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  • Wasp sting, advice
  • neil853
    Free Member

    I got stung by a wasp on Wednesday, the swelling wasn’t too bad on the first day but since then the area around the ankle (where i was stung) has swollen so much that its painful to walk and affecting movement. I took some benadryl ysterday and today i’ve had some ibuprofen. Reckon I should just let it run its course or head to the doctors?

    Free Member

    Same as you, except I was stung on the head. The area around my right eye is swollen and I’m now taking Antihistamines to reduce the swelling. It’s not painful though.

    Free Member

    swollen so much that its painful to walk and affecting movement


    I’ve been stung so many times it’s like i’m a wasp magnet (face, mouth, testicles, kneecaps, including one incident when I was stug about 40 times on the leg after kicking a wasps nest), and I’ve never had a reaction like that.

    Sounds like you’ve had some sort of allergic reaction, I’d get it checked. Worth knowing for future in case you’re ever stung somewhere more important :)

    Free Member

    find other wasps and murder them all. the satisfying feelings of retribution/revenge will mask your pain.

    Free Member

    Antihistamine tablets twice a day and get some benadryl cream and rub on affected area…

    Free Member

    the ibuprofen seems to be taking affect though now, just got up from my desk and it’s undoubtably better. Just don’t want to waste a doctors time……

    Free Member

    Wasps. The only thing they understand and respect is napalm.

    Use it with all prejudice.

    Full Member

    I think stings and bites are always worse around your lower leg & you end up with loads of fluid sitting in the area.
    A mate got bitten by a horsefly last year in Spain & he ended up with a cankle, where the calf & ankle merged into one swollen mess.

    Keeping his foot elevated in the evening helped, but during the day it would swell up like a balloon.
    I had a similar bite while camping this year on my lower leg & it swelled very badly.

    I’d whack some savlon/germolene on the bite area too, just to stop any infection.

    Free Member

    An update to my wasp sting swelling.

    The swelling has started to encroach my eye with sweats and a headache so I phoned my local surgery for advise and they told me to come in to see a doctor. He checked my pulse, tongue(for swelling) and airways which were all fine and he sent me on my way. He’s recommended that I take Piriton 3 times a day along with Ibuprofen and Paracetamol for any pain and the swelling.


    Free Member

    I got stung twice on the face 1 by each eye riding at Stainburn a couple of months ago and it took a good week for swelling to go down. It actually got worse before it got better!

    Free Member

    I’m taking these one a day benadryls, reckon I can take more than that or not? shall I just stick to the one a day?

    Free Member

    find other wasps and murder them all. the satisfying feelings of retribution/revenge will mask your pain.

    Got stung a few years ago on the throat (still have a red mark), decided to kill every wasp I could find, carefully put them in a sealed jar on the windowsill as a warning to other wasps. Fine for about a month, then opened the jar to put another victim in, it had been festering in the sun and I got a lung full of the putrid smell, closest I’ve ever been to a five-finger spread without booze to blame. Still take great delight in killing the b’stards though. Where exactly do they fit in the food chain?

    Free Member

    I took two a day plus antihist cream…I live to tell the tale :wink:

    Free Member

    I’ve been stung so many times it’s like i’m a wasp magnet (face, mouth, testicles, kneecaps, including one incident when I was stug about 40 times on the leg after kicking a wasps nest), and I’ve never had a

    WTF 8O

    Do you deliberately seek them out and cover yourself in jam?

    Free Member

    after kicking a wasps nest

    Stop kicking wasp nests then and you might stop being stung…

    Free Member

    YOUR GP IS A DICKHEAD; you have got a nasty bacterial infection from the wasps’s filthy sting. get back there NOW and demand antibiotics fast or you’re heading for septicaemia. Look it up; it will kill you.

    The sweating is a consequence of the fever your body is generating in a desperate attempt to kill the bacteria that are flooding your system.

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