Home Forums Bike Forum What is it with (some) mountain bikers?

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  • What is it with (some) mountain bikers?
  • aracer
    Free Member

    Out riding on the Malverns the other day, came down the hill to a big junction and there was another rider there. Said “hi”, but he completely blanked me. So I turned off on my route downhill – not in the mood to try an nail it, so going fairly slow when I sense somebody behind me itching to get past. As soon as we get to the double track I ease back even more to encourage him past and it turns out to be the same chap – again no acknowledgment that I’m there. So I continue following him for a while (he wasn’t going any faster than me if I put a little effort in) until he went sailing straight past the turnoff to the interesting bit I was taking.

    What is it with mountain bikers? Never get blanked like that by somebody overtaking when out on a road bike.

    Free Member

    its because you are a ****

    Free Member


    Ban him!

    Free Member

    deaf? or mute? or both? or ignorant, . . one of those . . . or all of them combined! 😕

    Free Member

    Was he plugged in to the gnarrrr?

    Free Member

    he just wanted to get on with his ride, whereas all roadies want to have sex with your bum?

    Not sure really.

    Free Member

    Never get blanked like that by somebody overtaking when out on a road bike.

    You let someone overtake you whilst you were on a road bike? What were you thinking?

    Free Member

    cos not all people are the same ?

    Full Member

    Was he plugged in to the gnarrrr ipod?


    Free Member

    Hey! That’s amazing! What a coincidence! There was a really similar thread about road bikers!!
    Man, I need a lie down!

    Free Member

    Northerner’s would have said hello! 😆

    Free Member

    Are you ugly?

    Full Member

    You seem very boring, I am defiantly planning to ignore you should I ever be unlucky enough to actually meet you.

    Free Member

    Out riding on the Malverns the other day, came down the hill to a big junction and there was some lycra-clad roadie on an immaculate XCJ bike there. He said “hi”, but I completely blanked him. So I turned off on my route downhill – turned the gnar up to max, so going fairly fast when I notice somebody in front wobbling along. As soon as we get to the double track I hammer it even more to blast past him and it turns out to be the same chap – again no acknowledgment that I’m so much faster. So I continue following him for a while until he eventually turned off down some fireroad.


    Full Member

    I occasionally meet other riders on the Malverns that dont acknowledge my cheery ‘hi’s’, they are in the minority though and i put it down to them being bemused at seeing a woman having fun on a bike, offroad 🙂

    Full Member

    Some mountain bikes are nobs, this place proves it.

    Free Member

    Some Alot of mountain bikes are nobs, this place proves it.


    Free Member

    Never get blanked like that by somebody overtaking when out on a road bike.

    You need to get out more on it then. You’re obviously crap on one.

    If you shave your legs and slip on a replica of the Maillot jaune you’ll turn into a riding god. Will help your mountain biking too. 😉

    Free Member

    You let someone overtake you whilst you were on a road bike? What were you thinking?

    Rules: only race on a race day nothing else counts – that said we all do it.
    I once chased someone down over about 5 miles then when I got close I noticed the shaved legs and thought best not to chance it [ till I recovered a bit] as i was tired from the chase. We stopped at some lights and it was girl I felt cheated of the win

    Free Member

    “Never get blanked like that by somebody overtaking when out on a road bike.”
    You let someone overtake you whilst you were on a road bike?

    Where exactly did I suggest that? 😉

    Free Member

    Interesting thread.

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