I’m struggling to find a reason why Assad would suddenly use chemical weapons against his own people, especially in the middle of seemingly positive peace talks and when his regime were winning back areas from the rebels with the aid of Russia and, ostensibly, the US. There was nothing to gain and everything to lose for him. It just doesn’t add up.
A crime has been committed, who had motive and opportunity?
Rebels had the motive: Their only hope now is to draw the West into the War on their side and Assad using chemical weapons is about the only way to achieve that.
Assad had the opportunity: Eveyone agrees only Asssad has Sarin gas weapons. (If anyone does.)
So I have no idea who did it. Did a Rebel sympathizer at the Airbase load the wrong warhead? Did the rebels bribe/threaten someone at the Airbase to load the wrong weapon? Is that even technically possible? Did the rebels left of a Sarin Gas warhead they’d captured earlier in the campaign? Did someone on Assad’s side go mad and order it/do it?
I don’t think we’ll ever know what happened, but clearly Assad wouldn’t have anything to gain by this and everything to lose.