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  • What caused mysterious holes in lawn?
  • sirromj
    Full Member

    Walked up to the shed to get bike out and the lawn was peppered with mysterious holes!

    Any idea of the cause?

    Full Member

    I’ll be the first: ‘lawn’?

    Full Member

    Made when the lawn was stolen?

    Otherwise have you recently offended a fellow stw’er, could be marks from frozen sausages.

    Full Member

    And I thought our lawn needed some work!

    Made when the lawn was stolen?

    Was the Astro turf nailed down?

    Full Member

    micro frozen sausages

    Full Member

    Did you roll back your plastic carpet to find all that underneath? Someone hammered frozen chipolatas in there?

    (I don’t know, think some bugs, maybe daddy long legs, are starting to make an appearance as badgers are digging up some of my lawns at work looking for them, and by lawns I mean proper areas with grass)

    Full Member

    I feel very smug about the occasional sparse patch in my lawn.

    Full Member


    Top left 😉

    Link to full image for closer inspection


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    Free Member

    Do you live in a bus stop?

    Full Member

    They appear to be mostly in pairs and at the bottom right of the picture there appears to be some sort of pitchfork with only two prongs, so a naughty child would be my guess.

    Full Member

    Or some stiletto square-dancing action. Have you heard any country and western music coming from the area recently?

    Free Member

    A disguised ninja, with a pointy ended walking stick.

    Full Member

    Easily fixed, just put an old beer bottle cap over each one and stomp it into the “lawn”. If you are disciplined about your beer drinking, it’ll soon be fully paved.

    To save the trouble of collecting the caps and installing them later, just do your beer drinking out on the lawn in a broken deck chair or an old sofa. If you want to be really classy, put an old Vauxhall up on blocks and take the front seats out and use them as deck chairs.

    Full Member

    According to the leather jacket article :
    “The grubs feed primarily on the roots of the grass”

    Not much chance of that in the OPs “lawn”!

    The best way to get rid of leather jackets is to invite a flock of starlings onto your lawn, they’ll soon sort them out.

    Full Member


    would be my guess also

    Full Member

    Drunk Pixies on pogo sticks

    Free Member

    Just needs some turf, seed, weed and feed and in 2 to 3 years it will be lush.

    The holes i would suggest are the least of your lawn concerns…

    Free Member

    Looks like you’re living in a war zone? So I’m guessing that’s damage from either shrapnel or debris thrown into the air by an explosion.

    Full Member

    Drunk Pixies on pogo sticks

    Bit late in the year for that, normally happens in Spring.

    Free Member

    Oh my god.
    You need to sort that before they grow up.

    Full Member

    Can’t help you there, can’t even see a blade of grass.

    I do get mysterious patches appear in my back garden’s lawn, usually associated with my stupid son spilling automotive chemicals – why the fark he takes stuff in the back garden where there is a perfectly usable drive (which he’s just destroyed by spilling petrol on it).

    Full Member

    Well that’s a new definition of a lawn.

    Full Member

    Whilst we’re on the subject, any idea what’s wrong with my shrubs?

    Full Member

    You should talk to De La Soul, they had similar issues a while back.

    Free Member

    From the looks of it – napalm!

    Full Member

    Link to full image for closer inspection


    Nope. Even at high res I still can’t make out a lawn.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    That there’s some high bait for low summer 🤭

    (3, maybe 4 pages)

    The answer is of course graboids, the images shall be along shortly

    *Edit gosh darn @joshvegas beat me to it 😝

    In other news a popular google search is: ‘are graboids real?’


    Full Member

    Does it remind anyone else of Bill Murray’s lawn in St Vincent? 😉
    Lawn trim

    Full Member

    They appear to be mostly in pairs

    Lugworm burrows

    Full Member

    Could be sand worms. Has the OP been mining Spice recently?

    Full Member

    Lugworm burrows

    The photo was taken after the tide had gone out?

    Well that would certainly help to explain the poor quality of the OP’s lawn.

    Full Member

    You wear 5:10’s and roll on a Butcher tyre I think?

    Full Member

    Takes real courage to come on here calling that a lawn.
    Respect is due ✊

    Full Member

    You wear 5:10’s and roll on a Butcher tyre I think?

    510s: yes

    tyres: try again!

    Full Member

    Do foxes or badgers dig toilet holes in grass?

    I run across a golf course and in one section, near some trees next to the boundary(?) is a series of holes filled with large, slimy black turds.

    There’s never any poo outside of the holes, and some of the holes are empty, but the poo’s are only ever in the holes. That or a very well trained dog.

    Full Member

    tyres: try again!

    My sight is failing these days…. 😉

    Free Member

    Do foxes or badgers dig toilet holes in grass?

    Badgers do for sure. The badger latrine is most likely what you are seeing.

    We had a badger visit our garden for a few years and after a while it decided to make a little golf-hole-sized poo-pit and to fill it with tarry gifts.

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