though it’s odd how the points of connection aren’t that large. I offloaded some retro bike parts to a guy off the CTC forum. Turns out he lived along my street. Met him few times since then, then turns out he’s done some complicated multi-way bike swap deal with … ‘mcmoonter’ (as in “the lad with the muckle piles of wood”..)
It’s a small world. He’s a top bloke, I gave him my frame and headset press without a second’s hesitation having only received a couple of emails and twenty minutes of chat. You know when something will have a positive outcome.
I recently sold my old Citroen to an elderly couple whose car had been stolen and torched. Their son is a mountain bike events organiser who frequents STW. He drove them over. He wasn’t in the least interested in checking out the car his folks would drive back to Fort William, all he wanted to see were the woodpiles.