Home Forums Chat Forum Vitamin D Deficiency???

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  • Vitamin D Deficiency???
  • GJP
    Free Member

    Got a call from my GPs surgery this morning following some blood tests last week asking me to come in to collect a prescription that my GP had written.

    Turned up this evening to be given two prescriptions for two medications which I believe are for Vitamin D2 and D3 respectively.

    Anybody else ever been prescribed anything like these from their GP?

    I am wondering whether I couldn't I make up for any deficiency through a change in diet or through some standard multi vitamin/mineral supplement or whether there may be something underlying the problem (e.g. having an underactive thyroid etc)

    No bendy bones so not Ricketts as far as I can tell!

    Free Member

    the underlying problem is the lack of sunshine!

    Free Member

    xherbivorex – Premier Member
    the underlying problem is the lack of sunshine!

    Yes, I did have a bit of a WTF moment – laughing about it with colleagues at work this morning. No prescription for 2 weeks winter sun on the NHS 😥

    Free Member

    i wasn't actually entirely joking- friend of mine had a similar diagnosis late last year when being checked for possible relapse with her depression and her GP suggested that the lack of sunshine generally last year was causing many more people than normal to be experiencing depression/S.A.D.-like symptoms… but yeah, shame the ideal prescription isn't available!

    Free Member

    xherbivorex – I am bi-polar so no stranger to depression and there is certainly a seasonal element to it – once the clocks change at the end of Oct my mood worsens until Feb or so.

    Free Member

    That would seem to explain why i'm back on the happy pills exactly a year after being prescribed them the 1st time!

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