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  • What will the U.K. look like…
  • ernie_lynch
    Free Member

    FFS, I’d quite happily park my car next to a mosque – what’s your point?

    Well I was trying to work out your point ?

    Presumably you don’t like mosques ?

    Or do you ?

    What’s your Problem ?

    I don’t have one.

    But apparently you do ?

    My point is, Islamic extremists are a deep concern for the future of my offspring in this country, nothing else.

    Just for the record, I think that idiot Terry Jones is almost as much of a threat for the hatred he incites and I dont condone that sort of behaviour either, but nontheless, the physical threat is a little less intimidating.

    Really, are some things in this world not actually happening to the point you can’t see it, or is it just a bit dark up your own backside? TeeJ?

    ernie, stop being a tool.

    When did I say I didn’t like mosques?

    Please, quote me.

    Not making blind assumptions there, are we?

    F’kin hypocrite.

    Free Member

    I don’t find Islam threatening or scary. I know extremist islam is a miniscule threat. Less so than the EDL to the British way of life

    I don’t buy into racist propaganda disseminated by bigots.

    Free Member

    Ah, now I understand……the Islamic extremist terrorist groups are taking over the country. Why didn’t you say that in the first place ffs ?

    So……..what do you think we should do about it ?

    …..apart from reading the Daily Mail.

    Free Member

    Conservatives are driven by an ideological hatred of public ownership

    TJ you are missing the point.

    It the same way New Labour ditched traditional labour idealogies like privatisation and redistribution of wealth in order to get elected the Cons have ditched their “ideological hatred of public ownership”.
    Some right wingers still believe that but the party as a whole will not let such an ideology get in the way of them being re-elected in 5 years time.

    Free Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member
    What are your views on the introduction of the allowance of Sharia courts/law in this country? Shouldn’t it be UK law, or nothing? Why on earth can people be allowed to bring their own course of justice to this country?

    Or are you going to tell me they don’t exist, or because they are few they dont matter?

    Church/ecclesiastical courts already exist in the UK and have done for hundreds of years. They do not supersede UK law – neither do Sharia courts. Think of them as a club committee which is interpreting and applying the club constitution. At the end of the day, if you don’t agree, you can always leave the club.

    Free Member

    Oh – and can we stop using the word “ideology” as if it’s a bad thing? ALL politicians and political decisions are driven by ideology and they always have been.

    Free Member


    Why the selloff of the forests then? Why the fragmentation of the NHS which at its core is designed to get private firms in?

    I understand your point, I think you are wrong. I believe the whole focus of their policy is driven by a idealogical hatred of public ownership.

    Rather a long way from the origin of the thread tho

    Free Member

    can we stop using the word “ideology” as if it’s a bad thing?


    Although I don’t agree that all politicians are driven by ideology…….Tony Blair being an excellent example.

    Free Member

    Mr Woppit – Member

    … in 5 years time, do we think?

    Probably … more populated?
    Birth rate decrease for some but increase for others.
    More diverse in views and more extreme in views too.
    Certain communities exerting / demanding more “equality” and certain communities relinquishing some.
    Clashes of thoughts. 🙄 No, ideologies, ideologies and ideologies …
    The question of ownership of god remains dominant in god fearing communities and will be forever so long as the indulgence remains.

    Free Member

    I did not mean ideology in a pejorative sense. I agree most politics is driven by ideaology.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    Although I don’t agree that all politicians are driven by ideology…….Tony Blair being an excellent example.

    Well…..his ideology was “get Blair rich”

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member
    I did not mean ideology in a pejorative sense. I agree most politics is driven by ideaology.

    Decrying the actions of the Tories because it’s “all idealogicially driven” is just sloppy debating then?

    Free Member

    Yep…….”let’s mix ‘n’ match” whatever ideology we need for the Blair Rich Project.

    Free Member

    That is not what I wrote.

    . its clear the Conservatives are driven by an ideological hatred of public ownership – what other reason for………..

    I dislike their ideaology . Not that they are ideologically driven. AS you say most politics is ideologically driven – just the selling off of state assets for no good reason is abhorrent to me.

    Free Member

    Aye – but you’ve done it loads of times in the past, and you’re not alone.

    Free Member

    Bashing past politicians/govts while never consider the contribution of Dear Leaders. 😆

    Free Member

    Decrying the actions of the Tories because it’s “all idealogicially driven” is just sloppy debating then?

    No not at all. It’s just exposing the Tories as liars.

    They are claiming that they are only doing what they are doing because it’s the best thing for the economy – that’s bollox.

    They are doing it because they are ideologically motivated.

    They couldn’t give a toss about the economy – as long as they are doing alright.

    Free Member

    I think you misunderstand me. II dont use “ideology” in the way you suggest at all.

    Limitations of text based debate perhaps

    Free Member

    I understand your point, I think you are wrong. I believe the whole focus of their policy is driven by a idealogical hatred of public ownership.

    TJ I understand yours, but think you are wrong.

    Made a diary note for Feb 2016 so I can let you know you are wrong

    Free Member

    LOL! Politicians are not muppets as they are who they are for standing up to what they believe so none are perfect but motivated by the moment in time of self. Live with it as the moment will pass. 🙄

    Free Member

    cbrsyd –
    Made a diary note for Feb 2016 so I can let you know you are wrong

    I believe I already have a hat eating bet on for this. 🙂

    I fully expect to be reminded.

    do you understand why the forest sell of? I really can see no logic in this at all. No money in it, upset middle england – to waht end?

    Ah, now I understand……the Islamic extremist terrorist groups are taking over the country. Why didn’t you say that in the first place ffs ? So……..what do you think we should do about it ? …..apart from reading the Dai
    ly Mail.Ah, now I understand……the Islamic extremist terrorist groups are taking over the country. Why didn’t you say that in the first place ffs ? So……..what do you think we should do about it ? …..apart from reading the Daily Mail.

    So do you not think that Islamic extremist terrorists will be more prevalent in 5,10,50 years time? I don’t see anyone else commiting such acts of violence as blowing hundreds of people up and actively seeking to cause terror, or did the daily mail make up 9/11 and the London bombings too? I can’t see where I’ve objected to anything else, other than you twisting my posts to suit your own agenda.

    Free Member

    Made a diary note for Feb 2016 so I can let you know you are wrong

    Make a note to also tell the National Institute for Economic and Social Research. Because their economists, who have no political axe to grind, have said (along with many other economists) the same as TJ.

    The National Institute for Economic and Social Research, quote :

    “The reason why there is a bias towards a spending-based consolidation in the UK … is not because it’s optimal in some sense, but because some politicians have a desire for a smaller state”

    In fact they said it only a couple of days ago :


    So there you have it – the Tories economic policies are motivated by ideology, not any concern for the economy.

    But Cameron has already admitted that anyway – he has made it clear that the spending levels will remain in place even if the deficit is cleared. Same goes for VAT at 20%.

    They are doing it because they want to – it has nothing to do with the budget deficit.

    EDIT : Some bashturd has edited that Reuters article, here’s an unedited version :


    Free Member

    There’s your sloppy debating again

    Free Member

    I can’t see where I’ve objected to anything else, other than you twisting my posts to suit your own agenda.

    Twisting your posts to suit my own agenda ? 😕

    I only asked what your problem was and what you wanted to do about it.

    …..I’m not any clearer mind.

    Free Member

    The country is near broke so the present govt is trying to salvage it. Why not give them a chance since the last govt was given nearly 4 terms of opportunity?

    If they don’t, say in 3 terms, you may vote them out but no govt will give you the magic pill if that’s what you are looking for.

    Full Member

    Give me a muezzin wailing at 5am over church bells any day. Used to quite enjoy it on early morning staggers home at uni.

    Free Member

    Flaperon – Member

    Give me a muezzin wailing at 5am over church bells any day. Used to quite enjoy it on early morning staggers home at uni.

    But wait until it goes on constant 5 times a day … with stadium speakers. That will learn you for craving the “exotic” … 🙄

    I would rather listen to little birds twittering away and the howling wind anytime.

    p/s: selling off the forest … yes, every govt has some muppets.

    Free Member

    do you understand why the forest sell of? I really can see no logic in this at all. No money in it, upset middle england – to waht end?

    No I can’t understand it either. Unless it’s to placate the slavering right wing rottweilers you believe all conservatives to be

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Are you really that much of a bigot str? Did some brown chap steal your sweets when you were a kid?

    😆 It wasn’t me!

    And apparently, it wasn’t him either.

    Who was it, STR?

    Full Member


    “So do you not think that Islamic extremist terrorists will be more prevalent in 5,10,50 years time? I don’t see anyone else commiting such acts of violence as blowing hundreds of people up and actively seeking to cause terror, or did the daily mail make up 9/11 and the London bombings too?”

    Whether they’ll be more or less prevalent depends on too many factors, I don’t think anyone claims to know. But as for this being some sort of islamic exclusive, memories are short, 3500 people were killed in the “Troubles” and not many of those doing the killings were muslims. People murder each other for all sorts of reasons.

    Free Member

    The point about the use of the word ‘ideological’ is that the Tories repeatedly claim there is no other option than to do what they are doing now. Which is clearly not true, and many leading economic figures are warning the Tory dogma could cost the country dearly.

    Free Member

    Whether they’ll be more or less prevalent depends on too many factors I don’t think anyone claims to know.

    Remember the question wasn’t what would be different in 5 years time, but “what will the U.K. look like”. That’s why I had assumed the Artist was worried about more mosques – something he castigated me for. Apparently he believes Britain will be a some sort of battlefield in the Global War Against Terror.

    Which really rather worrying, I hope he’s wrong……..it could add significantly to my journey to work 😐

    Free Member

    Which is clearly not true

    How so? Please explain to me in simple terms how we pay back 159.8 billion without selling a few things and cutting our costs down?

    I think the debate has been how quickly we might want to pay that off.

    Free Member

    I believe I already have a hat eating bet on for this

    no you don’t, you refused the bet when I wanted to clarify the period and the measure to be used to calculate the net loss of 1 million jobs which you were claiming will be the results of the current governments policies

    I dislike their ideaology . Not that they are ideologically driven. AS you say most politics is ideologically driven – just the selling off of state assets for no good reason is abhorrent to me.

    don’t mention the gold then, or any other of the labour privatisations

    personnally if there is no good financial reason for the sale then due to the wider stakeholder concerns you have to question the logic. However the opening up of the debate may bring in the opportunity for some forests to be separated from FC and owned in a form of social ownership to maintain them into perpetuity with the aims of conservation and access. This then future proofs them against sale for development

    Free Member

    TandemJeremy – Member

    ….You sad little envious man. Your life must be so unpleasant living with that much envy, hatred and bile. I really rather pity you….

    …..Did some brown chap steal your sweets when you were a kid?

    Nice work 🙄

    TandemJeremy – Member
    Limitations of text based debate perhaps….

    …..Or something

    Free Member

    Tory dogma could cost the country dearly

    and Labour profligacy has already done so, and Tories before them and so on and so on ad nauseum. I really struggle to understand why the old guard are so loyal to Labour after they abandoned their socialist ideology and became Tories-lite.

    The fact of it is, the cuts do not even come close to stopping the UK borrowing billions each and every month. We can’t go on like this. In fighting won’t fix that.

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