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  • USA american online shops?
  • reggiegasket
    Free Member

    I’ve done a search but nothing came up. I’m aware of Aspire Velotech but i was wondering if anyone has some other shops they know about and/or have used and can recommend.


    Free Member

    jensonusa.com I use a lot. They normally have some pretty good deals on Frames too. Although with the Pound being crap against the dollar Wriggle is pretty hard to beat. Just got some new pedals that were cheaper in Wriggle than anything I could find in the US.

    Free Member


    I’m after a EC70 seatpost – the older style with lots of layback but I can’t find any good deals at all, which is odd as there is a newer design out now with a new head and less layback.

    Free Member

    Perhaps because people, like you, still want the old one 🙂

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