I'm gonna sound o so sad for this one … and some of the younger generation just simply wont have a clue … and some my age may think " happy days "
In ye olden days before the playstation and xbox, when us young whipper snappers used to cycle about on raleigh burners, raleigh lizards, girven flex stems and rock shox forks were a thing of marvel and awe, etc etc we got our technological computer game fixes on such machines as Amiga's and Atari ST's.
Such machines in those days as well as good graphics ( for the time ) had great ( for the time ) sound & music, to the point that you knew a game by its tune alone and not necessarily the graphics of the game play.
Now the game which had the best tune of the era imho was one by the Bitmap Brothers called Speedball 2.
This had an intro tune which is apparently a computer version of an original tune called Brutal Deluxe by Nation 12.
( you can hear the tune here : SpeedBall 2 )
Searching around, I just dont seem to be able to find the original tune … I can find other things by Nation 12, but not Brutal Deluxe.
Does anyone know if it exists?
Lastly, I never knew that Xenon 2's theme came from the theme of Assault on Precinct 13 … aint youtube interesting sometimes 😐