Home Forums Bike Forum what bar width???

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  • what bar width???
  • kwack
    Free Member

    Currently running 740mm on the spec enduro..now I have moved the gear shifter outboard of the brake levers to get a better position..it does seem more natural but I find that ibrest half my palm off the edge of the bar as I catch my knuckles on the shifter which isn’t really comfortable

    Would going to a wider bar solve this.any good info on getting the right position on a bike

    Don’t really want to spend loads on a new bar for nothing.. So any cheap bars about


    Free Member

    Move the shifter further away from the grip. There’s a solid 2″ between the inner edge of my grips and the brake lever clamp. The shifter clamp sits outboard of (nearer the grip) but right up against the brake lever clamp, a good 1.25″ away from the grips. The shifter should be set so you have to stick our thumb out to use it, not a stretch but definitely out of the way of the grips. With my elbows up and a little out, if I stretch my pointer finger out (it’s pointing in towards the wheel a good bit because of the angle of my hands) it just catches the end of the brake lever.

    Free Member

    What he said… Move shifters and brake levers further inboard.

    Never ceases to amaze me the number of nice bikes I see setup with the brake levers butted up against the grips, where they’re as good as ineffective!

    Full Member

    Wider bars won’t fix the issue you have because it’s not about bar width, it’s about control position. Fanny about with it further. With some brake/shifter combos it can be quite tricky to get a good setup though I’d have thought an enduro’ll have avids which usually play well with other kit

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