Its folk like this is whats wrong with the country……a sense of entitlement.
I was ALWAYS brought up not to be in debt, if i cant afford it then save up for it, by the time you’ll have decided whether you actually do really need it or not. If you cant afford it, forget about it until you can.
If you cant afford private school, then you can’t. If you can work out a way then fine.
I can’t stand people like this, i bet they have a circle of ‘friends’ that they deep down despise and are in silent competition with. Probably drive a Discovery to do the school run in – it’s never seen mud. Eff off with your pretentious kids names it makes everyone cringe when you shout it across the park when they run off in their Ralph Lauren wellies!
Or……just move out of London, work normal hours, live in a normal house and enjoy playing with your kids in the summer evenings. Relax and get in to a bit of yoga.