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  • What would the UK be like now if Germany had won WW2?
  • Hohum
    Free Member

    I often wonder what it would be like in the UK if Germany had won WW2.

    When I was younger I used to think that there would still be German Stormtroopers running around the countryside in their grey uniforms, but I guess that would not be the case.

    Any thoughts on the subject?

    Free Member

    Ruthlessly efficient.

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    I don’t think Germany, more particularly Hitler, could ever have won. What he wanted couldn’t be had, it was a fantasy.

    Free Member

    The Germany of today is a result of a complete rebuilding process minus the Nazis.
    If they had one WW2, the world would be pretty grim with persecution of Jews, pretty much any non white, honosexuals, all disabilities, intellectuals, students, russians, slavics etc.
    You think the Tories are bad…

    Free Member

    There would be no repeats of Dad’s Army.

    Free Member

    I doubt we’d be here talking about it.

    Full Member

    much the same as it is now – it was 60 going on 70 years ago.

    Free Member

    We would all be driving round in Volkswagens, BMWs and Mercs instead of Humbers, Rovers and Austins.

    Full Member

    We would all be driving round in Volkswagens, BMWs and Mercs instead of Humbers, Rovers and Austins.

    No Goggomobils, Hanomags, Kleinschnittgers, Maicos, or NSUs then?

    Full Member

    Much the same as now only with a considerably less diverse ethnic makeup, I suspect.

    Free Member

    it would probably be a terrorist state as some of us would never tolerate rule by another state.

    Free Member

    would just be an Arian nation 🙂

    Free Member

    there would be no comedy.

    Full Member

    there would be more wheatbeer in pubs

    Free Member

    There would be little crime as suspected criminals, and frankly anyone very poor or odd looking, would be secretly rounded up and shot and made into sausages and soap.

    Full Member

    There would be lots of soap and sausages.

    Free Member

    We would all be riding cube bikes,

    Free Member

    There would be millions of flags and banners everywhere. The Nazis really went to town with them

    Also, there wou be no hoodies and casual dress. Say what you like about the Nazis, they were always smartly turned out!

    Full Member

    We’d have lost the Ashes 5-0 and now be preparing to face Strauss, Pietersen and Trott in the South African side…

    Free Member

    Instead of all heading out mountain biking at the weekends, we’d all be meeting up and lying around the countryside half naked and participating in various homo erotic activities while some freak films it and puts it on Das YouTube.

    So very little would be different for our 29er riding contingent.

    Free Member

    there would be more wheatbeer in pubs

    (Is suddenly worried that own love of Bavarian-style Wheaty Beer makes him a sympathiser of Nazi ideologies. Is even more concerned and confuddled by the fact that a very close Jewish friend also enjoys wheaty beer)


    Free Member

    hmmm we would’nt be here? all executed by gas.

    Free Member

    We’d all be watching Mr. Bean.

    Sausage would be better too, although mustard wouldn’t.

    Free Member

    Buxom blond birds…………..mmmm.

    Big jugs of beer, giant sausages and 911’s all round. Shame we won really.

    Free Member

    Sorry, did you want a serious answer.

    Actually when I went on a tour of the 1st WW sights in Belgium / France and stood there looking at 300,000 graves – I was shocked and couldent help wondering the same thing. I honestly wondered if either the first or second world war in Europe was worth that much loss of life.

    I had driven there in my Lotus, and felt perhaps this many years later the only difference would be Id own a Porsche.

    Its probably impossible to say as so much depends on tiny things. I came back and read a really good book on counterfactual history. Good for realising so much of our history and now current life is depended on mainly luck. Changes in the weather affect the outcome of wars. One verbal slip up can change an election. Then on the otherhand some things gain a momentum and small changes cant stop a tide – look at Egypt now for example.

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    You wouldn’t have to put up with posts from me 🙁

    Full Member

    fatherland by Robert Harris ??

    oh yeah we’d be in the euro and there would be more manufacturing, either that or we’d still be mining to power the german plants

    Free Member

    I can speak German plus increase bureaucracy.

    I will become a ruthless pen pusher.


    Free Member

    I’ve heard it postulated that winning a war is bad for a country in the long term, as it breeds complacency and lazyness. Losing makes you take a hard look at yourself, reform and rebuild. Look at British vs German economies, manufacturing etc since WW2.

    Full Member

    Nuclear war with Russia in the 50’s so I dread to think. Germany today is a country that was at a point in it’s history “very” different than it is today, but then what country isn’t?

    The answer is no one knows or can know. One can speculate but it means nothing in reality. There are obviously people who would like to think “oh well there wouldn’t be this or that problem because the Nazi’s would have sorted it”. If they had been that “good” at their chosen task though would they have lost the war?

    Why have I just bothered to type this and why am I posting? Well after that typing I may as well, I hate to see waste.

    Free Member

    There would be no word for fluffy.

    Free Member

    Ruthlessly efficient.

    You’ve obviously never spent much time in Germany…

    And ‘winning’ WW2 and invading the UK are really two different things.

    Plus can I recommend ‘Germany 1945 – From war to peace’, of why they needed to be totally destroyed in WW2 rather than the ‘ceasefire’ of WW1.

    Free Member

    lycras shorts would have been replaced by leiderhossen 😯

    Probably have got to more than world cup final 😉

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    We would have to communicate in code ………. but our spirit would never have been broken :


    Full Member

    there would be no comedy.

    True. This advert would never have been made 🙁

    Full Member

    Did the UK win WW2? It would seem that if so we certainly lost the peace (or are doing so). The US “won” and have come out of it pretty well, Germany “lost” and though it went through a lot of turmoil from this side of the channel it is easy to feel that they too came out of it pretty well up to this point in history.

    Life in “Airstrip One” doesn’t feel like we came out it all too well.

    Full Member

    I work with germans for a german company and the average bloke is pretty much the same there as here.

    I think that the old guard would have died out (similar to Franco in Spain) and we’d be part of some sort of greater europe not under nazi control with worse dress sense, higher speed limits and bad pop music.

    Or, the whole World would be a scorched nuclear desert.

    Free Member

    If you assume unconditional surrender following a massive invasion then it’s anybody’s guess. I reckon a negotiated peace in 1940, with no invasion of most of the UK was perhaps more likely.

    Enough of the British upper class were sympathetic enough to the anti-Bolshevik/anti-semitic/social discipline agenda that forming a respectable British government willing to make peace with Germany would have been perfectly feasible. If the army had been entirely lost in France or at Dunkirk and the airforce had collapsed in summer 1940, a negotiated peace, without full occupation, would have been perfectly feasible. I’d hazard that people would have been quite relieved not to have their cities flattened. The king would have talked about the proud people of Britain and germany having much in common. Stability would have reigned. Industry would have prospered. There would have been a customs union and that sort of thing. Hitler is pleased to have the irritant of Britain out of the war, and even more relieved not to have Britain soliciting US aid. He is well aware of the vast US contribution to finishing germany off in 1918, and avoidance of the US weighing in is the single biggest achievement of the peace treaty with Britain.

    Britain as a land-mass would have been of modest strategic significance, I’m sceptical that a major occupation would have been necessary. With Britain out of the fighting, Ireland might well have come off the fence and allowed submarine and air bases on their Atlantic coast, so apart from perhaps wanting submarine bases up in Northern Scotland it’s hard to see why Germany would press for many bases or garrisons.

    The main significance is that British control of Suez and the middle east ceases to be an issue. German shipping can suddenly pass through the canal unimpeded, and its sea-lanes in the Pacific are protected by the British navy. German ships have free passage along the African coast and the huge markets that opens up.

    The British navy supports German troops fightig through Greece towards the Bosphorous, and allows German control of Iraq. Germany now has access to vast oilfields and is able to push into the USSR from the south across the Caucasus. The British navy pushes up the Baltic and harrasses Russian supply lines. Without Churchill’s mediation with the US, Roosevelt does not send military supplies to the Russians. Russia collapses in 1944. Germany can consolidate, with unimpeded Western sea-lanes, access to middle eastern oilfields and varying control over most countries of Western Europe.

    With no enemies to the North, German occupation of N. France or the low countries is not necessary. These countries have german attached military advisors in most units and staff headquarters. France, Ireland and the UK join Spain as politically compatible countries in a military alliance under german leadership. Their political cultures move towards Nazi ones (much admired in many circles in the 1930s) but with victory over the Communist menace assured and their economies powering ahead, Western European leaders do not find the need to scape-goat their jewish minorities particularly. The worst excesses of the holocaust are not felt in Western Europe, although the yiddish-speaking population of eastern europe is virtually wiped out as German lilitary controla nd the long war against the USSR grinds East.

    It doesn’t seem very important at the time, but the zionist settlements in German-controlled Palestine are largely wiped out. Hitler gives the go-ahead to Haj-Amin to organise the complete destruction of Jewish religious sites in Jerusalem. Skilful political manipulation of Arab leaders produces Ba’athist governments in Iraq and Syria. German military control of the Suez canal is complete, but it prefers to leave local security and control of the oilfields to corrupt and unrepresentative oligarchies with whom they can deal.

    We could keep this up for ages, couldn’t we? Going to stop.

    Free Member

    hmmm we would’nt be here? all executed by gas.

    No i’m not Jewish, or a pikey

    Free Member

    The Royal Family would have survived………….

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