Home Forums Chat Forum What tech innovation are you waiting for (not bikes)?

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  • What tech innovation are you waiting for (not bikes)?
  • 4130s0ul
    Free Member

    Cloning, so I can go to work AND go out for a ride

    Free Member

    That indeed would be handy – though I’m not sure if the magnetic holder would interfere with the inductive charging and vice versa. Though the same basic old-fashioned tech which allows the drop in charging dock means I have one of these in my car – sure it’s an extra step, but single handed, simple and quick.

    Free Member

    I remember a friend of mine writing his dissertation back in the late 80s/early 90s on teledildonics.
    Moving on from that – regrown body parts.
    I think that the IoT has recently shown its limitations and the actual need and requirement for everything to be connected to everything isn’t necessarily terribly helpful.

    Free Member

    i see the IOT reaching max saturation – everyone realising its a terrible idea and dumb devices being brought back in a more efficent state.

    Id like to see things made more efficient than simply being made to do things.

    Free Member

    The IOT just like ‘Big Data’ are just silly marketing strap lines which people band about to try to make themselves sound clever but in actual fact nobody knows what they really are, what they mean, what they’ll become or where it will lead. They’re both already happening and will continue to grow and evolve. Of course in the future our fridges will do our shopping for us, it’s inevitable. Our ovens will do our cooking for us, our cars already automatically book themselves into the dealership for a service when required. It’s all happening and will continue to happen, all the devices we interact with will be linked somehow and intelligence will help us do the more menial tasks in life.

    The ultimate technological evolution I’m waiting for is one where we live in a world with no economy based on money. As our lives become more mechanised and automated there will be less need for people to do work, and without work where does money fit into our lives? It has to be eradicated at some point and a whole different way of humans working together for the benefit and good of mankind created. Gene Roddenberry foresaw it in Star Trek. It’s the future.

    Full Member

    Phones that are really smart. ie. they don’t work when people shouldn’t be using them. Like, when they’re driving, walking through a crowded shopping precinct, supposed to be paying attention to their kids, crossing roads… etc etc.

    The trouble with this of course is that it would render smartphones almost completely useless. It would, for example, make it next to impossible to listen to music through a phone while outdoors or driving, prove extremely difficult to make or receive a call / send or receive messages anywhere outside of your home / office, make sat nav pointless, destroy apple & android pay etc.
    If done in an extreme enforced way it would relegate personal tech firmly back in to the home and office environment.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Best thing for this is read an Ian banks culture novel

    I get depressed reading those, because I want to live in the Culture and I can’t.

    I was reading one on a plane once, and suddenly looked around at the plane and realised what a bunch of clueless primitive monkeys we are. Fossil fuel burning impulse driven aircraft, haha!

    Free Member

    I think some of the small things make a big difference. Here’s two things that would at the very least reduce my irritation 🙂

    1. Synchronised notifications for things like Skype. In this day and age of cloud computing and sync’d data services, would it really be that hard for Skype to sync their notifications so that I don’t log in on my Windows laptop and see a load of notifications of “new” messages that I’ve already responded to on my Mac?

    2. I only need one “bing” when I’m sat at a desk with my computer and my phone. I don’t need both binging to remind me to do the same thing. Come on Apple, this is the kind of stuff you’re usually good at.

    Free Member

    Still tortoise – already possible. W10 does this across devices and of course your Windows phone is running W10 so it works.

    You can also get Cortana (sort of) for Android so it should work there too.

    Free Member

    Which one is possible? the Skype thingy or the “bings”.

    Irrelevant anyway. Who uses Windows Phones?? 😆

    Full Member

    Teleportation would a great advancement as it would likely end the need for pretty much all healthcare. If you’re breaking down the body to a genetic level you could fix everything from a broken leg to a terminal disease. Just remove the disease from the sequence. Of course you’re crossing over over into all sorts of dark terrority. You could change any aspect of your dna, change you hair colour or your eyes, make yourself thinner or give yourself 3 legs. What would the human race look like if we all looked as we wished? very interesting.

    Free Member

    Which one is possible? the Skype thingy or the “bings”.

    Using Chrome, Windows apps and a few other bits I generally only get notified once, as soon as it’s read new notifications are gone. Maybe a couple of settings to not double notify on phones etc but this is current tech.

    Free Member

    Irrelevant anyway. Who uses Windows Phones??

    Did you not see the bit where I said it also works on Android?

    Free Member

    I saw some mention of Cortana so didn’t think it was relevant to my problem

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Built-in car satnav that isn’t rubbish.

    Some of the VAG ones allow you to put your duplicate your phone satnav screen up on the dashboard through the magic of radio waves. It came out shortly after I bought my car unfortunately, I would’ve paid real money for it (unlike satnav which I opted not to bother with)

    Full Member

    Invisibility ray.
    A viagra-like pill that turns you into a demon guitarist for an hour.

    Free Member

    I saw some mention of Cortana so didn’t think it was relevant to my problem

    Cortana for Android.

    Full Member

    A drug you can take that keeps you in stasis during a flight, so you are unaware of the discomfort and general annoyance of any flight over an hour or so.

    Free Member

    A diesel pump that doesn’t deposit at least 2 drops of diesel on the forecourt when you pull it out of the nozzle.

    Full Member

    Monkey butlers.

    Full Member


    One inconvenient thing that sci-fi stories and superhero movies always skip over with teleportation:

    if you are trying to teleport to somewhere near the equator then you are aiming at a target that is moving at over 1000 mph from Earth’s spin.

    Worse than that, the whole planet is moving through space, orbiting the sun at around 67,000 mph.

    Worse still, our entire solar system is estimated to be moving at 515,000 mph around the centre of the galaxy.

    So basically unless you can teleport instantaneously there is a pretty good chance you’ll miss your target completely and end up in space.


    Full Member

    Think I’ll just take the bus then

    Full Member

    In order of un-likelyhood

    Cure for cancer
    Cure for infertility
    Non-driver cars
    That thing above that has all of our TV widgets on it instead of a Fire stick & a smart TV & a now TV box.

    Free Member

    One inconvenient thing that sci-fi stories and superhero movies always skip over with teleportation

    Oh dear me. Someone didn’t pay attention in multi-dimensional space classes did they?

    And anyway teleporting takes you to a remote teleporter pad. It doesn’t place you at a specific location – that’s beaming. And even then you have to get a lock on a physical feature in the base three dimensions before you can do it. It’s not hitting a moving target.

    Free Member

    so you are unaware of the discomfort and general annoyance of any flight over an hour or so.

    We call it business class

    Free Member

    Self driving cars that look & perform like KIT not noddy’s car.

    Magic milk that puts people (A-Team members & kids) to sleep for long journeys.


    Matrix-style learning capability.

    A bike that doesn’t let you fall off and hurt yourself but tells what you did wrong so you can try to get it right next time.

    A gopro that makes you look as fast & rad as you feel.

    One of these: connected tattoos

    Free Member

    A drug you can take that keeps you in stasis during a flight, so you are unaware of the discomfort and general annoyance of any flight over an hour or so.

    its called redwine for those of us whose companies wont pay for business.

    Full Member

    Self driving cars that look & perform like KIT not noddy’s car.

    Not quite KITT but..

    Free Member


    I’d like non-newtonian brie. So when you cut it you get a nice clean slice that doesn’t stick itself all over the cheese knife, but then once it’s on your cracker it reverts to a proper gooey mess.

    Free Member

    An e-ink monitor that I can use outdoors. I’m happy with a silly slow refresh rate, so no video, I just want to be able to read and write text on a computer while sat in the garden. Doesn’t feel like a big ask given how long kindles have existed for.

    Self driving cars, as others have said.

    A space elevator (just need a strong enough rope).

    Free Member

    The trouble with this of course is that it would render smartphones almost completely useless. It would, for example, make it next to impossible to listen to music through a phone while outdoors or driving, prove extremely difficult to make or receive a call / send or receive messages anywhere outside of your home / office, make sat nav pointless, destroy apple & android pay etc.
    If done in an extreme enforced way it would relegate personal tech firmly back in to the home and office environment.

    Absolutely not! These smart phones are SMART! Don’t you see? They let you do the things you should do when you need to, but not when you shouldn’t. Don’t be so basic.

    Free Member

    Not quite self driving either.

    Free Member

    Tech that actually works as it’s meant to would be nice. Or ‘upgrades’ that add little other than automated widgets that want to connect to the web.

    Full Member

    Not quite self driving either.

    It’s not far off:

    Full Member

    Self chilling beer.
    Everlasting clothes, esp shoe soles.
    Personal flight devices.
    Warm, waterproof, cheap and wicking clothing.
    For this forum to remember you when you sign in. 😐

    Full Member

    And the fact Tesla had a cryptic shorthand code and became mentally ill plays right into the hands of the romantic conspiracy lovers. Great story, but there’ve been plenty of geniuses since then and they are all of the opinion that beaming power to devices is not practically possible.

    Sure. I wasn’t posting because I believed it as a theory particularly, just as an interesting aside.

    Pill based food that satiates and tastes. Like in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

    There’s that Huel stuff?

    A diesel pump that doesn’t deposit at least 2 drops of diesel on the forecourt when you pull it out of the nozzle.

    Maybe then we can fix the same design fault in penises?

    Free Member

    It’s not far off:

    Judging by his hands, the “for legal reasons only” fella doesn’t seem fully trusting..

    Free Member

    Maybe then we can fix the same design fault in penises?
    I tend to adopt the same workaround with both 🙂

    Full Member

    DezB – Member

    I tend to adopt the same workaround with both

    Big stains down the side? Slippy patch on the floor?

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