Met my mates at a local pub last night for about an hour, and when I come out at about 11:15, my bike which I'd locked to the railings outside had been nicked. Not the biggest shock to me as it's not the first time, and it was a cheap old racer I bought so I didn't have to worry about it, and I'd only used a cheap halfords lock. So, a bit pissed off, I start to walk home.
About 2 minutes down the road, I see the c*nt riding my bike! Got hold of it and told the guy (in some colourful language) to give me my bike back. He had a couple of mates with him who didn't seem to want to get involved (content to observe the drama and have a laugh). The surprising thing was that he continued to protest that it was his bike! and this went on for about 15 minutes, with me getting louder and angrier by the minute!
Eventually decided the only think to do was call the police, and he was still hanging onto the bike when I started speaking to the police, at which point his mates where suggesting that he give it up. So he starts off down a side street and I'm trying to follow, but with me trying to push the bike, put the chain back on, and explain to the cop on the phone what's going on, he gets a head start on me and a lose him.
Very impressed with the police response though, a van turns up within a couple of minutes, takes a description of the guy and's off. Then another two cars turn up as well. Speaking to one of them, they hear the van has picked the guy up, so it's back to the station for me to give a statement.
Not the outcome I was expecting when I see the busted lock on the railing I have to say! Gonna speak to the police today and see what's happened with the guy the banged up. No idea really what will/could happen now… can they chop his balls off?