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  • un-locked apple iPhone
  • hitman
    Free Member

    have seen that on eBay there are number of unlocked Apple iPhones. What’s the advantage of this? What sort of SIM card do you need to run the iPhone? I’d assume I can then run it on any network? Any advice, much appreciated

    Free Member

    You can indeed run with any network. But past software updates have ‘bricked’ jailbroken iPhones. Be very cautious, and don’t expect any backup if it all goes wrong.

    Free Member

    as andym says , i looked at it my self, but have decided to save up for the proper thing . also i have heard that not all the features work as they should, and you prolly get hammerd on the inter web side of it, as the current pagages thats all in , im after the 16gb , btw

    Free Member

    better solution is not to unlock the phone. There’s a fix that puts a chip in you sim so it’ll work regardless of network and with no risk to the phone. Just google “unlock sim iphone” and you should find it.

    Free Member

    simable is the name

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