Home Forums Bike Forum want a really simple single pivot brake/ Cougar Chariot Brake Bodge advice

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  • want a really simple single pivot brake/ Cougar Chariot Brake Bodge advice
  • mugsys_m8
    Free Member

    I guess this could kind of go in the wanted, but I'm after alternative ideas too.

    I'm wanting to mount a brake to go on our Cougar Chariot when in stroller mode. Now you can buy a kit for about £80 (see here:cougar brake)
    which is essentially bits of alloy, some bolts and a big old fashioned single pivot brake. So I'm after bodging something up instead.

    I thought of using a V brake, as I have a spare one, but then I would need monuting points 'below' the wheel rim and this is less easy to arrange. I can't find what I want in Decathlon (which suprised me)…

    So does anyone have a deep drop single pivot brake suitable for a wide rim (i.e. mtb width)? OR has anyone bodged anything similar?

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    Free Member

    some sort of pivoting lever that applies to the tyre itself… aka how it is on our Charriot trailer ?

    Free Member

    Simonm: could you send me some photos? Would be very much appreciated.

    Free Member

    Find an old U-brake?

    Free Member

    Could you bodge something using some V-brake studs mounted to a brake booster, with another brake booster on the front? Should be up to the job. You'd need to find some way of mounting it to the stroller. If you're handy with your hands you could fabricate the rear plate out of 5-6mm aluminium plate, and integrate a mount.

    EDIT: a BMX u-brake would place the pivots closer to the mounting point, to less strain on the pivots. I think…

    Free Member

    hmmm why did I throw my old HS33's away…..
    I think I would like to pretty much make one as per the chariot made one.

    Has anyone got a suitable brake ?

    Free Member

    not my pic but something like this,

    Free Member

    surely you either want a single pivot bmx brake (diacompe do thousands, none of them work very well) or a single pivot to vbrake booster plate and drop your old vbrake on it?

    Full Member

    No pictures but I just bought the kit.

    An extra bar that is wiggly and can fold back underneath (not that I ever bother when it's in bike mode) with a brake attached. The brake is rubbish but that actually makes it better as my latest discovery is if you use the lock on the lever on a certain gradient you don't have to hold the brake on and you just lightly hold the bars and it takes no effort going downhill.

    Well worth the money if you do a lot of walking where there are plenty of downhills.

    I wouldn't trust it to hold my child safely though if I was leaving the chariot unattended. The main brake is better for that.

    If I remember I'll get some pictures.

    Full Member

    I tell a lie this is the best image of the arm and brake.

    Right click and view image will get you a bigger pic.

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