Have you considered trapping them? Its the new all extreme subsuburban persuit!
all you need is a ground net (the kind you see people walking onto then being lofted up into the air, featured in films), an issue one copy of The Ride magazine, a black bag marked Chris King or a brown bottle all make suitable bait.
I like to think of them as pokemon characters but with ICT skills and varying, always bizarre, sociopathic abilities.
I’ve currently got ten in the stable, Horses seem to cater for all their needs, from food through to, well you get the idea. But I’m hoping to collect at least ten more this weekend as it sees the first field trials of the “Rohpyphol Curtain”; a device I’ve constructed that goes in the canopy between two trees and sprays a fine but dense mist “curtain” of Rohypnol. I’ll be selling these units in the classified section of this site.
*coming soon* “The Dusting” RC Helicopter attachments (as seen at the Tour de France)