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  • What is the point of weather forecasts ?
  • simonfbarnes
    Free Member

    Usually I never look at the forecast, and if I happen upon it, I don’t believe it – however, since our planned ride for Sunday was Helvellyn, I had a look and basically it said the weekend in the Lakes would be awful with blizzards on Sunday. Needless to say it was remarkably wrong. Glorious blue sunny sky on Saturday, and some occasional windy showers and later hail on Sunday.

    Wouldn’t we be better using rabbits’ paws and seaweed and just looking out of the window ?

    Free Member

    Helen Willets mate

    Free Member

    Was there someone on here a while back, who was obsessed with Helen Willets being pregnant?

    Weather forecasting… all that money on technology, and they still can’t get it right. About as trustworthy as betting tips.

    They’d be better off, just saying ‘look, it might rain, it might not. So take appropriate clothing with you. And being that’s it’s January, It’ll probably be quite chilly.’

    Hmm, pity I’m not Scandinavian and pretty, or I could have a lucrative career ahead of me…

    Free Member

    SFB – based on the forecast I promised ‘Her Ladyship’ that I’d do all the ‘little’ DIY jobs she’d been nattering about over the last few months – then it turned out nice!! The commute into work this morning was p155ing awful – life, eh?

    Full Member

    Agreed. I sacked off my first MTB ride of the year because of it. Still, managed to get three hours on the road bike in the morning as some small payment for their monumental inaccuracy.

    Free Member

    Helen Willets mate

    we could just have pretty ladies showing us their holiday slides or whatever instead :o)

    Free Member

    The point of weather forecasts is schadenfreude

    Free Member

    The point of weather forecasts is schadenfreude

    I’m fully aware of "weather schadenfreude" (enjoying other people getting wet &/or cold), but it needs to be based on real experience not fantasy

    Full Member

    Mountain weather forecasting more than a couple of days in advance is pretty much guesswork. Mountain weather forecasting for a specific location is next to impossible.

    It’s the mountains, in January, prepare for it to be cold and wet, if you don’t get that, be happy

    Free Member

    We’ll see today – apparently there’s unbroken sunshine up here by 15.00. At the moment it’s snowing:


    Free Member

    Weather forecasts give Daily Mail readers another topic of conversation / hysteria.

    Only last week I was talking to someone and they were going on about ‘Wintery Showers’ being forecast for the weekend and how that meant no one would be able to go out anywhere, etc. FFS was all I could think.

    Oh, and I hate this weather symbol.

    Well thats just a vague guess covering all options isn’t it!

    Free Member

    Oh, and I hate this weather symbol.

    Well thats just a vague guess covering all options isn’t it!

    Pretty much sums up the British weather though.

    Free Member

    Are you looking at the BBC weather forecast ? Like this ?


    Basically this gives the worst possible weather for the day, as people tend to complain more is the weather is worse than predicted rather than better.

    So basically the weather forecast was saying it was going to be worse on Sunday than Saturday which it was.

    Theres only so much data that can be contained in a single symbol !

    You might be better off looking at something like this


    Again it doesnt predict the weather perfectly but it does give you some ideas of when rain fronts are going to cross the country and how big / long they will last.

    Free Member

    Learn to forcast your own using the raw data from the Met Office.

    The rainfall radar is the best thing. It shows where it’s actually raining NOW and where and how fast it’s been moving in the last 12 hours, so you can track it precisely and forcast when it’ll hit you, or not, as the case may be!


    Free Member

    The rainfall radar is the best thing.

    except it often says it’s raining here when it isn’t, or vice versa 🙁

    How about using a ouija board made from an old barometer and varnished with seaweed juice ?

    Free Member

    "Weather forecasting… all that money on technology, and they still can’t get it right. About as trustworthy as betting tips"

    Ha! Not in other places in the world..spot on, always is..

    Free Member

    Not in other places in the world..spot on, always is..

    but I only care about the weather here

    Free Member

    If you’re riding Scotland, Cumbria, Lakes or Peaks, try MWIS MWIS. It is very specifically for walkers/bikers and gives stuff like visibility, wind speed direction etc. I’ve found its invariably 10 times more accurate that other forecasts

    Free Member

    Professor John Ashton seem to think weather forecasts should have a legal basis (though he appears to be ignorant about lots of other things as well).

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