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  • Ukraine
  • sree251
    Free Member

    Ukraine will be fine. Russia is not pounding it the way Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO.

    Full Member

    Ukraine will be fine. Russia is not pounding it

    russia has no business being in the Ukraine. Seems the russians have elected Hitler to lead them. How ironic.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Ukraine will be fine. Russia is not pounding it the way Yugoslavia was bombed by NATO.

    Brand new poster alert.


    Brand new poster alert.

    Free Member

    Ukraine is being used as a pawn by NATO and the EU to intimidate Putin.

    Full Member

    That completely ignores that Putin invaded before any EU or NATO action was started and that the EU and NATO have both been initially reluctant to get involved.


    Full Member


    … To the one above the one above

    Full Member

    Looks like sree has just joined us…they also made a valuable contribution to the nazi thread which sounds like they don’t think the knuckle dragging lunatics are a problem.

    Welcome to the forum.

    Free Member

    Before Putin invaded Ukraine, he warned the US (aka NATO) to stay out of Ukraine. Way back in 1992, after the dissolution of the USSR, the Cold War was over. That’s more than 30 years ago. But the US maintained NATO and advanced its encroachment on Eastern Europe against Russia. The US is doing the same thing in East Asia by maintaining US bases in South Korea long after the ending of hostilities in the Korean war 70 years ago. It seems that the US and its western allies are hell bent on global domination by confronting Russia and China. Buckle up. Looks like we are all rooting for a nuclear war.

    Is this our first confirmed communist? Sorry bud, no impressive spires to visit around here.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I do wonder which member he actually is though, the new troll?

    Let’s face it, it’s a current member using a second account isn’t it.😉

    Full Member

    Has anyone read anything regarding the outcome of the talks in Belarus? I’m not expecting anything much, but aside from “more talks in coming days” I’ve seen nothing.

    Full Member

    ^^ Nothing positive other than talks will continue. One Ukrainian MP mentioned that rockets/shelling actually increased after the talks ended…

    Classic Putin.

    Ukraine now preparing for an insurgency as Putin is obviously going to just hanger the cities info submission. The human body is going to be horrific.

    Full Member

    I do wonder which member he actually is though, the new troll?

    Let’s face it, it’s a current member using a second account isn’t it.😉

    It might be Dianne Abbott?

    Anyway… The Guardian are reporting a 40 mile long convoy of Russian vehicles heading for Kyiv. They’re not on their way to deliver humanitarian aid, are they?

    I fear we’re about to see something truly medieval in its barbarity. I hope I’m wrong. Those poor people about to find themselves on the receiving and of all that. And for what? To shore up the delicate ego of a fascist madman?

    Full Member

    I do wonder which member he actually is though, the new troll?

    Let’s face it, it’s a current member using a second account isn’t it.😉

    It might be Dianne Abbott or Jeremy Corbyn? They’re about the only people still banging this ‘NATO aggression’ drum, aren’t they?

    Anyway… The Guardian are reporting a 40 mile long convoy of Russian military vehicles heading for Kyiv. They’re not on their way to deliver humanitarian aid, are they?

    I fear we’re about to see something truly medieval in its barbarity. I hope to god I’m wrong. Those poor people about to find themselves on the receiving and of all that. And for what? To shore up the delicate little ego of a fascist madman?

    Full Member

    If the Ukranians still have planes and drones, as we are led to believe, why is there a 40 mile military traffic jam slowly advancing unscathed?

    Either things aren’t going as well as we’ve been led to believe, or they have a cunning plan…

    Full Member

    China are moving their citizens to Moldova apparently.

    Full Member

    If the Ukranians still have planes and drones, as we are led to believe, why is there a 40 mile military traffic jam slowly advancing unscathed?

    Either things aren’t going as well as we’ve been led to believe, or they have a cunning plan…

    I doubt they’re able to hit it any more and the invasion is starting to move into a new phase. I’ve obviously no real idea. But you would think lessons are being learnt by the invasion force as to what is opposing them.

    Full Member

    China are moving their citizens to Moldova apparently.

    Do you mean evacuating their citizens out of Ukraine and into Moldova?

    Free Member

    I think Ukraine is working towards having Russia kicked off the UN Security Council with this. Russia just took over the USSR seat, but there was never a vote to actually make Russia a UN member or SC member, apparently.

    Full Member

    Gosh we are honoured – we have our very own Trollski!! 😂

    Full Member

    @Binners I think sadly you are right. I don’t know about Mediaeval – mid 20th C will be bad enough..

    Full Member

    Gosh we are honoured – we have our very own Trollski!! 😂

    Is the next stage breaking out fancy bears just for little old STW?

    Full Member

    Battle of Grozny is worth reading up on. A lot of similarities including Russia’s initial overconfidence. Civilian casualties there were very high.

    Full Member

    Do you mean evacuating their citizens out of Ukraine and into Moldova?

    That’s probably a better way of putting it

    Full Member

    I wonder how Ukrainians successful defense over the last few days will force the RF to adapt their tactics. There may be a change from “a big enough army to look good on the telly, but not big enough to achieve much” to rolling in the 2nd and 3rd waves. If there’s a 40 mile convoy rolling towards Kyiv, they must at least think it’s safe enough from Ukrainian air defenses.

    Urban fighting in a city the size of Kyiv or Kharkiv is going to be horrific.

    Full Member

    Also I have to say, the idea that China and Russia are best of buddies and haven’t in fact come to brink of exchanging nuclear missiles more a couple of times over the last few decades, is a fun one.

    Full Member

    If there’s a 40 mile convoy rolling towards Kyiv,

    consensus elsewhere is its was poorly translated and its 4 mile convoy 40 miles away. none the less there seems a never ending line of convoys available

    Full Member

    Unfortunately I honestly can’t see now how this can end in a way other than the fall or surrender of the Ukraine, without direct Western intervention. It seems that Putin now has sufficient control to pretty much reduce Ukranian action to urban defence. Surrounding cities and pulverising them into submission looks like it will be effective, and there’s not going to be any response to that other than surrender, leading to Putin being able to pretty much have whatever he wants of the country.

    And once it’s over, how will the world unwind all this? Russia may withdraw, leaving a new government in place, so will the West still want to pay for reconstruction? Will refugees return? Will families be permitted to reunite, or will there be a new iron curtain? And how will we re-integrate Russia into the world after all the action and condemnation of the last few days? It’s obviously not possible to keep the sanctions in force for ever- the world is far different to the 1940’s and 50’s- so at some stage we are going to have to back down- and Putin will never apologise, so another win for him.

    Free Member

    I thought the Ukrainians were being re-equipped with aircraft from the EU today – that might explain the lack of air strikes on the convoy. Does anyone know how close to Kyiv that convoy is? Are logistics still a problem for the Russians?

    Full Member

    I think that bridges into Kyiv have been blown up, so that convoy (no matter the length) is looking at a) having few route choices and b) bunching up again.
    Ideal for some form of ambush, at
    location(s) the Ukrainian’s choose.

    Whichever way it is, we’ve a really horrific next phase starting it seems. 😢 🇺🇦

    Unless I missed it in here, Taiwan are sending aid!

    Free Member

    Watching Putin’s somewhat unhinged ranting on the telly yesterday, first thing that struck me was that his facial appearance suggests he could be on high-dose steroids. Being seriously immuno-suppressed could explain why he is sat at one end of the longest table of the world.

    Perhaps there’s a redemption arc for Covid in here somewhere.

    Full Member

    Apologies if the wrong place or thing to do, but watching BBC breakfast and the items on UK govt and restrictions on Ukrainian, and other refugees fleeing Ukraine, entering UK really wound me up. (If this is out of order Mods please remove post. Thanks)

    Fast track: Petition Parliament

    Waive Visa: Petition Parliament

    Free Member

    I thought the Ukrainians were being re-equipped with aircraft from the EU today – that might explain the lack of air strikes on the convoy. Does anyone know how close to Kyiv that convoy is? Are logistics still a problem for the Russians

    Last night it was 17 miles, and they haven’t been moving at night. So, within striking distance today 🙁

    Free Member

    I’m no military expert, but apparently it took US forces- even with all their shock and awe- 3 weeks to reach Baghdad, not that I thought that was a good idea but it gives you an idea of timelines

    Free Member

    Even during the Blitzkrieg in WW2 it took a couple of months to subdue the lowlands and France. This is what, day 6? I massively support Ukraine but trying to think rationally it seem like itvis very early days still

    Free Member

    Can someone explain how NATO is meant to be the aggressor here? Didn’t people just apply to join?

    The more plausible angle would be to argue that Ukraine didn’t honour the Minsk terms from a quick skim of the wiki page.

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