I normally do a route from Boot, however if Nether Wasdale is your statr point and if you dont mind a hike a bike (not a long one) to start climb up Irton fell which is a grassy carry after a scoot through the woods. The descent through Miterdale forest is nice technical singletrack. Head east through the valley beside the river and climb gradually up towards Burnmoor Tarn and cut south towards boot, descend into boot for a pub stop then climb out North (retrace your steps slightly which is a good ride up and down) over to Burnmore Tarn then a cracking descent into Wasdale Head and back along the road. Great route – thats some pretty good lakes biking that one.
For some stupid hike a bike stuff there is up the front of great gable from wasdale head past styhead tarn mad luggage boulders descent into seathwaite up honister pass on the road then either climb off road and descend beside Warnscale or stay on the road to Gatesgarth then up and over Scarth Gap and Black Sail Pass. All of Great Gable, Scarth Gap and Blacksail and carry’s on the way and “proper mountain biking” I believe was stw’s article title of the same route – not for the light hearted.