees with me about getting out even though it will make me I'll.

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