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  • Unfriendly Roadies
  • moshimonster
    Free Member

    Recently I’ve been riding my mtb to the woods on the road rather than taking the car. It’s about a mile ride and a popular roadie route, so often pass by them on the way. What I’ve noticed when riding my mtb is that roadies totally blank you when passing (at least 8 out of 10 anyway). I always say hi to passing cyclists, whatever bike they are riding, but most of the roadies I’ve been passing recently are seriously up their own arses. They can’t even be bothered to nod their heads. Anyone else noticed this too?

    Free Member

    Yes. About a million insecure cyclists have commented on this before.


    Free Member

    Yes, I’ve noticed it too. When I’m driving to the woods to ride my bike, none of the other drivers will acknowledge me when I wave at them.

    Free Member

    nah, it’s just you that they don’t like

    Free Member

    *insert groundhog day gif here*

    Free Member

    When I’m driving I don’t wave at every passing car. Some rodies do, some don’t. doesn’t make them unfriendly, maybe focused on what they’re doing or enjoying the peace.

    Free Member

    I didn’t notice it until I got the road bike, then suddenly it was raining Hellos and waves.

    thing is waving/nodding/greeting cyclists is so second nature to me I frequently do it when driving – get some very confused looks.

    Free Member

    its a conspiracy sweepstake – all the roadies are in on it – one of the miserable b@st@rds will now be much better off having predicted when the next thread on “roadies not smiling” on STW will be

    I believe the competition runs weekly

    Free Member

    Hello, welcome to the forum.
    I can only guess you’re new here..

    Full Member

    Oh, this again, good.

    For future reference; the happiness of others is not directly related to their acknowledgement of your existence. It’s perfectly to be happy without interacting with you.


    Free Member


    Had to google that one! Guess I’m getting older, but there was a time (especially around small villages where I live) where cyclists would generally acknowledge each other when passing on the road. I was wondering if those days are over or if it was just a roadie v mtb thing. I don’t actually give a shit either, just wondered what the score was.

    Free Member

    It’s because roadies are always in the pain cave, therefore unable to come out of Zone 5 to acknowledge an inferior mountain biker.

    Free Member

    It’s not that we don’t wave at mountainbikers, it’s just that you’re really, really, ugly, and a bit chubby. Same with Froome, he’s not looking at his stem, he just really didn’t want to spend all day seeing Brad’s sideburns, that’s why he dropped him on that climb, now it’s just force of habit for him and he can’t stop unfortunately, so he looks at his stem a lot, and leaves people for dead on the climbs.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    just wondered what the score was.

    0 – 0

    Free Member

    For future reference; the happiness of others is not directly related to their acknowledgement of your existence. It’s perfectly to be happy without interacting with you.

    **** hell, I only raise a hand or nod my head to them. I’m not trying to flag them down for an in-depth discussion. This is not central London either, so it’s not like there are millions of people around.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Does this mean you used to *drive* the 1 mile to the local woods so you could ride your mountain bike?

    When I’m on my roadie I don’t say hi to anyone because I’m a hateful little shit

    Free Member

    Call my old fashioned but I also nod when passing people out walking (again I’m talking village location here, not a city centre) and you can 100% guarantee they will acknowledge unless they are complete social retards. That’s why I was thinking the roadies (most of them anyway) are a bit off.

    Full Member

    They are waving but it’s generally a subtle raise of the finger or a nod of the head, nothing more. You’re probably just missing it.

    Free Member

    Does this mean you used to *drive* the 1 mile to the local woods so you could ride your mountain bike?

    This was my first thought, but I decided that would be madness and I must have misunderstood.

    FWIW, I say hello to everyone generally, irrespective of bike (mine or otherwise) and if I’m ignored by a group it’s the #enduro weekend warrior types.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    Wouldn’t you be grumpy if you were cycling on those awful dangerously skinny tyres with them funny looking handlebars and sharp little saddles and couldn’t cycle anywhere but on tarmac full of potholes and cars and lorries and people stepping off the pavement without looking, breathing in all those lovely exhaust fumes.
    Take heart Mr MTBer because you are better than them and give a little shake of the head in pity as you turn off into the woods to have some proper fun.

    Free Member

    Does this mean you used to *drive* the 1 mile to the local woods so you could ride your mountain bike?

    No of course not. The trails in the local woods are pretty tame and the only reason I’ve started riding them recently is because I’m working from home and any riding is better than no riding.

    Free Member

    I was wondering if those days are over or if it was just a roadie v mtb thing

    there isn’t a roadie v mtb thing, its in your head. There are people who don’t wave at everyone doing a similar activity to them. some ride bikes.

    Free Member

    They are waving but it’s generally a subtle raise of the finger or a nod of the head, nothing more. You’re probably just missing it.

    No I was a roadie for years and always noticed the subtle gestures and most other riders did exactly that.

    Free Member

    Depending on what’s going on traffic wise they might be concentrating on not getting struck by the driver brushing her hair or squeezing a spot on his nose (I’ve seen both in recent days!).

    There’s a couple of riders I see regularly on my commute that never (and I mean never) acknowledge my hello/nod, both are on mountain bikes. Does that make MTBers miserable so-and-sos? No, it just means those two don’t want to say hello or don’t realise that people on bikes are communicative.

    Full Member

    moshimonster, welcome to the forum, btw. 🙂

    This comes up a lot on here.

    Waving at some roadies is fraught with risk, as it reminds them that they’re just people who ride bikes, like the rest of us.

    Those currently taking the piss are probably the same miserable cyclists who don’t wave at people.

    Let them get on with their insular little lives and keep smiling and waving.
    That annoys them even more.

    Full Member

    Maybe they can feel the neediness and are just repulsed.

    Free Member

    No I was a roadie for years

    See what happens when you leave the brotherhood.

    Free Member

    Those currently taking the piss are probably the same miserable cyclists who don’t wave at people.

    *waves at RS*

    Full Member

    I wave at sheep.

    Well, you never know.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    Sometimes when I’m riding my bike I’m so busy trying to breathe through my ears that I don’t really register/notice other riders until I’ve passed them. Sometimes that happens on my road bike.

    Free Member

    there isn’t a roadie v mtb thing, its in your head.

    Granted it’s about 10 years since I was a roadie, but back then other roadies used to nod when passing almost without fail. It was pretty standard etiquette. Are you telling me it’s changed or are you all riding around busy towns and cities where nobody would even stop if you dropped dead in front of them?

    Free Member

    For me it’s a mixture of town, rural, road, off-road, on a road bike/tourer/hybrid/MTB. Some riders say hello, some don’t. Most do. I don’t worry about those who don’t.

    Free Member

    Get with it grandad. 10 years ago the world was different, you could ride on the road without some **** in a steel box trying to murder you, people were held accountable for their actions *even if they were driving at the time*, the life of a roadie was free, easy, and long.

    Now we’re all seconds from death so what’s the point in being polite to strangers? If I’m on my road bike, I don’t know you but I do know that I hate you

    Full Member

    nobody would even stop if you dropped dead in front of them?

    You’re so desperate for attention that you would actually die to get it?

    Free Member

    Dunno if it’s changed, not something I notice really. If I don’t get a response to an acknowledgement, which is rare, then I don’t take note.

    Are they wearing sky kit? If they are then they’re really serious cyclists so don’t expect any hand gestures, not friendly ones anyway.

    Full Member

    nobody would even stop if you dropped dead in front of them

    People are *far* more likely to stop now than they were 10 or 15 years ago – they all want to be the first to get pictures up on social media “OMG!!!! This guy is like literally dying in front of me”.

    They still won’t actually help, obviously.

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