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  • Wales… a land of fatties?
  • zilog6128
    Full Member

    This year I’ve been to Norway, French Alps and Wales (Brecon) – all areas with similar (mountainous) terrain.

    In Norway most of the locals are very active & outdoorsy, hiking, walking, skiing etc. I saw no overweight people in the rural areas and only a very few in the cities. (I’m guessing the general expense of alcoholic beverages is also a contributing factor).

    The Alps were similar, a few more overweight people (although some of those were out walking in the mountains too!)

    In Wales of course there are overweight people everywhere. Apart from a few keen bikers/walkers the locals seemed happy to ignore the scenery. A real shame & really highlighted the cultural differences to me.

    (This post is not slagging the Welsh specifically as obviously the whole UK has a similar obesity problem; I only mention them as the landscape is very similar to the other places I went which did not have obvious obesity problems).

    Free Member


    I dont think Brecon really compares with Norway and the Alps. I work in Brecon and there is massive problem with poverty – any money that is around comes from the sais who retire there. Unfortunatly the scenery doesnt pay the bills etc.

    Full Member

    No, but a walk in the mountains costs less than spending all afternoon in the boozer, surely?

    Full Member

    Thursday on Pen Y Fan was as busy as a shopping arcade*, so there doesn’t seem to be any shortage of folk finding time to walk in the hills. On the whole I don’t think Wales stands out any better or worse than any other part of the UK for obesity IME

    *fantastic and annoying all at the same time, 😀 everyone from toddlers to grannies which was ace to see, but not the place to go if you want a tranquil walk in the hills 😆

    Free Member

    I’ll be sure to mention that to some of my clients on Monday. I’m sure they would love to spend their time roamng the hills instead of scratting around at their minimum wage jobs and other hobbles.

    Free Member

    Try visit GeordieLand … 😆

    Full Member

    I’ll be sure to mention that to some of my clients on Monday. I’m sure they would love to spend their time roamng the hills instead of scratting around at their minimum wage jobs and other hobbles.

    How can you be sure? I doubt it to be honest. I would be surprised if the majority didn’t view it as a complete waste of time.

    Like I said I wasn’t slagging the Welsh specifically. I got talking to a group of lads in a pub beer garden (without being a nob about it, in a relatively deprived area) this afternoon when I stopped about 15 miles from home to grab a coffee. They asked me where I was going to and couldn’t believe I was actually cycling that far. I didn’t tell them I’d already ridden 60 miles; their brains would have melted.

    The whole “poverty must equal obesity” argument is bullshit though; it’s down to peoples’ attitudes and cultural influences.

    Free Member

    I was quite tempted by a deep fried Bounty bar today.

    Full Member

    the whole “poverty must equal obesity” argument is bullshit though; it’s down to peoples’ attitudes and cultural influences.

    Its a correlation you daft self righteous ****.
    Havent you got some code to write or somethi g?

    Free Member

    The whole of Britain is in a downward spiral of laziness, sloth and gluttony. Not just wales.

    Full Member

    Its a correlation you daft self righteous ****.
    Havent you got some code to write or somethi g?

    ❓ You’re obviously an angry person who lacks the maturity to have a civil discussion. I wouldn’t normally waste my time on that sort of person but as it happens, it’s my day off so, no, no code to write (not that I do that anyway). No, it’s not a correlation. There is no obesity epidemic in countries which are much, much poorer than Wales. It’s purely down to lifestyle.

    The whole of Britain is in a downward spiral of laziness, sloth and gluttony. Not just wales.

    Agreed. 🙁

    Full Member

    So if there is no correlation how can it be “down to attitudes and cultural influences” as you asserted at first? I’m lost as to what your poorly thought through point is. How do cultural influences make you fat? Are they correlated with something? One min its cultural influences and the next its purely lifestyle, make your mind up.

    Free Member

    The whole of Britain is in a downward spiral of laziness, sloth and gluttony. Not just wales.

    +1 And most with awful tattoos as a mark of honour!

    Free Member

    I like this song … used to sing it as a kid. :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    How do cultural influences make you fat?

    Drinking as a sociably acceptable addiction? Plenty of calories in beer
    Cycling is for poor people or the very weird who can’t afford an Audi/BMW? (To the general public not STW users)
    A lazy culture where any issues are somebody else’s problem to solve? (Blaming outside influence rather than ones own actions of ordering another pizza)

    All of the above with a question mark and a ‘maybe’

    Free Member

    The problem with the illustration/driagram posted by Kimbers above, is tat it uses the median rather than the mean income. Which does not paint a very accurate picture of actual wealth; Tower Hamlets for example seems to be a relatively wealthy are, where in reality, the majority of residents live on incomes wel below the national average. The mdian is skewed grossly by the fact a very small minority earn ridiculous sums of money. The mean average is still skewed due to this, but wuld represent a fairer image of reality there.

    Cycling is for poor people or the very weird who can’t afford an Audi/BMW? (To the general public not STW users)

    I think that in London at least, this perception is shifting, as it is in fact wealthier middle class types who tend to cyle more, even desptite Halfords best efforts to punt chea pshit to the masses. Indeed,the humble bicylece is even becomeing a bit of a fashion accessory for some groups.

    Full Member

    Solo – Member
    Anyway, yes, it’s shocking to see the obesity epidemic that originated in the US, now develop here in the UK. I am witness to this, but my judgement only goes as far as my belief that if people were better educated, they’d chooose a better diet for themselves.

    If only it were that simple.

    I may be naïve in this belief but I feel that nobody really screws their body up and risks shortening their life, deliberately, wrt being over weight.

    You underestimate the effects of self loathing and self hatred that many people live with on a daily basis.

    We all know the effects of obesity, smoking, drug use, lack of exercise etc.
    You can educate people all you like.
    But if you genuinely have a problem with self image and are convinced of your own worthlessness then all the BMI charts in the world are not going to help you to look after yourself.

    If you feel you don’t deserve happiness, if you’re not particularly fussed if you live or die, then why bother trying?

    Don’t rise to the bait, remember that there will be many folk who have never and will never experience the condition you have. It’s tough, but it is what it is. Don’t let it get to you.

    Keep up the good fight CG.
    Your contributions on this topic are always appreciated.

    Free Member

    Zilog6128 – maybe the poor, fatty, boozy Welshies you met in the beer garden were so surprised you were about to pedal 15 miles more so because you seemed a bit too thick to find your way home that far? Or maybe they were just humouring you ..

    I mean – you are clearly showing how thick you are here by just a few written comments. In person I bet you are even more amusing.

    Free Member

    3.5 years ago I was 10 stone and not slow on a bike. I got sick. I take pills which make me fat. These tablets stop me self harming and killing myself.
    I’m now 15.5 stone. I’m 5 foot 6.
    I can’t ride a bike.
    I’m Welsh.
    Anybody have a problem with that I’ll happily discuss it further.

    Free Member

    I live in Wales and agree with the OP that at least anecdotally, there seems to be more fat people in Wales. Diet is really poor here, and a lot of people seem to have very little self-respect, mainly eating junk food and doing little or no exercise. Similar to the rest of the UK but worse than a lot of places. Remember Wales is generally poor and there is an inverse relationship between healthy diet, exercise and weight on the one hand, and income on the other.
    Just to add that having read some of the posts above, I understand that for a lot of people, eating is mainly an enjoyment activity. For some people it is an enjoyment activity which they over-indulge in. The only way to address such a situation is to ask why people are so unhappy that they want to eat themselves to death. Likewise why people want to abuse, alcohol, drugs, cigarettes. However, the answer is not simple and isn’t one that many people would want to acknowledge, mainly that our modern Western society is fundamentally flawed.

    Free Member

    Remember Wales is generally poor and there is an inverse relationship between healthy diet, exercise and weight on the one hand, and income on the other

    being poor never used to mean you were more likely to be fat though, i can understand literacy and numeracy rates are falling and low in the U.K compared to the rest of Europe but there is much more information about diet being pushed by all media, most ‘poor’ people have a huge TV and a smartphone so it’s not like they are immune to the slim= good and healthy fat = bad propaganda

    Free Member

    Anecdotal I know, but the department in N. Wales where I work is populated by people who weigh more than is good for them. All are pretty well paid and “middle class”. I get objectified as “skinny”. What’s notable is the collective norm and culture of being overweight. Chunky is the average and normal is “skinny” and obsessive. I would simply describe myself as “active” (and able to pinch an inch, or two!).

    Free Member

    @Aplin – predictive text issues?

    Should have read “Wales… a land of Taffies?

    Free Member

    being poor never used to mean you were more likely to be fat though, i can understand literacy and numeracy rates are falling and low in the U.K compared to the rest of Europe but there is much more information about diet being pushed by all media, most ‘poor’ people have a huge TV and a smartphone so it’s not like they are immune to the slim= good and healthy fat = bad propaganda

    I agree and that’s because our society has changed considerably since the poor were “thin”. The poor and the majority of the population have higher incomes than in the past, but they are less happy.

    Free Member


    Only for the south Welsh. Us North Welsh aren’t taffies. 😕

    Free Member

    I’m sitting in a villa in Cyprus observing my fat neighbours while reading this,.

    Couldn’t agree more with the comment that people eat too much and don’t exercise.

    I’m looking at a prime example right now. These people get up at 1 pm everyday (well the last eight anyway) and waddle out onto the poolside, they dip in it to keep cool but the most strenuous thing they do is go by car at 2 pm to get kebabs from the local village, ( only the fella goes I’m suspecting his mrs guards the fridge and biscuits from their kids)

    They lay around until 5 then disappear inside again until 7 when a taxi picks them up and takes them into town with their kids, they return around 2 and repeat this everyday.
    I would like to think they are doing something other than just stuffing their faces but I doubt it.

    This ,as the prickly humourless amongst us may point out is none of my bloody business and I couldn’t agree more which is why when I see one of them convulsing during a huge seizure I shall walk straight past.

    Rubbish food + big portions + no exercise is why people are fat

    Full Member

    As always, thanks to Solo and Rusty_Spanner for their kind words. 😀

    Mention must be made of the UK thyroid forum that I use where 17,000 members are desperately trying to regain their health.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    17’000? And that’s just the people using that forum. How many people UK-wide suffer from thyroid-related weight problems & what percentage of the overweight population does that represent?

    To be fair i must point out that I’m not a healthy eater overall, & that i would also be overweight if i didn’t do the amount of exercise that i do. Its too easy to eat badly and drink too much booze but its a lot harder for many to fit in a decent amount of exercise without radically changing your routines.
    That’s the crux – people want to be healthier but don’t want to make the effort or change their lifestyles/routines.

    PS – I weigh 9 stone 6lb as of this morning, put 4lb on over my holiday due to eating/drinking & not riding 150 miles a week.
    Its easy for me, i don’t drive so HAVE to cycle to work. I don’t have kids so i have the time etc. Those who work too far away to ride, those who have kids don’t have the time i do.

    Free Member

    How many people UK-wide suffer from thyroid-related weight problems & what percentage of the overweight population does that represent?

    According to NHS direct 0.015% of women and 0.001% of men in the UK have an underactive thyroid, symptoms of which include weight gain.

    Free Member

    AdamW – Member


    Only for the south Welsh. Us North Welsh aren’t taffies.

    True, you lot are mostly from Cheshire in your holiday homes! 😉

    Free Member

    I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the sheep we keep as sex slaves ..

    Free Member

    Oi @rogerthecat. Outside! Naaaaah!

    (cos it’s raining I want to see you get wet!) 😀

    Free Member

    I didnt know Adam W was a gog 😆 a weird species your gog 😉

    Full Member

    Babies are even born fat here

    Full Member

    According to NHS direct 0.015% of women and 0.001% of men in the UK have an underactive thyroid, symptoms of which include weight gain.

    In my case it’s hereditary but for people like myself it’s not just a case of taking a pill a day.

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