I have recently been made aware of a pension that I didn’t know I had (so essentially free money, right…) and for possibly the first time in my life I want to do something sensible with it.
It’s currently valued at £64k and I have a rather large mortgage that I will still be paying long after I reach retirement age. I’m trying to work out when would be the best time to cash some of it in and reduce the term of my mortgage. I’m got about 4.5 years left on a fix so am limited to how much I can repay.
If I withdraw 25% of the fund it will reduce the term by 2 years 4 months and save £19K in interest.
If I withdraw enough to cover the max allowed repayment it will reduce the term by 5 years 3 months and save £40k in interest.
My IFA’s advice is to move the pension fund (which I will have to do regardless of final decision as the current fund only allows me to withdraw the full amount, putting me firmly into the 40% tax bracket) but wait until the fixed rate period is up before making any payments off the mortgage. WWSTD?