I was out for a very easy ride with the better half yesterday and could hear a very noticeable clunky creak from my bike.
It always makes the occasional noise (I’m told this is a design feature of the five) but this sounded like metal twisting or a ceased bearing.
It was common but intermittent, creaking for maybe a minute then silent (as it gets) for maybe five or ten minutes, creak, quiet etc. and pretty much regardless of surface be it smooth fresh tarmac or bumpy farm track it was the same.
I’m fairly confident it’s not the BB – both feet off pedals and the noise persisted.
Equally stand on the pedals out of the saddle and it persisted so thinking is not saddle rails or seat post.
I looked over the bearings when I got home, all looked ok as best I can tell, no obvious play or slop.
So I guess what I’m asking is has anyone broken a five frame? Any ideas where I should look for cracks or bits that are prone to being creaky? How easy/difficult is it to remove the bearings to check them over?