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  • UK terrorist threat level raised to 'severe'
  • thatscold
    Free Member

    I'm glad I'm not going anywhere with large groups of people this weekend….
    No Need To Panic

    Best get out on your bike.

    Free Member

    Mr Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent.

    Jimmy Hill

    Free Member

    I have just crapped my pants in anticipation.

    Free Member

    I think it's time for another beer

    Full Member

    im trying to find out. something is going on . my bro is non contactable 🙂

    Free Member

    be scared people, be very **** scared…..

    **** the government and their lies…..

    Free Member

    Mr Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent.

    But my intelligence tells me that a general election is imminent.

    Everyone loves a government which makes those difficult and tough decisions necessary to protect us.


    The decision to raise the threat level was not specifically linked to the failed Christmas Day bomb attack on a plane bound for Detroit or to any other incident, he said.

    Or to any other incident ? So it's basically linked to nothing at all then.


    "I would urge the public ………. to support the police and security services in their continuing efforts to discover, track and disrupt terrorist activity."

    And one of the ways the public can support the police and security services, is by going out and voting for this government which remains very focused on all the necessary counter terrorism measures.

    Free Member

    yeah, i meant what ernie said but he's put it much more eloquently than i could be bothered…..

    and i'm a bit stoned.

    Free Member

    obviously related to this topic… us photographers, we is coming for you 😈

    Full Member

    +1 ernie

    Free Member

    well put, ernie

    Free Member

    and +1 for me, too….

    Free Member

    General election coming up, Labour will save us from those awful made up terrorists!

    Free Member

    I find it hard to reconcile:
    "Mr Johnson stressed there was no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack was imminent." and
    "Severe is the second highest level on the scale"

    Free Member

    "The UK terror threat level is being raised from "substantial" to "severe", Home Secretary Alan Johnson has said."

    Oooo, get him!

    Free Member

    meanwhile, you're still more likely to win millions on the lottery or be killed in a car accident…

    Free Member

    Could this be bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.?

    Free Member

    Or Blair/Brown's illegal war painting a large bullseye over UK central.

    Full Member

    you'd have more chance of being involved in terrorst attack if the truth was known

    Free Member

    you'd have more chance of being involved in terrorst attack if

    you live in london…..

    Free Member
    Full Member

    "Sir, are you absolutely sure you want to go from blue alert to red alert? Only it will mean changing the bulb."

    Free Member

    you'd have more chance of being involved in terrorst attack if the truth was known

    Are you saying that every week more die in terrorist attacks in the UK than win the lottery or die car accidents ……… but they are keeping the truth from us ?

    Or are you saying that we are at more risk than we are told, because the government can't really stop a determined terrorist attack ?

    If it's the latter, I think I already knew that.

    If it's the former, then yes, I am surprised.

    Free Member

    i've just thought…ive ran out of cheerios.

    Free Member

    I'd agree with ernie. One big mistake the british government make is mixing us up with Americans. Suggesting that us, or something dear to us is about to be blown up, does not make us think about our voting preferences. Suggesting the golden gate bridge is about to be blown up might encourage americans to let a bill go through for more troops but I don't think similar tactics will so well on brits.[1]

    [1] I'm not suggesting that we as a country are more intelligent or better informed than Americans, merely that these primary school tactics don't work on us and they need to try something different.

    Free Member

    how far past naughty is severe? does it mean we're all in big trouble without gordon to protect us?

    Free Member

    Oh, and having worked for the government now for two weeks, I can confidentally report that's there's absolutely zero chance of them ever getting one over on the great unwashed. They employ some amazingly brilliant people who if left to their own devices could push us around like we were sheep on a farm for stupid sheep but sadly they have to deal with the red tape which drags every living member of the government down to a snail like crawl so they drive to work in their grey suits and their y-fronts, sit there doing **** all, bitch about something very gently, write two emails and then go home to die in their nissan note.

    Free Member

    but sadly they have to deal with the red tape which drags every living member of the government down to a snail like crawl

    it might be that such red tape is the only thing that saves us from being crushed by the bureaucracy! (See The Dosadi Experiment by Frank Herbert)

    If one were concerned about freedom, one would just ignore terrorism entirely – or perhaps address the injustices that precipitate it – as ordinary people outnumber hotheads by 10s of thousands to one, and even the most inventive terrorist can't actually kill many people, but instead our freedoms are discarded with such abandon we do the terrorists work for them 🙁

    Full Member

    I wonder why we have less freedoms now than during WW2 when we really had something to worry about.

    (Bl00dy Germans, bombing the **** out of us every night)

    Free Member

    'made up terrorists' – you obviously have a preety short memory alwyn

    Free Member

    you obviously have a pretty short memory alwyn

    Memory ? Why would you need to rely on "memory" ?

    According to the government the present terror threat level has just been increased due to the current and existing terrorist threat – not because of past terrorist activity.

    Despite the fact that there is no intelligence to suggest a terrorist attack is imminent.

    Nor is the decision to raise the threat level specifically linked to any incident.

    So it's not entirely surprising if people question whether these terrorists actually exist 💡

    Free Member

    Look bad in an enquiry = Assume the population are so thick they will love you again if you make them scared enough.

    Free Member

    As above there is a general election on the way

    Free Member

    I think it means there is a burst of chatter but the agencys have failed to identify a plot.

    Free Member

    Or perhaps the chatter has gone quiet. The calm before the storm.

    Free Member

    I appreciate that there are turrists that would do us harm and that the likelihood of them getting their act together to do something increases and decreases. Harry, Ros and Lucas need to know this so they can protect us from them but why do the rest of us great unwashed need to know? Will anyone really be more vigilant or do anything different because of this? I think it's partially linked to election and also a bit of PR perhaps to accompany GB and TB's visits to Mr Chilcott's office to get the slipper for being naughty.

    Full Member

    Cuts to security budget this week, coincidence?

    Free Member

    Spud – Member
    Cuts to security budget this week, coincidence?

    Nope. Now move along sir, nothing to see here.

    *goes out flyposting*

    Free Member

    …..there is always one.

    Free Member

    What is pathetic is your post fackit!

    No one is "shipped in" since the windrush in the 60s / 70s

    No new immigrant gets any benefits

    No one is deemed racist for assessing real risks. Labelling all imigrants in any sterotype might well be racist however. Remember we are a nation of immigrants.

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