Home Forums Bike Forum What do you do when you catch the b*stard red handed with your bike?

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  • What do you do when you catch the b*stard red handed with your bike?
  • robinbetts
    Free Member

    Met my mates at a local pub last night for about an hour, and when I come out at about 11:15, my bike which I'd locked to the railings outside had been nicked. Not the biggest shock to me as it's not the first time, and it was a cheap old racer I bought so I didn't have to worry about it, and I'd only used a cheap halfords lock. So, a bit pissed off, I start to walk home.

    About 2 minutes down the road, I see the c*nt riding my bike! Got hold of it and told the guy (in some colourful language) to give me my bike back. He had a couple of mates with him who didn't seem to want to get involved (content to observe the drama and have a laugh). The surprising thing was that he continued to protest that it was his bike! and this went on for about 15 minutes, with me getting louder and angrier by the minute!

    Eventually decided the only think to do was call the police, and he was still hanging onto the bike when I started speaking to the police, at which point his mates where suggesting that he give it up. So he starts off down a side street and I'm trying to follow, but with me trying to push the bike, put the chain back on, and explain to the cop on the phone what's going on, he gets a head start on me and a lose him.

    Very impressed with the police response though, a van turns up within a couple of minutes, takes a description of the guy and's off. Then another two cars turn up as well. Speaking to one of them, they hear the van has picked the guy up, so it's back to the station for me to give a statement.

    Not the outcome I was expecting when I see the busted lock on the railing I have to say! Gonna speak to the police today and see what's happened with the guy the banged up. No idea really what will/could happen now… can they chop his balls off?

    Free Member

    Sounds like a result to me, chapeau. 15 minutes shouting at him would have been too much for me, I'd have put him down long before that.

    Free Member

    You should have beaten him to death. If he's found guilty he'll be sentenced to a holiday in spain.

    Free Member

    Nice one. I think you handled it quite well. I might have called the cops a bit faster though….. 🙂

    Free Member

    Good for you. Don't think I would have had the courage with three of them there but it's amazing what you'll do when the adrenaline starts pumping.

    Good response by the Police, a van and two cars, probably a slow night though.

    Perhaps you'll buy it a more expensive lock now. 😉

    Free Member

    I surgest a Ballpain (sp!)hammer through his knuckles, 1ltr of vodka down his throut (wont know what happened) kick the shit out of him strip him naked write thief across his face with a marker pen and dump him on the moors

    And Smile cos it would be real justice

    Free Member

    I like the suggestions. Think I was right not getting into an actual fight with this guy, as I think his spectator friends would have become a little more active. Although, I was so fired up I was that close to it! Can't believe he didn't just give it up though! Don't know if it would have gone so well with the cops if I'd said "I was this guy with my bike so I beat the f*ck out of him"? I suppose it depends on what happens to him now. If he gets away with it, I'll wish I had given him a kicking!

    Full Member

    The fact he wouldn't just give it up really highlights how their minds work, he had possesion of the bike so in his twisted, warped little world it really was his.

    Very well handled on your part though. I saw something on the news last night about the police handling anti-social behaviour in Liverpool, funnily enough quite a few residents were fairly complimentary about the police, they had very little faith in the court system or the punishments handed out though.

    Free Member

    I've known two people try to effect 'citizen arrests' whilst waiting for the police to turn up. The widsom of this depends on the police response -in one case the police turned up promptly, and the offender was charged, in the other the police did not turn up at all, the offender's mates came along, forcing the chap making the arrest back indoors. Five days later the police turned up to arrest him for assault.
    The only long term solution: put these vermin in the public stocks, and get old ladies to chuck rotten fruit at them. Asbos are no more than a badge of honour.

    Free Member

    Have the police charged you with assault yet?:)

    Free Member

    Asbos are no more than a badge of honour

    I think its a requirement to have one to drink in our local 😉

    Nice one robinbetts, not sure if I could have kept up 15min of conversation with him, but it sounds like you made the right call on your actions, glad you got a positive outcome.

    Free Member

    In Camden a few years ago (I was tipsy) I saw a black lad on a nice Klein. I asked him to give me the bike and ended up chasing him down the street whilst he called over his shoulder that he was gonig to fetch and knife and comeback for me.

    My GF explained in detail how I could have handled it better and avoided potentially laying in the gutter bleeding. Jack Daniels was telling me different though.

    Free Member

    THIEF WITH A SMALL C**K, across the forehead – Inglorious Basterd stylee.

    Free Member

    saw a black lad on a nice Klein. I asked him to give me the bike

    Was it yours? 😯

    Free Member

    In Camden a few years ago (I was tipsy) I saw a black lad on a nice Klein. I asked him to give me the bike

    You mean you tried to steal his bike.

    Full Member

    Black lad on a Klein = thief eh?

    Free Member

    What do you do when you catch the b*stard red handed with your bike?

    Get medieval on their ass.

    Full Member

    You've done well there mate, best possible outcome really. Bike back, thief charged, knuckles intact.

    I can't envisage having a 15 minute conversation with a thief to return my bike, or even a 15 second one tbh, but I've never been in that situation. Calling the police straight off was a good move.

    Free Member

    It was a bloody nice build. TBh it would have probably battered me 😆

    Full Member

    when it happended to me i asked for it back nicely cos there were about 9 16yr old mates with him.

    luckily they all took the piss oiut of the scally, which helped.

    Free Member

    My brother chased someone down who nicked his bike. Stopped a bloke in a car ("Follow that bike!") and everything. He said he was in a real rage. He's not that tall and was pretty skinny at the time. Bloke was huge and he cornered him in a cul-de-sac. By all accounts the thief shat himself and just dropped the bike and ran, when he saw my Bro's rage…. 😯

    Free Member

    To say it was a "conversation" would be pushing it a bit! Many consisted of me shouting louder and louder in his face while trying in vain to wrench the bike from his surprisingly strong grip! Cops have just called me saying he claims someone gave him the bike, what a cock! They're looking for some CCTV now I think, and have asked if I will appear in court. Damn right I will 😀

    Free Member

    you did the right thing retrieved your property and did not stoop to his level or that of a medieval justice.

    Well done.

    Free Member

    In Camden a few years ago (I was tipsy) I saw a black lad on a nice Klein. I asked him to give me the bike and ended up chasing him down the street whilst he called over his shoulder that he was gonig to fetch and knife and comeback for me.

    Well done Hora you tried to mug someone and steal their propery… he probably thought you were some psychotic nutter, I don’t blame him for wanting a knife to protect himself. SO basically you saw a blak person on a bike and assumed it was nicked? Nothing like a bit of racist stereotyping heh? oh dear…………………….

    Free Member

    A few years ago stopped to help a so called fellow cyclist on a local cycle track, hed got a puncture,as i got the wheel out and was talking to him,he jumped on my bike and rode off,caught him and grabbed the seat post,always better than a jacket as they usually pull off, and over the front he went,(newtons law of motion)
    Got on my bike and cycled back to where his bike was and on the way notice hed dropped his mobile,picked it up.
    Got back to his bike and threw his wheel across the field, just as he ran up.
    Next day was spent ringing all the contacts in his phone leaveing obnoxious messages,and telling his boss he employed a thief.

    Sometimes revenge is over the top, but always needed.

    Free Member

    No one has suggested owning the thief with some bombers then weeing in his shoes yet!

    Well done mate, very calmly done, hope he gets done in court, and gets a bit more than a token slap on the wrist.

    Full Member

    Let us know the outcome.

    Free Member

    Nice one project, that's brilliant. Cheeky f*uk!

    Full Member

    For the theft of a 'pub bike' I believe that a firm, open handed slap is the correct punishment.

    Free Member

    Wire brush behind the foreskin, dip it in bleach then slam his gonads in the door!

    Thats just me and I am seen as a soft touch.

    Free Member

    word association…..

    hora > rascist

    Free Member

    😈 A pair of pliers and a blow torch 😈

    Free Member

    Oh dear. We've slipped into handwringing and waving Guardians about 🙄

    Free Member

    Police just called me… the guy's been charged and is appearing in court on 14th. Happy days! Have to wait and see what the result is though.

    Free Member

    Castration, hopefully…..

    Free Member

    Well done and glad the gang didn't start attacking you.

    Just ring the police next time?

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