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  • Tyre choice?
  • spikyjames
    Free Member

    Hi all,

    well with the trails drying up fairly rapidly i'm looking for something to go along with the Maxxis Aspen i have on the rear. I currently have one on the front aswell but it just doesn't seem grippy enough.

    They're both 2.1, what do you all rekon, same for the front just slightly bigger, i have read elsewhere that an Ardent 2.25 goes well.

    I'm taking part in the army's AYTE on Sunday, if it's as dry as last year i rekon i need more grip.

    thanks in advance for any recommendations.


    Free Member

    Nobody got any pointers on tyre choice?


    Free Member

    Are you not coming out tonight to ride the course? If so why not base it on that, as you'll have a better idea of the conditions.

    Agree last year it got so loose that grip was a real problem. I'm on a Rocket Ron/Furious Fred tonight, I guarantee you'll have more grip than me! Assuming it's not too wet that's what I'm planning to stick with though, hopefully the bit of rain we've had will dampen the dust slightly.

    Free Member

    I think so many tyre threads get started that people get tyre fatigue 😉

    On super smooth, hard trails then very low profile knobbles like the Aspen are good.

    On softer trails then something with more knobbles is good, like the Ardent or Advantage for example. The softer and muddier, the bigger the knobbles.

    On loose, dry trails or gravelly trails more knobbles is good again, but you could also give a 'micro-knobbly' tyre like the Kenda Small Block 8 or Maxxis Larsen a go.

    To be honest an Aspen rear and Ardent front sounds like a pretty sound summer tyre choice and should cope well.

    Full Member

    High roller 2.35? ADvantage 2.25? Both would give some more grip and not be too draggy.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys,

    @Njee20, yeah, i'll be out tonight, so will hopefully be able to make a better judgement after that.



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