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  • What will the U.K. look like…
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member


    Not bin following this Tescos Value Thread; what’s the skinny?

    Ought I to be to be enraged?

    CSI’s on. I’ll report back in a while…

    Free Member

    What would I do about it? I’d kick people, with the attitude depicted in my first post, out of this country,

    Seems to imply you think it’s ‘your’ country. Care to explain why you think this?

    Like, I’m brown, and that, and think it’s ‘my’ country too, and happen to disagree with just about every bigoted narrow minded ignorant view you have.

    Care to explain why your views should take priority over mine? Or indeed, the Law of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?

    Free Member

    As for Mosques and that; I’d rather stuff like this, than some of the boring crap we see sprouting in our cites:

    Beautiful tile work there.


    Sweet mother of Mary Fred, you had to search long and hard through the thread to pick up on that little point didn’t you?

    As ernie addressed me in the first person, I replied in the first person, ok?

    ernie_lynch – Member

    I only asked what your problem was and what you wanted to do about it.

    I’m struggling to pick out a comment where I claim that my views take priority over yours, or anyones for that matter – they are simply my views. If they offend you, then rest assured that I’ll still have a good nights sleep tonight.

    Just for the record, what is your opinion of British(?) Muslims that carry placards stating ‘Europe, you will pay. Your Extermination is on it’s way’ and ‘Behead those that insult Islam’?

    I’d be really interested to hear your views.

    When did I even mention Mosques, apart from when ernie searchingly and misguidedly implied that I might not like them?

    Time to go to bed Fred.

    Although you can try and answer my question above if you’re capable first.

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to pick out a comment where I claim that my views take priority over yours, or anyones for that matter – they are simply my views.

    That’s a fair point Elfinman.

    Just for the record, what is your opinion of …….. ‘Behead those that insult Islam’?

    It’s just a bit of light-hearted banter ffs …….. I wouldn’t take too seriously. Don’t say you never came out with stuff like that in your youth when you wanted to impress the young ladies – I know I did.

    Lol – ernie.

    All’s well and no-one got hurt (hope Fred makes it to bed without falling over the dog cat)

    Another day, another argument no doubt…….


    Full Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member

    “What are your views on the introduction of the allowance of Sharia courts/law in this country? Shouldn’t it be UK law, or nothing? Why on earth can people be allowed to bring their own course of justice to this country?”

    Out of curiosity, what’s your view on the existance of beth din courts in the UK?

    Free Member

    All’s well and no-one got hurt

    Indeed, and he’s not even suppose to drink you know ……. it’s against his religion. I can’t imagine what his dad would say.

    BTW, what do you think of this Islamic slogan ?

    Free Member

    what’s your view on the existance of beth din courts in the UK?

    Are you having a little dig at STR ’cause his grandad was a refugee from Nazi Germany Northwind ?

    Full Member

    That sounds positively tasteless Ernie, I wouldn’t target someone because of their religious background, I’m an equal opportunities c**t.

    Full Member

    In 5 years time the UK will be slightly wetter, slightly warmer, but with a different shaped gear stick on the Ford Fiesta.*

    *They MIGHT have revived the Metro by then, but I doubt it.

    You gotta love Fred – all over you with the critiscism, yet when asked a pertinent question, clears off to bed (again).

    Free Member

    yet when asked a pertinent question, clears off to bed

    Don’t ……… he’s probably feeling a little precious this morning 😐

    It’s in their genes you know ……..‘firewater’ has always played havoc with gentlemen from the colonies.

    Free Member

    I see Fred still hasn’t found the time to reply, yet manages to be very vocal on the TJ Commuter thread.

    Any reason for that Elfin?

    Free Member

    will egypt, greece, spain etc be better places to live than the uk in 5 years after all their protesting?

    We are just reaping the benefits of short term political policies and a generally lazy population.

    Free Member

    will egypt, greece, spain etc be better places to live than the uk in 5 years after all their protesting?

    We are just reaping the benefits of short term political policies and a generally lazy population.

    i think the simple answer is no. The days of cheap oil are over, and with it cheap food.

    Free Member

    With increasing human population, maggots, all places will be difficult to live.

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