I just find it depressing that we spend our time calling out idiotic behaviour (the Twitter nonsense) then allow the discussion to descend into ‘corrrr look at the xyz’s on that’.
You raise a fair point, it’s highly likely that anyone seeing that dress would end up being very distracted if they were riding a bike or driving. Perhaps we should treat the situation with the gravity it deserves.
We really don’t have to behave like moronic 14 year olds, it’s not compulsory.
No, but it is optional, and to be honest, pretty inoffensive when you compare it to DUI and deliberately running someone down with a ton of metal. But then, we all have our foibles, I suppose.
That’s not piety, it’s just being a little more civilised and grown up than the lowest common denominator.
It becomes piety when you start preaching from upon high about why such behaviour is so beneath you. Especially as I very much doubt any heterosexual male, yourself included (if you are heterosexual and male, if not, then please excuse this) wouldn’t have a certain amount of trouble talking to that lady’s face were you to meet her in that particular outfit…