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  • under plans – Dog microchips to be compulsory
  • s
    Free Member

    So, if it does go ahead, will it make any difference to owners of violent dogs?


    Sounds like a licence scheme to me.

    What do the dog owners here think, good or bad idea?

    Free Member

    What about all the dog out there already without chips, how are they going to tag them?

    Full Member

    My dog’s chipped, no more bhp at all. Waste of money.

    Free Member

    Why isn’t it being done already?
    What are the arguments against?

    Free Member

    “Charities have broadly welcomed the rules, suggesting they could also help reunite lost dogs with owners.”

    that’s the only benefit.
    owners of illegal dogs won’t get their illegal dogs chipped.

    Free Member

    My dog’s chipped, no more bhp at all. Waste of money.

    *golf clap*

    Free Member

    Terrahawk +1

    We found a dog at work on Thursday morning, it appeared that the poor thing had been tied to a metal post all night. I would guess that the type of owner that would do that to a dog wouldn’t be the kind of owner that would go and get a dog chipped. The she had recently had pups so I would question whether the owner would get the pups chipped?

    Complete waste of time introducing compulsory chips for dogs imo.

    Free Member

    One day not too far in the future, people will be chipped.

    Free Member

    Dogs offer a companionship and increased quality of life to many on the edge of society, who can’t afford the cost of chipping or don’t have a fixed address (defies the point). On the flipside i’ve heard tails of dog theives ‘digging chips out’. Not nice. That said ours is chipped. But no, the people they are claiming to be trying to stop, will just ignore it.

    Free Member

    So, if it does go ahead, will it make any difference to owners of violent dogs?


    Many dog charity’s and councils offer low cost and even free microchiping now.

    Free Member

    Was the purpose of the old dog license to raise money or monitor stray dogs? What led to its abolition?

    Free Member

    What led to its abolition?

    It was 37p and pretty much un-enforceable.

    Free Member

    One day not too far in the future, people will be chipped.

    they’ve already rolled out the scheme to forum users – hence the number of people with chips on their shoulders..

    there’s a joke in there somewhere trying to get out but I can’t quite get a clear shot at it.. 😳


    Free Member

    Making it illegal for chavs to have staffies would be better. Should pass that as a law

    Free Member

    In respect to violent dogs/owners, it would be far more effective to make dog insurance compulsory, if for no other reason than giving the authorities a reason to impound the dogs.

    Full Member

    Good idea.

    Make it compulsory for all dogs.
    Grace period of say, six months.

    Employ people to check and then destroy any animal found without a chip if the owner refuses to go ahead.
    No need to do it with humans, we can all be traced pretty easily anyway.

    6000 people treated in hospital every year due to dog bites – obviously only a small proportion of owners are irresponsible, but it’s still quite a large number.

    Free Member

    6000 people treated in hospital every year due to dog bites

    I’m not sure how microchipped dogs would change this?

    My dog is chipped incase she gets lost, I have an interest in keeping the details up-to-date. If I was a chav with a vicious dog why would I have it registered under my real/name address?

    Even if ID has to be shown on first registration the details are easy to change at a later date.

    Full Member

    Chip could contain NI number of owner.
    Should be nicely traceable.

    I’ve been bitten twice, on both occaisions I knew where the owner lived, but both owners denied the dog was theirs.

    Free Member

    On the flipside if it is enforced effectively it should massively increase the number of people prosecuted for animal cruelty and mistreatment of their pets, and that can be no bad thing.

    Free Member

    As the system stands it’s easy to change the details that are linked to the chip, all you have to do is login online and change them.

    The system needs to have this change of details as a possibility. It could become more official – like cars for example – with ID/proof of address etc, but until this is added into the process then simply microchipping all dogs achieves nothing.

    Full Member

    Oh FFS another law. This is so typical of society today, make a new law, lay off the responsibility onto someone or something else. The government can say “We are doing something (so re-elect us)” instead of saying “You know what, in a democracy with freedom of choice bad things will happen. That’s how it goes”.

    Hey, what about cars? Hundreds of people die on the roads every year. Are cars banned? No. Guess why. Because car owners pay millions of pounds per year in taxes.

    For the record, my dog is chipped and insured, wormed, flea-ed, trained, walked blah blah blah

    Free Member

    Dogs offer a companionship and increased quality of life to many on the edge of society, who can’t afford the cost of chipping

    The article said “every newborn puppy” so unlikely to affect those owners. Furthermore if they can’t afford to microchip a dog then they almost certainly can’t afford to feed it. Plus charities like the Dogs Trust will do it for free anyway.


    Hey, what about cars? Hundreds of people die on the roads every year. Are cars banned?

    Calm down Karinofnine, no one has said anything about banning dogs.

    Full Member

    Hi Ernie. Not on this thread. But there have been others about muzzling/banning.

    You’re an anarchist. A true one I mean. Not those tossers one used to see with an A in a circle on their T-shirts. I reacted negatively to one of your earlier posts (thinking of the dole-ey image) but now I (think, hope) appreciate the ideal of people taking responsibility for/owning their behaviour. Much like witchcraft actually and close to my own ideals.

    But I digress… apologies to the OP.

    Yes, people get bitten by dogs. We get burnt by kettles, crushed by cars, fall off ladders, ingest various household poisons, cut ourselves with knives. Point is: the advantages of having all these things by far outweighs the disadvantages.

    As with gun owners, law-abiding dog owners will comply, others will cock a snoot and if their dog gets confiscated and destroyed – so what?

    Full Member

    Strikes me that a bit more time enfocing current laws would be beter than creating another that cannot be enforced.

    Free Member

    Well to be honest I’ve eased off the witchcraft recently – ever since the neighbours started complaining 😐

    Full Member

    My sympathies, and virgins are SO hard to come by these days …

    Free Member

    good idea, with a dna profile so that dog shit can be traced and owners fined, or at least have their noses rubbed in it.

    Full Member

    I will NOT get my dog chipped, ever.

    Free Member

    Once chipping is compulsory, we could have electric ramps at various point in cities and towns. When a dog goes over the ramp, it could track the chip. If there’s no chip, a fatal electric shock could be administered through the ramp.

    Free Member

    Rather than chip individual dogs, wouldn’t it be better to introduce a dog ownership licence? A potential dog owner would have to demonstrate that they can look after a dog properly and meet basic dog welfare standards, but also that they control the dog properly in a public place and deal responsibly with any waste etc.

    Fail to meet the basic standards and you can’t keep a dog…

    Free Member

    salsaboy – Member
    I will NOT get my dog chipped, ever.

    why not? Our’s is chipped. If she is ever stolen and taken to a vet for the first time the vet will scan her and find out she’s stolen.

    Our cat is chipped too in case he’s in an accident and the lambs have ear tags (one is RFID). If there was a chipping system for kids I’d have them done too!

    Full Member

    If there was a chipping system for kids I’d have them done too

    Hmmm drunk teenage kids picked up in street quick scan back on neck, beep! Police drag em home.

    I’d put a false address down, so there’s no chance of them coming back to me. 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve just come across this thread and having been involved in a campaign to publicise a lost dog on a national basis, chipping is a waste of time IMO. Fact: Owners do not routinely update the details on the chip. There are many “found” dogs who have out of date details and cannot be returned to their owners so they end up in a pound and after 7 days can be legally re-homed or put to sleep.

    For all those STWer dog owners who believe a chip will reunite you with your lost dog, I am afraid to advise you that there is no guarantee this will happen. Fact: Vets do not routinely scan dogs on a first visit. How do I know this? During the period that I helped to publicise “Rags” a group of volunteers spent a couple of weeks phoning, writing and emailing every veterinary surgeon in the UK.

    If you are unfortunate to loose your dog and it is killed on the Highways or Railways again, the local authorities who pick up these bodies, will dispose of them but will not scan them before their disposal. So what is the point of a dog being chipped? IMO, chip companies are making a fortune of a useless piece of equipment!

    So to, slightly hijack this thread of two accounts! If you would like to sign a petition enforcing Vets to scan all dogs, please click here: http://vetsgetscanning.co.uk/vets-get-scanning-petition/

    And secondly, here is Rags – if you see her please contact the owner via Doglost page: http://www.doglost.co.uk/dog_blog.php?dogId=32420

    Rags – just in case you see her!

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